Kamis, 19 Desember 2013



Sebuah catatan lain dari kunjungan ke rongga Bumi yang telah diceritakan oleh Norwegia lain, Olaf Jansen, yang terekam dalam The Smokey God yang ditulis oleh Wilis George Emerson dan dipublikasikan pada tahun 1908. Buku ini menceritakan pengalaman seorang ayah warga Norwegia/Norse dan anaknya dengan perahu nelayan kecil mereka berusaha untuk menemukan 'dataran di Angin Utara' yang pernah mereka dengar. Sebuah badai rupanya membawa mereka melewati permukaan kutub dan masuk ke bagian rongga Bumi. mereka menghabiskan waktu selama dua tahun di sana dan setelah kembali melalui Kutub Selatan, sang ayah kehilangan nyawanya ketika sebuah gunung es pecah terbelah menjadi dua dan menghancurkan perahu. Anaknya terselamatkan. Dan dia menceritakan semua kisah yang luar biasa, dan dia dimasukkan ke penjara karena dianggap gila dan tidak ada yang percaya padanya. Setelah dia dibebaskan dan menghabiskan waktu dua puluh enam tahun sebagai nelayan, ia pindah ke Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun sembilan puluhan ia berteman dengan George Wilis Emerson dan menceritakan kisahnya. DI atas ranjang pada ujung kematiannya ia juga memberikan peta kepada Emerson bahwa ia telah membuat peta rongga Bumi itu bersama dengan naskah yang berkaitan dengan pengalamannya.

Istilah The Smokey God mengacu pada Matahari Sentral yang terdapat pada interior rongga Bumi yang ukurannya lebih kecil dan kurang bersinar dari Matahari yang berada di luar dan terlihat lebih berasap.

Dia mengatakan di sana orang-orang hidup selama 400-800 tahun dan tinggi dua belas meter atau lebih. Teknologi ilmiah mereka sangat maju. Mereka dapat mengirimkan pikiran yang sama ke yang lainnya dengan menggunakan jenis radiasi tertentu dan mereka memiliki sumber daya yang lebih besar dari listrik. Mereka membuat 'pring terbang' yang dioperasikan oleh kekuatan superior mereka yang diambil dari elektromagnetik pada atmosfer.

Perlu dicatat pada tahun 1942, Nazi Jerman mengirimkan ekspedisi yang terdiri dari beberapa ilmuwan terkemuka dalam upaya untuk menemukan pintu masuk ke rongga Bumi. Goring, Himmler, dan Hitler sangat antusias mendukung proyek ini. Fuhrer yakin bahwa Bumi ini cekung dan ada manusia yang hidup di dalamnya sebagai bagian dari bola Bumi.

Di dalam 'The Hollow Earth' Bernard bercerita tentang sebuah foto yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1960 dalam 'Globe and Mail' di Toronto, Kanada yang memperlihatkan lembah yang indah dengan bukit-bukit hijau subur. Penerbang itu menyatakan bahwa gambar itu diambil dari pesawat saat ia terbang keluar dari Kutub Utara.

“The Smokey God”, written by Willis George Emerson
~translated by Birru Sadhu~

Can You Hear What I Hear? Receiving the Gifts of This Holy Season

Can You Hear What I Hear? Receiving the Gifts of This Holy Season  
Shanta Gabriel For Archangel  
December 16, 2013

Dear Ones,

Hark! The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? They are inviting you into their midst. The Angels are calling you to rejoice in the Divine Love and Light streaming onto the planet during this special time called Christmas.

Can you hear the Angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your whole being to be receptive to these Divine Messengers who have watched over you throughout your soul’s existence. They are here now with one voice singing the idea of Unity within all beings. Making a joyful noise, they offer you the gifts of Divine Light and a Love beyond your understanding. Receive it into your heart and shine this blessed Light out into the world.

Just be receptive now and allow Divine Grace to fill your being. This is one of the Angelic Gifts being offered at this time. Grace is needed to sanctify the Earth, and to bring greater coherence, respect and an honoring of the gifts the Earth supplies in abundance. It is time for the people to offer to themselves and to their planetary home the nurturing it needs to sustain life. When humans honor the Earth, they also honor the elements of themselves that make up the Earth.

Your Birthright

In fact it is your birthright to live in harmony with the Earth, to feel Divine Love in your being and the power of Life Force surging through you in ever-increasing waves. Allow it to spark every cell in your body and increase love in your being. As you do this, you glow as a radiant light. It shines forth from you and you become the Light to the World that the earth needs right now. It is a choice for you to make moment to moment, and requires you to create an intention to receive the harmony you want in your life, and a mental flip of the switch within your thoughts to create it.

Becoming a Light to the world is not arrogant. When one carries conscious awareness of Higher Truth, it becomes your duty. As the apparent darkness of chaos and fear are so obvious, what could you need more than Light? At this holy time the Light of the Christ energy is more available than ever before. This blessing carries the energy of Divine Love into your heart and out into your world.

Feel this Light in you that holds the divine qualities of Wisdom and Love, and share it with others. Radiate Light to your government and the world leaders. Send it to areas of chaos in the world, and to those who work hard to ease the suffering in those places. Transmit Divine Light to the environment, and to all the living beings that are not human on this beautiful planet. Don’t forget to shine the healing Light onto yourself and your families. This energy activates and reconfigures the power that inspires you into Divine Right Action. It is one way to bring harmony and overcome despair within yourself and the world.

And then there were Angels

As you celebrate the gifts of this Christmas season, there are many who remember the Angels during this time more than at any other time of the year.

Legions of Angels are gathering ever nearer the earth now, drawn by the prayers and the thoughts of so many people. This is a tremendous blessing that opens your heart to more love and allows your mind to receive a greater level of Grace. It is a good time to take a moment to honor and connect with your Angelic guides. Ask for personal assistance in all areas of your life and listen – really listen, as the Angels whisper in your heart. They want you to follow your heart’s message and feel the guidance available to you from the spiritual realms.

There is an Angelic representation for the Soul of the Earth and the Heavenly Realms. Your guardian Angel can work with these Angelic beings to bring more harmony within you so you can feel more connection to your Spiritual Source and more inner balance.

Your Guardian Angel

Your Guardian Angel has been given the duty to help you to live in alignment with your goals and intentions for this life. Through your personal guardian angel you can learn to live in greater peace with yourself as a prerequisite for Peace on Earth. This Angel is also offering to you the ability to feel Oneness and Union with your most Divine Self.

As you have grown into adulthood your Guardian Angel waits for you to ask for help. Consider that it is now time to ask. Your Guardian Angel has been with your soul since its incarnation, offering guidance and protection so you may find your Divinity and fulfill your spiritual destiny. This beloved angel has intervened on your behalf to relieve your karma and wants nothing more than the fulfillment of your soul’s imperatives.

Take time to feel gratitude for this Divine Messenger who has such care for you.

Archangel Gabriel and the Realm of Archangels

At this holy time of the year, there is also more awareness of the Archangels.

Archangel Gabriel holds the empowerment for the winter season, and stories abound of his intervention throughout the ages during the darkest nights. The Archangels are given Divine charge over all communities, nations and seasons. During the 12 Holy Nights beginning December 24, the Archangels freely erase all boundaries between nations and factions. The Light of True Peace prevails in the Heavenly realms, and can be called forth onto the Earth.

Join with the angelic host to spread this Light through your own life and pray for healing of all nations and families. Use this pervasive light from the Archangels to bring greater consciousness through you and all beings on earth. This energy can make a true difference, bringing Peace within all hearts.

The realms of the Angels are available as never before during this precious window of time.

The Twelve Nights of Christmas

There is a stillness of this season that pervades the northern hemispheres as the earth sleeps in the darkest time of the year. People know the sunlight will return, and it is the same with the spiritual realms. With faith, you believe that in the darkest times, the Divine Light will prevail.

There are ancient traditions that honor the return of the Light following the Solstice. As you allow your soul to rest in the depth of the darkness, you can symbolically come into the clarity of the Light and receive a much-needed gift by creating a personal ritual for this time that has meaning for you. Consider the beauty of the symbols within the Twelve Nights of Christmas. You can use the time from December 24 through January 5 as an inner journey to give birth to the sunlight in your being, and illuminate the darkness within and around you. As the Archangels use this powerful time to end separation, they create an opportunity for true world peace when the empowered energy is focused on peaceful coexistence.

The Twelve Nights of Christmas act as windows to your soul’s purpose and can empower your new year. Many traditions light a colored candle for each night. The Twelve Nights can be used as an opportunity to go back through the 12 months of your year and honor your achievements and the lessons learned. Each night can feature a spiritual hierarchy and a virtue that you would like to bring into your life in the New Year. It is a special time to pay attention to your dreams because they could be prophetic during the Twelve Nights. There is also an opening for the clear light of understanding and insights from the Angels that can work through you.

Some Christian traditions honor the 13th night, January 5, as Epiphany. As the twelve nights progress, you can set a goal for true clarity and wisdom to enter your mind and heart during the twelve nights. Is it not appropriate for you to receive a clear epiphany about your life as well?

Give and it shall be Given Unto You

It is a wondrous tradition to give freely during this Holy Season.

Your generosity of spirit and willingness to give opens the energy centers within your body so that God’s Infinite Love is experienced. This Divine Love is unconditional and flows so freely, all are blessed by its presence. When hearts and minds are touched in this way, there is a healing. You will never be the same. You can keep this sense of loving gratitude and willingness to give within you throughout the year by setting the goal to do so.

Peace on Earth and Good Will Prevails

By creating your personal traditions and meaningful ritual for this Holy Season, you can use the spiritual support that is available to you. With this support and your clear intentions, you can experience transformation within your being and blessings in your life. Do not let the material world overpower the beauty and depth that truly exists during this special time.

Remember the Angels are available in this Holy Season and be grateful for their presence. Once again these messengers from God are saying, “Rejoice! Awaken to the birth of the Christ Light within you, and praise God for the gifts and blessings abundantly available to all.”

Let this Divine Light fill you now. Allow it to enlighten your mind and heart, and illuminate every cell and fiber of your being. Your willingness and open-hearted acceptance of this Divine Love blesses your body, mind and spirit. Receive this gift and allow the Light of the Christ to be born within you this Holy Season.

Let this Light shine forth from you so there may truly be Peace on Earth and Good Will between all beings.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: December 16, 2013

Sebuah alat yang ampuh untuk Kenaikan

Sebuah alat yang ampuh untuk Kenaikan
Saint Germain
Disalurkan oleh Meline Lafont


Energi Ungu

Dear Ones ,

Hari ini kita akan membahas alat-alat yang dapat anda gunakan untuk Kenaikan. Saya akan memberi anda alat yang ampuh dalam bentuk yang cantik dan berwarna Ungu sangat kuat.

Pertama dan Terpenting : adalah sangat penting untuk selalu membangun ide sebuah hubungan yang kuat sebelum anda memulai proses penyaluran atau yang dikenal sebagai metode TAUK (The Art of Universal Knowing). Saya sarankan anda menggunakan alat yang diterima dari Archangel Michael yang diberikan pada penyaluran Ron Head.

Perangkat canggih ini menyiratkan cara untuk selalu dilindungi berkat alat ini dan anda dapat menghindari gangguan yang tidak diinginkan. Setelah membentuk perlindungan ini anda dapat menggunakan Api Ungu saya ini untuk membersihkan dan memberdayakan diri. Hanya dengan memvisualisasikan ruangan di aman anda berdiri serta anda sendiri benar-benar tenggelam di dalam kekuatan Api Ungu dan membersihkan semua bidang anda, semua tubuh anda dan semua cakra yang lebih rendah dengan Api Ungu ini.

Bersihkan cakra anda satu persatu dan katakan :

Saya menyatakan bahwa I AM/AKU Penguasa Api Ungu dari Saint Germain.
I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM Divine and Imperturbable/Yang Tak Dapat Diganggu. AKU adalah Master Yang Maha Kuasa atas diri saya sendiri dan keputusan saya adalah I AM Ascend dan menjadi Ascended Master atas diri saya sendiri.
I AM, I AM, I AM Divine Love, sebagai Cinta Yang Murni dan Tanpa Syarat. 
I AM, I AM, I AM The Almighty Master of Light/Master Cahaya Yang Mahakuasa dan Master Cinta bagi diri saya sendiri.
Pancarkan melalui diri saya Api Ungu untuk Kesempurnaan dan Kemurnian Aku.
I AM, I AM, I AM - All That Is

Ini adalah alat yang dapat anda gunakan selama pembersihan semua bidang chakra itu. Anda dapat menggunakan ini setiap kali anda bermeditasi atau bahkan ketika anda sedang bekerja. Ini membantu meningkatkan getaran anda dan untuk menjaga kejelasan dari semua energi anda yang lebih rendah yang telah memborbardir anda dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Api Ungu merupakan alat ampuh bagi sebagian besar untuk digunakan pada semua situasi seperti semua warna lain yang dikenal pada penggunaan masing-masing dari mereka. Jadi gunakanlah Api Ungu saya dan Api Ungu saya pada setiap kali anda membutuhkan pembersihan dan pemberdayaan, saya akan berada di sisi anda.

Ini adalah keinginan saya untuk melayani dan saya mencintai kalian semua. Saya memiliki kekuatan penuh dalam pelayanan saya yang akan menjadi jelas nyata karena Api Ungu saya memiliki kekuatan penuh juga. Kami akan selalu melayani anda setiap kali anda membutuhkan. Ini menjadi perkataan saya untuk pertemuan berikutnya sebagai keterhubungan pertama bersama kami yang bertumbuh lebih kuat setiap kali.

Namaste. I AM Saint Germain.

PS : Ini adalah alat khusus yang baik bagi jiwa-jiwa yang mulai terbangun.

~translated by Birru Sadhu~

Step 3 of the Process of Transformation

Méline Lafont: 
A personal message to Me from the Ascended Masters from the Far East  
Step 3 of the Process of Transformation

Beloved, once more we are close to you and we would gladly relay more on the aspect of the transformation, which you are undergoing presently in your current body. Meanwhile we have arrived at the final phase and step in this whole process and we gradually continue with our guidance relevant to this, so that you can eventually execute everything independently in complete trust and heart choice. Pay attention, it is of the utmost importance that this is your heart choice otherwise don’t bother even starting up the process at this time. It is a very intensive process at that, so don’t underestimate the effects it will have on your physical and mental self.

What we would like to discuss today is the actual transformative step which will gradually bring everything to your original Self, to the state before incarnation. It has to do with a few steps and adjustments of your physical body which in themselves can be very intense and require lots of focus and energy on your part. Our last point that we had reached is the ‘zero point’ phase and dito state of Being, where no charges nor thoughts are present but where everything just is. One flowing state of Being from which creation is born.

The creation that has emerged from this neutral energy is what shapes life from a Source of energy that is life and shapes life in itself. Something is done and shaped with this energy, moulded in a very wonderful creation with intention and Love. As always, love is the momentum for everything, Love is where everything arose from, Love is the breeding ground for All That Is.

When an incarnation decides to “die” and to cross over into another way of existing, of exploration and of Being, than the physical vessel is put down and left behind for it to decompose. It is no longer fed and is doomed to decompose into nothingness. It doesn’t exist anymore and is non existent on whatever level. However, the soul and the state of consciousness are indissoluble, cannot be casted off nor can they die; they are your own immortal Being capable of growing and evolving into all sorts of shapes and degrees of consciousness in order to gain experiences and feelings. We are now going to talk about your immortal Being, which is your natural Self and into which you are returning.

Everything, everyone is immortal on planet Earth, make no mistake about that. It has only been the choice to experience mortality in order to learn specific lessons to know and accept even more how truly wonderful everything is, even the lessons implied and the mortality. In every kind of life all has its charms whatsoever and nothing is too insignificant to gain experiences from, for lessons and experiences are most welcome in the cosmos. We experienced our daily lives on Earth as an intense and hot soup made of various ingredients and every ingredient had its outspoken feature and goal. It is just a matter of tasting it to find out whether it is just the thing you want to experience again. This is the way life is in duality and so it will always remain until choices are made to continue on with the evolution.

Méline, you have arrived at this stage and we are very pleased because that what you can now expect to unfold, will be an enormous release of everything that no longer serves you or that feels uncomfortable to you. We are going to amply, lay claim to your gifts and spiritual insights to enable this unfolding for you, as ultimately you will do it with your own way of being, with your own insights, knowledge and worth. We are with you during all your steps to clarify things for you and to stand by your side during the intense moments inherent in this process, as we are dealing with a process involving steps and stages. Be prepared now for the finalization and be ready at all times for things will unfold quicker than you think. Saint Germain has joined us now in our conversation.

Let’s begin by enumerating the final steps of the transformation process;

1/ Know as no other what you want to shape, create or be and be convinced of this 100%. Let nothing distract you from your goal or mission and create solely from your heart. Intentions coming from the heart really reinforce everything in a positive and enlightening way; stand firmly in your own truth and make clear plans and deals with yourself to where you want to go and what your limit is. Accept everything that comes from your heart completely and unconditionally for it is your true Self that guides you along the way …

2/ be extremely cautious with your thoughts during the creation from the position of ‘zero point’ as those thoughts will be taken along in your current creations. Everything that is predominantly present in human thoughts will also take shape and will manifest in your reality. Linger at all times in your heart with loving intentions so that only Love and enlightenment will follow from this. You are a Being of Love and that is what you are longing to grow and evolve into, a state in which Love is the best power source and the basic source.

3/ Reach out to others in need; for someone in distress there is nothing more helpful than a heart filled with love, a lending hand, support and a loving input. This too is important in a transformation process, even if it is  personal and not collective, because the heart is supposed to feel true compassion and Love, not ego or separation. When your heart goes out to others and helps wherever possible, there is a harmony within yourself and there’s no room left for ego nor judgments. You can only start from this point and not until it is duly reached. Love and balance are a great necessity.

4/ Whenever thoughts or feelings about food arise during this process you will see that there is no longer the question of appetite. The physical body undergoes such strong changes into a more lighter body and dito energy that food no longer resonates with the Being and the yearning for food will greatly diminish. There are exceptions and moments in which the need for nourishment can happen mostly in moments where the earthly vessel is again more earth bound, and in such cases a very light food substance and tiny portions of it are commended. Food creates heaviness and a low density with which the lightcells do not resonate nor do they get nourishment from it. Light, energy and Love are the new substances enabling the maintenance and the feeding of the lightbody. Intentions, the harmony of the heart, bliss and balance are also the foundations and food sources of the lightbody. Drink lots of water during your life on Earth but double that amount during your transformation process because water enables a more smooth flowing of energetic pathways, enforcing and smoothening the transformation process.

5/ Once you reach, feel and notice a state of Ascension and a higher consciousness, try to move ever so slowly into this state and feel how far you can go and explore this Dimension. Do not at first try to examine its borders, do not go to extremes,  for your body experiences this also, up to a certain degree. Get accustomed, little by little, to this new and high influence of the light and let your body acclimatize to your renewed state of Being and of creation.

6/ Feel and notice everything from your inner view and not through your physical eyes. What you see is not the reality you still wish to experience, so evolve into your inner world and turn into the opposite direction away from duality and illusion. The fact that you have to, once and for all, distance yourself from the illusion has to happen in such a way that it is your heartfelt desire to do so in full surrender to your Divine Self from the heart, as is mentioned above. That is the reason why the choice must be made from the heart otherwise the distractions of the unrealistic world could be too pronounced.

7/ Have faith when it concerns yourself. You know and feel what and who you are from an energetic point of view and you know and feel how to best proceed, in what manner and at whatever pace. Ultimately you have the power and the capacity to create and Be whoever you so choose and desire, so also in this case have faith in yourself lest you stagnate your creation and your transformation.

8/ No matter what timezone you experience in your current reality, make way for adventurous travels and explorations within your new and personal Self/world. If you are inclined to go jogging in the middle of the night, or to meditate or even to play, write, dance, sing, whatever,.. do so. Do not adhere to the notion that it is for instance nighttime and you are supposed to be in bed, or that it is early in the morning and therefore not the time for you to start singing when everyone else is still asleep, or that your timing is off to meditate because everyone expects you to be present somewhere. No, these are all self imposed structures and rules devised, inculcated and created by humanity. There are no limits nor rules, there is only what is, there is only the NOW. So indulge in everything that comes up and in what you deem important for your being, no matter when and that way you are not bound by those rules and timeframes for even time is a rule and an inculcation coming from nothing for it is nothing : it is only a creation of the human mind, nothing more! So withdraw your energy out of this illusion of time, rules, laws, money etc… and in doing so deconstruct the old reality and start anew with all your energy by forming what makes you so beautiful and what you wish to experience and to BE, as the renewed world in itself.

9/ and so we arrive at the final step of this phase of the transformation which you are currently undergoing Méline : Be and see, feel and know what you are, who you are and that what you now shape. What you now remember and what you know you are, are the very first real openings into your expanded state of consciousness. Make use of all opportunities and inspect with your heartfeeling who you are and who you are shaping, for this is what you do in a transformation process : the reshaping, the merging with your True Self, the one you have always been and still are and are again becoming. Everything occurs in the NOW moment, so you have never ever been different than your True Self, you have never been anybody else, you have never been wrong, you just forgot feeling your Being in incarnation and the knowing that everything is interrelated and everything is One.

Now that we were able to share our contribution we wish to congratulate you with your final step in the Transformation. Take in lots of Light these coming days to allow yourself to be fully shaped and to Be, for your reunion with your Twin Flame and your true self  is at hand and has already started in a very endearing and deep way. You will be most pleased to hear that we have already been informed of a successful process in relation to the Twinflame reunion of you and your beloved Master, meaning that it will pose no problem whatsoever for your Being and incarnation: this is truly wonderful news! We remain at your disposal at all times and it has been our pleasure to share this message with you. You can safely convey these steps to humanity, those who will gain from this info one way or the other will get this message into their lives. We wish for you to have a wonderful day and much time in the wondrous world of Transformation and Ascension. Do it right and do it consciously!

Namaste, the Masters of the Far East.

Step 2: knowledge for the Transmutation in the process of transformation.

Méline Lafont: 
A personal message to Me from the Ascended Masters from the Far East  
Step 2: knowledge for the Transmutation in the process of transformation.

The second step in the process of this transformation is the knowledge about the transmutation itself. Transmutation implies that a certain energy is transferred into another energy by means of neutralizing it till it reaches zero point, whereafter it is given a new charge and molding it to conform your desires. Admittedly, this is the most difficult step of the transformation process in which you currently find yourself. Before starting the actual transmutation process it is required that you master the first step with the minor distinctions, that you accept it and make it yours.

We will continue sharing about this whole process of Transmutation :

1.    Allow yourself the time to rest regularly and to spend time on yourself. This is very important to think about yourself in this most special time.

2.    Try to establish a fixed pattern of meditation in your daily life and practice it daily, preferably several times a day.

3.    During your meditations it is of paramount importance that you ground yourself thoroughly and connect with Mother Earth’s Being : more specifically with Her Heart portal and chakra. This chakra is the most purest form of Being and contains all the information, the Light and Love, the codes and the most precious activations necessary to complete your transmutation. Take this daily dosis in acceptance into your own portal and heartchakra. Finally, integrate these energies and transfer them in substances which will be activated and spread by means of the kundalini. It is your body and temple which are executing this transformation; so you are the one who does this and activates it.

4.    You must become aware that you carry countless incarnations in your cells and they request a sharing of this information. Only that which serves you further on belongs here; the rest has to be released and cleansed.

5.    The most efficient way to reach this is to share and to ask all of your cells in order for them to achieve their own mutation process and to already begin with it. Again : you are your body in manifestation so you are your cells as well. Those cells of yours will, to the extent possible, enlarge considerably to ease this process of cleansing and of releasing the outdated and useless information. So you are at liberty to again be free and to form more light. Your cells are your existence in this form and embodiment, so communicate with them and take good care of them.

6.    Remain firm in your conviction that everything you do has consequences and yields results. This is the Divine Law and describes perfectly what you are doing now. In case you go through a Transformation, you are the Transformation also. In case you go through a Transmutation, you will also be this. However, in case you do not go through it, than there will be no results and none to expect. It all boils down to being confident and to know that you can and do it and just BE! Promise yourself to never let yourself down and to uplift yourself out of depressing circumstances. You  have a personality, you are a BEING and you are connected to God. You are a reflection of God, you are a creation of God.

7.    This is the most important part in the whole process and it deals with your self-image. Becoming aware, knowing and accepting who you are, who you are meant to be and who you always have been. You are You and nobody else. Nobody is You and nobody will ever become this : know this now and accept it as your true Self and as the truth. Nothing is further from the truth than denying your true Light. For once and for all, become convinced of your true Self and accept it. Know who you are and know yourself like nobody else can. Have faith and release your self-image of who you think you are in your incarnation. This paradox has been instilled and imposed upon you but it is NOT your true self in expression. Take good care of yourself by Lovingly accepting and recognizing your own true Self. Your true Self is on the brink of breaking out and expressing itself fully. You are presently going through this process, and duly reaching the end stage of it.

8.    Always follow your heart, your true Self who communicates with you from Love. In all circumstances continue following your heart in Love and Enlightenment. Working and talking from this language you will not operate from your ego nor will you be misled. Feel your heart that uses a light language and a vibration when communicating with you.

9.    The last part involved is one that may not be skipped over as it is inextricably linked. It seems contradictory as seen from all the previous parts. RELEASE ALL INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF AFTER HAVING ACCEPTED IT! To know is to accept but that does not mean that a kind of charge may be placed upon it. To know is a state of being in which you dwell. It carries no charge neither a denomination nor an ego. That’s why it is important to really release without there being any charge involved. Than one stays in a knowing and in a state of being.

In order to achieve a Transmutation, everything has to be brought to zero point. Zero point means no charge. And than we begin the last final step towards Transformation, which implies the knowledge of Transformation.

Step 1 of self-knowledge in the Transformation

Méline Lafont: 
A personal message to Me from the Ascended Masters from the Far East  
Step 1 of self-knowledge in the Transformation 

These are channeled tools that is actually a personal message to me. These Masters are known by the book of “Life and Teachings of The Masters of the Far East” by Baird T. Spalding, a wonderful book I was told  that, unfortunatly, I have not read yet. They came in early November to give me guidance in my Transformation and Transmutation process that is still running. Since this guidance includes important tools in it, I decided to share my message with you all. Keep in mind that this is a personal message to me, and this can vary from person, and therefore there is a chance that this does not resonate with your person and heart. The entire channel consists of 20 written pages and is composed of parts from the entire channeling and includes steps. All these 3 parts are channeled tools personally from me and through me, as received from these Masters.  Therefore these are my personal tools and are protected by Copyright. You may freely use and share these messages and tools if they include the copyright links at the bottem of these messages.  Much love, Meline ♥


We all greet you as a collective consciousness of the Ascended Masters of the Far East. We have reached a collective consciousness in our enlightenment which we gladly share with all of you. Our energy consists of Ascended Masters based in Buddhism, in Hinduism, in Islam, in Western communities and in various emissaries of the Light. We do not put an emphasis on the differences of origins as we are and form 1 unit and 1 compact energy of Ascended energy. We address all of you on a collective level in order to clarify some issues for you which might have left the wrong impression on your consciousness and on your beloved Self.

Allow us to accompany you in your current living environment to grant you more enlightenment on a few difficult and unclear issues on a personal level. What’s in store for you and what you already have accomplished in your incarnation is of the utmost importance and value for us as well as for yourself and for the Earth. Much has been said, you have learned a great deal and up until now you were able to integrate and accept it in your being, something that in itself is a most fantastic experience and dito fact! To be able to behold this marvel is a true blessing and we so give you our highest appreciation for this, for we are so grateful for your enormous evolution in releasing and in saying goodbye to this world of duality in which you dwell.

You have already taken many steps but releasing everything surrounding you is a rather difficult step, which we once had to take. Our input in this for you is to share what we have learned in this regards and to guide you in this last but most difficult part of the step of releasing and rescinding. The next state and step which you have reached now is the one of the total rescinding of your physical form into your true appearance and being. Do you really understand this concept fully? If not, we are most eager to help you get full insights into this matter.

The state of rescinding and of releasing of your self-image and your physical appearance as it is familiar to you is a process which you are now manifesting. It is a matter of releasing your full Self in such a way that the rescinding of the material side can settle into a lighter form, which is a more flexible and pliant form, consisting of Light. You are required to perform your own bodily Transformation and that’s the reason why it is all up to you. When one reaches a state of splendor there is a certain substance produced in the brain, which is directed from the heart center of the physical body and from your true Being and your true Self. That’s why your own heart is the portal to Ascension and to Transformation. The dispersation and the formation of that substance is the so-called Kundalini, which sustains and disperses it all in the physical body.

When the dispersation has been fully accomplished and the most important cell-groups and organs have duly been reached, a Transformation will burst forth which will lead the whole physical body to the complete Transformation of yourself into a source of energy and of Light. A Lightbody is in a way a source of Light and of energy and is, in itself, an intermediate step for humanity evolving towards their real Self at a later space-time. We, the Ascended Masters of the Far East, have already gone through this whole process a long time ago and we possess the necessary control, composure and self-love; that we have consciously started and directed this process, which you are now undergoing.  It is a most beautiful and exceptional experience which we, as Masters, love to share with you on your world, which in itself is on the brink of a great shift. Release the control that the illusion holds on you, thank it for services rendered and take firm control over your true Self.

Direct yourself out of this illusory world and build your true Self, being Light and energy. You have almost gone through this process; you only have to remove a few obstacles in this regards which in themselves hinder the complete releasing of yourself. See to it that your heart is again completely balanced.We know what sorrow can be and what it can lead to, it is a powerful venom for the heart and for your being.

When your heart, your Ascension portal, is out of balance, it can lead to the fact that there can be no transmutations into a state and being Love. The more lighter form of a body cannot express itself fully when balance is lacking. Balance : keeping a tight control over really everything.  What has once sparkled ever so brightly can diminish in radiance, just like your heart feelings……

…… It exists for the most part of this Harmonious Love between the two of you (me and my Twin Flame), but there are also periods of feeling down resulting from the emotions of disappointment, of missing the loved one …. Return your heart back to that harmony with yourself and release all your expectations and visions in relation to that.

Your reunion with your beloved Self will come to pass on a spontaneous and forthcoming way.  We have been called to assist you in this. We are most pleased to share our enlightenment in the matter. We tell you that we will share now our techniques with you, which you are free to share with others and for you to use as you see fit.These are not secrets per se but rather abilities and teachings from us to you.

1st. – Live from day to day and from timeframe to timeframe. Do not let any planning determine your future life as this will only hold you back in releasing and detaching from…. All the more reason why we, the Masters, have withdrawn ourselves in solitude in former times to be fully liberated of the daily routines and limitations. Allow yourself the opportunity to free yourself from certain issues and certain daily tasks. Disengage from them, there are no expectations placed upon you ; it is you that places expectations on yourself. This advice brings us to the next point which deals with ….

2nd – putting expectations on …. Let go of everything that you want to do today or that someone else expects you to do today. Even this belongs to holding yourself in a specific thoughtform of expectation and of illusion.

3rd – Really release everything in a way that not a single thought appears in your mind so that you can end up in your state of true Being. From an empty mind one can create and shift enormously. One is detached from all control and from all thoughtforms. It leads you to a state of Being, which is a creation in itself .

4th – Take everything as it comes up and trust that whatever shows up  will be just what you need on your path on the exact and perfect Divine Time. Start off from this opportunity and build from there on, all the while simultaneously truly releasing everything and holding no expectations any longer.

5th – Put yourself regularly in a golden dome of Light, filled with the Divine white-blue radiation. To achieve enlightenment does not solely imply that you create this state of transformation but also that you place yourself effectively in the Light and that you surround yourself with the Light. Your heart is light and is a Divine Self.

6th – Be open for the opinions of others. Do not enforce your opinion for your opinion is YOUR truth and only yours. Each one of you has his/her own truth which corresponds with their own BEING. Respect each other in these matters, that’s important.

7th – Let go of the past. There’s no such thing as time-based facets. The past makes a distinction in energy just like the present and the future do. It all boils down to developping and expanding your I AM as your true Self.

8th – Release everything that has to do with yourself. Your self-image, your thoughts about yourself, your physical self, your non-physical self, just let it all go and place no thoughts on or about yourself. We have to stress that fact : release everything about yourself!

9th – The knowing. This is very important. You have to know who you are, not thinking, not positioning yourself but feeling and knowing. You require no energy from outside sources to obtain this knowing and this awareness of who you are, what kind of energy you are, your true Being. Always remain in a state of KNOWING. You are that state of being. Just BE, not from an ego standpoint but from the heart.

10th – Being balanced. Just like we have mentioned before, this should pose no problem for your being. You cannot move forward when the factor of balance is lacking. Balance itself plays an important role in the possibility of Ascension and of transposition. Meditation, in a thorough way, on a daily basis will take care of the balance in the Being. The deepening in insights, the inner exploration, the getting to know or better said, the recognition of your being, travelling to the higher dimensions, the discovering of the various worlds …. all contribute to the deepening , to the knowing and to BEING. The balancing of your chakras  should become a daily ritual which is necessary  to becoming One with your Higher and true Self. Blockages need to be transmuted into Light and Love. The road is cleared and kept free on the tracks between these sources of Divine Light and Divine Being, reflecting all your Light and your true Self. Chakras are a source of information as well as a source of Light and of your true self. Communication between these chakras must remain pure in order to be able to reach an enlightened state of Being. Blockages are a source of holding onto …Release those blockages by means of thorough daily meditations, thorough grounding of yourself and through an input of Light in the light cells of the chakras. To be balanced also comes down to knowing, to trusting and to Being, the releasing of things which have a grip on you in the material world and in your thinking : the Illusion.

11th – Ultimately all of this finds itself on 1 and the same circle. One influences the other and they are all interconnected.

Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Message from the Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: Choosing Conscious Creation

Anda dapat mentransmutasi emosi-emosi 
dengan mengundang Api Ungu dengan berkata, 
'Blaze, Blaze, Blaze The Violet Fire' -
'Berkobarlah, Berkobarlah, Berkobarlah Api Ungu'

Message from the Arcturians via Suzanne Lie: 
Choosing Conscious Creation – Part 2
Channelled by Suzanne Lie. December 16, 2013.

(Today I woke up with this message inside saying, “Transmuting Emotion.” Since I try to follow up all higher-dimensional inner messages I grabbed my iPad and translated this message from the Arcturians.)

Dear Ones,

Sejak anda memahami dan berkomunikasi dengan realitas dimensi yang lebih tinggi melalui bahasa emosi ini adalah penting bahwa anda mendapatkan beberapa penguasaan atas tubuh emosional anda. Kami menyebutnya 'Tubuh Emosi' karena emosi dengan bentuk fisik yang dirasakan pada keseluruhan tubuh anda. Sering anda tidak dapat menempatkan mereka ke dalam kata-kata, tetapi ini segera menjelaskan jika emosi anda didasarkan pada cinta atau ketakutan.

Tempat Perhatian Anda.

Sama seperti penempatan perhatian anda yang menunjukkan komunikasi pada yang anda pilih di dalam dunia fisik anda, perhatian pada emosi anda yang menunjukkan komunikasi sedang berlangsung yang menyatakan bahwa anda memilih memiliki dalam realitas yang lebih tinggi. Emosi adalah indikasi terbaik untuk wilayah kesadaran anda dan hanya anda tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan dunia yang lebih tinggi sementara di kesadaran dimensi ke lima dan seterusnya.

Karena kesadaran dan persepsi saling berhubungan, jika kesadaran anda dikalibrasi ke dunia fisik, anda akan berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi hanya dengan dunia fisik. Kemudian, ketika anda tidur, bermeditasi atau mimpi anda memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan dimensi keempat dunia astral anda. Ada banyak bagian rencana dalam dunia astral 4D. Bagian dimensi ke empat yang dapat berkomunikasi lagi-lagi ditentukan oleh frekuensi emosi kesadaran anda. 

Cinta Tak Bersyarat adalah frekuensi emosi tertinggi, namun jauh lebih dari emosi. Cinta Tak Bersyarat adalah frekuensi tertinggi dari Cahaya. Namun semua emosi adalah cahaya karena semuanya adalah cahaya. Di dalam dimensi ketiga Cahaya terpendam di dalam ilusi materi, dan di dalam dimensi ke empat cahaya memancarkan sedikit ke luar dari ilusi materi.

Kesadaran dan Emosi

Di dalam dimensi ke lima dan seterusnya tidak ada ilusi materi dan semua realitas lebih tinggi adalah ekspresi melalui Gambar Cahaya yang dikorespondensikan dengan frekuensi Cahaya pada dimensi itu. Frekuensi Cahaya/Realitas itu adalah pandangan yang ditentukan oleh kesadaran anda. Selain itu, kesadaran dan persepsi anda saling terkait, karena anda hanya dapat memandang realitas kesadaran anda yang dikalibrasi.

Emosi takut menurunkan kesadaran anda, sedangkan emosi cinta memperluas kesadaran anda. Di dalam cara ini, tubuh emosional anda sangat menentukan wilayah kesadaran anda. Selain itu, kesadaran dan persepsi anda saling terkait, karena anda hanya dapat memandang realitas bagi kesadaran anda sendiri yang telah dikalibrasi.

Maka, jika anda memiliki emosi penuh kasih anda akan merasakan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi dari realitas fisik anda, tetapi ketika emosi rasa takut anda hanya pada pandangan sekitar dunia fisik saja. Realitas pandangan anda adalah realitas di mana anda berkomunikasi dengannya. Kemudian, sekali anda berkomunikasi dengan realitas yang anda inginkan untuk terwujud dan 'hidup' itulah realitas.

Apakah anda memahami sekarang bagaimana emosi itu dapat terus menarik perhatian, komunikasi dan realitas anda saat itu anda alami sebagai hidup anda? Untungnya, ketika anda mencintai apa yang anda lakukan, anda sedang meningkatkan bertambahnya kreatifitas, memperluas kesadaran anda ke dalam kesadaran dari gelombang alpha dimensi ke empat ke dimensi yang lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya, ketika anda menyukai apa yang anda lakukan, tapi tetap melakukan karena takut untuk berubah, maka kesadaran anda akan menurun ke dalam kesadaran gelombang beta dan anda hanya melihat kehidupan fisik anda. Jadi, ini penting bagi anda bahwa isilah kehidupan anda dengan apapun itu yang dirasakan anda menjadi kreatif, seperti kreatifitas yang memperluas kesadaran dan memberikan anda menjadi seorang yang penuh kasih. 

Apa yang anda lakukan

Oleh karena itu, apa yang anda miliki di dalam hidup anda yang memberikan pengaruh besar pada emosi anda dan pada kesadaran anda. Semakin banyak Orang yang Terbangun yang akan memutuskan untuk mengambil kendali hidup mereka sendiri dengan membuat apapun perubahan yang diperlukan untuk memastikan kreativitas dalam pekerjaan mereka. Mereka juga telah melengkapi hidup mereka dengan melakukan itu yang mereka anggap mereka menjadi kreatif  di dalam waktu dan pekerjaan.

Pilihan dasar ini sangat merubah emosi dari emosi yang berbasis pada rasa takut 'Aku harus meskipun aku benci melakukannya' menjadi 'Karena saya senang saya akan melakukan apa yang saya sukai'. Jika anda menyukai apa yang anda lakukan, kesadaran anda berekspansi ke dimensi ke empat yang lebih tinggi, dan anda dapat memanfaatkan kreativitas lebih mudah sebagai bawaan anda dan wilayah kesadaran anda yang lebih tinggi.

Menciptakan kehidupan yang didasarkan pada kreativitas dan cinta memperluas kesadaran anda ke dimensi ke lima di mana anda tidak dapat berkomunikasi dengan lebih mudah mengekspresikan diri anda dengan ekspresi pribadi anda yang lebih tinggi. Komunikasi ini akan membantu anda untuk mengubah emosi ketakutan anda menuju emosi kasih. Dimensi ke lima adalah dasar diri multidimensional anda sendiri, seperti fisik 3D anda dan badan astral 4D anda yang masuk ke dalam permainan 3D.

Ketika anda berkomunikasi dengan diri anda sendiri, anda terhubung dengan ekspresi pribadi tinggi anda yang memilih untuk masuk ke video game 3D anda. Sebagai ungkapan hubungan dengan ekspresi pribadi tinggi anda bertumbuh, anda akan mulai menyadari bahwa anda tidak dalam bentuk fisik anda. Sebaliknya, anda tidak akan menyadari bahwa anda sedang menggunakan tubuh fisik Bumi anda. Atas hal ini anda akan mulai menyadari bahwa anda tidak lagi berada di dalam tubuh anda. 

Cara inilah yang anda dapatkan terbaik berkomunikasi dengan diri multidimensional anda yang menggunakan tubuh anda melalui bahasa emosi. Diri batin anda bergema ke dimensi lima dan seterusnya, yang tidak berdasarkan pada pemisahan dunia fisik anda. Oleh karena itu, alam yang lebih tinggi tidak memiliki kata yang terpisah termasuk ke dalam kalimat yang terpisah seperti yang disebut oleh manusia yang terpisah.

Dimensi ke lima dan seterusnya

Dimensi ke lima dan seterusnya adalah berdasarkan pada Kesatuan dengan semua kehidupan, dan bebas dari ruang dan waktu. Oleh karena itu, ketika anda berkomunikasi dengan dunia yang lebih tinggi, anda tidak dapat mendengar kata-kata yang terpisah. Sebaliknya dari orang yang terpisah akan mengatakan 'Hello', dan anda merasakan pesan emosional cinta, suka cita dan persahabatan.

Ketika kesadaran anda beresonansi dengan dimensi ke lima, anda dapat meneriman perasaan Cinta Tak Bersyarat dan semoga anda akan langsung mengarahkan perhatian anda menuju sumber perasaan itu. Namun karena anda hanya terbiasa berkomunikasi melalui 3D, pada awalnya anda mungkin mengalami perasaan ini tapi tidaj menganggap itu sebagai sapaan.

Dalam kasus ini, semoga anda mengabaikan perasaan anda karena teribat di hari sibuk anda atau mempercayai anda tidak dapat menghentikan apa yang anda lakukan dan menyerah ke dalam perasaan ini. Untungnya anda terbiasa menanggapi pada sapaan dimensi lebih tinggi ini, anda mulai tidak menyadari bahwa ada pesan yang tertanam di dalam perasaan itu.

Awalnya anda hanya dapat menerima pesan ini ketika kesadaran anda dikalibrasi untuk gelombang theta kesadaran dimensi yang lebih tinggi anda. Namun karena anda terus memilih untuk menganggapi sapaan multidimensional ini dan mengkalibrasi perhatian anda menuju perasaan ini, anda akan tetap ingin disetel ke 'saluran' untuk menerima lebih dari pesan-pesan batin.

Hubungan dengan diri anda

Setelah anda mengembangkan hubungan dengan pribadi tinggi anda, anda pindah ke tahap di mana anda belajar/mengingat bagaimana menterjemahkan paket Cahaya yang disampaikan melalui Cinta Tanpa syarat. Terjemahan ini hanya dapat terjadi ketika anda menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan kesadaran anda  yang lebih tinggi.

Jika kesadaran anda dikalibrasi dengan emosi yang berbasis takut, marah, sedih, rasa bersalah, dll, kesadaran anda akan terlalu rendah untuk menerima dan/atau beresonansi dengan dimensi yang lebih tinggi pada pesan ini. Karena hidup di dimensi ke tiga dapat sangat menentang, sangat mudah untuk berada di dalam keadaan emosi yang didasari rasa takut bahkan dengan tidak menyadarinya. 

Bagaimanapun, jika anda menciptakan kebiasaan mengambil yang kedua untuk memeriksa keadaan emosi anda, kemungkinan anda akan terkejut seberapa sering 'kebiasaan takut' mendominasi pada 'kebiasaan kasih'. Setelah anda mengingat untuk mengenali saat anda berada dalam emosi yang didasari oleh rasa takut, anda dapat mengubah emosi yang didasari rasa takut dengan menyampaikan Cinta Tak Bersyarat, Pengampunan Tak Bersyarat dan Penerimaan Tak Bersyarat anda sendiri. 

Tentu saja, emosi anda akan menanggapi pikiran anda, sehingga pemikiran yang didasari oleh rasa takut akan menciptakan emosi yang didasari rasa takut. Berpikir dengan kebiasaan rasa takut ini akan menjadi perangkap anda dalam keadaan kesadaran dimensi ke tiga, juga akan memperangkap anda dalam dimensi ketiga. Buatlah perubahan yang tepat di dalam hidup anda yang tidak akan menjadikan spiral emosi anda menjadi lebih dalam dan lebih dalam lagi ke dalam ketakutan, kemarahan, kesedihan dan pengorbanan.

Dimensi Kelima SEKARANG

Untungnya, pesan berbasis Cinta dari ekspresi pribadi tinggi anda ini akan terus menerus mengirimkan pada anda melalui Dimensi Kelima Sekarang dan seterusnya. Oleh karena itu, sesegera mungkin anda akan dapat mengingatnya untuk :


Dengan mengubahnya ke dalam CINTA. 
Dan tetap berada bersama Pribadi Tinggi Anda.
Memperluas kesadaran anda dengan melampaui ilusi waktu dimensi ketiga dan memasuki ke SEKARANG dari alam yang lebih tinggi.

Setelah kesadaran anda dikalibrasi menuju ke SEKARANG, perhatian anda aklan terfokus pada perasaan cinta dari ekspresi pribadi yang lebih tinggi dari diri anda, daripada komunikasi ketakutan realitas fisik. Pada awalnya, anda mungkin hanya mencari kenyamanan batin Cinta Tak Bersyarat. Namun, karena anda terus melihat ke dalam atas cinta yang anda butuhkan, dan melakukan untuk menemukannya, anda akan ingin untuk memahami pesan penting ini.

Sejak anda menyadari bahwa pesan ini adalah instruksi dari diri kami ke diri anda, anda ingin menterjemahkan pesan ini ke dalam sebuah cara yang paling sesuai dengan misi anda untuk inkarnasi ini. Juga, beberapa dari anda akan menterjemahkan pesan ini melalui kata-lata, melalui beberapa gambar, musik, gerakan, berkebun atau dengan berbagai fashion lainnya.

Mungkin anda berpikir bahwa anda 'hanya mendapatkan kreativitas lebih' yang benar, tapi anda juga menterjemahkan pesan pribadi dimensi yang lebih tinggi ini dari diri sendiri. Jika anda tetap konsisten dengan pengalaman ini, anda akan mulai membangun keintiman lebih dalam dengan pribadi tinggi anda.

Keintiman diri anda sendiri itu akan membawa anda kembali ke rumah pada Bumi Dimensi Kelima. Namun anda harus menjaga 'Saluran pada Rumah' dengan membuka transmutasi ketakutan anda menuju Cinta. Anda dapat mentransmutasi emosi-emosi ini dengan mengundang Api Ungu dengan berkata, 'Blaze, Blaze, Blaze The Violet Fire' - 'Berkobarlah, Berkobarlah, Berkobarlah Api Ungu'

Memasuki Cahaya, Cahaya dan Cahaya

Tantangan yang sulit adalah untuk mengingat melepaskan kebiasaan hidup di dalam kesadaran hidup yang membosankan dan didasari emosi rasa takut sehingga anda dapat secara sadar dan terus menyadari rasa emosi anda ini.

Biasanya anda menyadari penampilan anda, tetapi emosi dan pikiran telah menciptakan penampilan anda yang sering tersembunyi di dalam alam pikiran bawah sadar anda. Maka, mungkin anda mengeluh 'Mengapa anda tidak memahami kata-kata yang lebih tinggi?', ketika anda menyadari anda benar-benar berada dala emosi yang didasari rasa takut itu yang akan menurunkan kesadaran anda, maka panggilan langsung mencintai diri anda tepat berada di bawah ambang persepsi anda.

Jika anda fokus pada kesibukan dunia fisik, anda tidak akan dikalibrasi untuk menerima Kasih dan Cahaya pada dunia yang lebih tinggi. Kalibrasi ini dilakukan pada tingkat emosi harian anda. Anda adalah pencipta realitas dan frekuensi realitas anda yang didasari pada emosi yang anda biarkan tetap berada di dalam kesadaran anda. Jika anda menumpahkan kopi pada sofa putih baru anda, dan anda tidak akan langsung lari membersihkannya, namun ketika anda takut pada 'tumpahan', kuatir, ragu, marah atau sedih pada tubuh cahaya baru anda, berapa lama anda membiarkan emosi yang didasari rasa takut ini untuk tetap berada dalam kesadaran anda?

Apakah anda akan meninggalkan piring kotor anda tergeletak di sekitar rumah anda atau apakah anda akan membersihkannya dan mencucinya di dapur? Seberapa sering anda meninggalkan emosi yang didasari rasa takut anda tergelatk di sekitar aura anda, dan seberapa sering anda mengubah mereka dan membawa mereka ke Api Ungu?

Biarkan diri anda menggunakan ini sebagai penjelasan sederhana utnuk membersihkan rasa takut. Ketakutan bukan hanya musuh anda. Ketakutan adalah pilihan anda. Dengarkan sebentar pesan untuk ketakutan ini, dalam kasih ini adalah sebagai peringatan. Ini diperlukan, Jika ini adalah peringatan, katakan terimakasih, dan uruslah masalah ini. Jika ini tidak lagi sebagai peringatan, bakarlah ke dalam Api Ungu untuk mengubah menjadi Cinta. Dengan menolaj untuk menjalani realitas ini yang didasari pada ketakutan. Anda memilih untuk menciptakan realitas berdasarkan pada cinta. 

~translated by Birru Sadhu~