Senin, 29 September 2014

Arcturian Group via Nancy Tate ~ 9.28.14

Arcturian Group 
via Nancy Tate ~ 9.28.14

"Kami dari Arcturian Grup berbicara pada hari ini tentang banyaknya perubahan yang akan anda alami dalam kehidupan anda dan dalam mengamati kehidupan orang lain. Banyak yang telah memilih untuk meninggalkan Bumi pada saat ini, tapi cobalah untuk tidak resah atau berkabung untuk mereka, dear ones. Karena pilihan setiap orang di saat ini memiliki energi yang semakin kuat untuk memilih tinggal atau meninggalkan. Banyak yang ditentukan oleh tingkat yang lebih tidak berkembang secara rohani di mana mereka memerlukan waktu untuk menjadikan suatu bagian dari frekuensi yang lebih tinggi dari energi kenaikan yang sedang datang ke Bumi saat ini. Mereka telah membuat pilihan untuk berinkarnasi suatu saat nanti ke dalam yang akan terjadi kemudian, yang terdiri dari energi baru. Semuanya adalah yang mereka perlukan. 

Kami berbicara kepada mereka yang kuatir bahwa mereka tidak berkembang cukup cepat atau telah melakukan apa saja yang diperlukan untuk menggabungkan energi baru. Yakinilah, dear ones, bahwa sekali anda memilih untuk berkembang (melalui kegiatan mencari, membaca, meditasi atau bahkan hanya dengan menyatakan niat anda, dll) anda akan mendapatkan apapun pelajaran, pembukaan, pengalaman, dan bimbingan yang diperlukan. Jangan membandingkan diri anda dengan deskripsi anda sendiri yang mungkin anda dapatkan dari membaca di beberapa buku tentang bagaimana itu kenaikan atau evolusi di mana harus merasa atau gambaran yang tampaknya otentik - setiap orang akan mengalami perjalanannya sebagaimana layak baginya. Setiap Pribadi Tinggi seseorang paham apa yang dibutuhkan dan bila diperlukan.

Anda yang terbangun, tahukah anda sebelum berinkarnasi bahwa kali ini adalah untuk menjadi kuat dan kemungkinan lebih sulit, tapi terlepas dari itu sangat ingin berada di Bumi dan menjadi bagian dari itu. Sedangkan dalam kehidupan anda sebelumnya mungkin datang dengan satu atau dua pembelajaran, kali ini anda mengerti bahwa itu akan diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan semua situasi karma yang tersisa, melepaskan pengalaman traumatis yang masih tersimpan dalam memori selular dan membangkitkannya ke dalam keadaan kebenaran sadar untuk mengasimilasi frekuensi energi tinggi kenaikan. Proses ini tidak selalu menyenangkan seperti yang telah anda temukan selama bertahun-tahun pembukaan pada pengalaman berulang ketika mereka datang ke permukaan.

Masalahnya adalah sekali jiwa menempati pada tubuh fisik, padatnya energi fisik menyebabkan dia lupa. Anak-anak dapat mengingat untuk beberapa tahun pertama kehidupannya di Bumi karena masih beresonansi dengan 'rumah'nya, itulah sebabnya mengapa anak-anak sering melihat dan berinteraksi dengan roh dan malaikat bahkan tampaknya berbicara dengan diri mereka sendiri. Seiring waktu dan di bawah tekanan dari belief sistem dimensi tiga, individu mulai mengidentifikasi dengan diri ego, kepribadian, dan lupa siapa mereka atau mengapa mereka datang.

Ini adalah masa perubahan untuk semuanya - mereka tidak terbangun sebaik waktu terbangun - untuk cara-cara lama hal ini tidak lagi bekerja atau hanya beresonansi dengan cara-cara yang berarti. Makanan, teman dan hiburan masa lalu yang memuaskan tiba-tiba merasa usang dan tidak lagi menarik. Hubungan atau pekerjaan mungkin bisa saja terjadi. Hal ini karena medan energi anda tidak lagi beresonansi dengan medan energi anda sebelumnya yang tidak berresonansi dengan yang telah anda miliki sebelumnya. Pada titik ini anda akan ditarik ke hal-hal yang sama dalam manifestasi pada tingkatan ekspresi yang lebih tinggi atau mereka tidak lagi menjadi bagian dari kehidupan anda.

Selama masih ada kesadaran dimensi tiga, akan ada ajaran, keyakinan dan solusi yang berbasis dualitas dan pemisahan, lebih banyak lebih baik, dan anda tinggal pada satu kehidupan di mana kematian adalah permanen. Anda terpisah dari Tuhan dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Banyak solusi mempromosikan dimensi tiga dengan tulus tetapi sebagai individu belumlah terbangun  dan menawarkan yang terbaik yang mereka tahu. Ada orang lain yang benar-benar terbangun, tetapi lebih memilih untuk melayani dengan cara ini, bekerja dalam belief sistem dimensi tiga untuk mereka yang membutuhkan bantuan. Anda yang membaca pesan ini bersiaplah untuk pindah ke cara-cara baru.

Waspadalah selalu untuk percaya keyakinan dunia yang berfungsi sama seperti iklan subliminal. Keyakinan yang salah dan saran yang menarik diajukan oleh orang-orang yang berpegang pada keuntungan di atas kebodohan masyarakat dan yang mudah serta rentan pada kewaspadaan yang tetap terjaga dan tidak menyadari mengapa penting untuk tetap waspada dan fokuslah setiap saat. Batasi berita yang anda lihat dan televisi mewakili perwakilan terendah masyarakat. Dengan memahami apa yang anda terima ke dalam pikiran anda dengan mudah menjadi kesadaran anda dan pada saatnya nanti akan dibersihkan di beberapa titik. Sadarilah, waspadalah, terjagalah.

Kami ingin berbicara tentang energi konflik yang begitu nyata di Bumi pada saat ini. Penampilannya ini adalah manifestasi dari energi kuno yang lama tersimpan dalam tubuh Gaia serta berada dalam kenangan seluler kelompok orang tertentu. Setelah lama aktif, Gaia, dengan bantuan dari semua orang yang terbangun, perlu untuk menghapus energi padat ini dan usang sekali lagi untuk semuanya. 

Kebakaran dan bencana yang sekarang disaksikan dalam proses Gaia dalam membersihkan energi tua ini. Renungkanlah kekerasan dan penderitaan yang terjadi dalam penyelesaian Amerika Serikat bagian Barat serta daerah lain tertentu di dunia. Gaia adalah jiwa yang hidup dan melakukan apa yang dia butuhkan untuk mengangkat ke energi dimensi yang lebih tinggi.

Tugas anda adalah untuk melihat melalui penampilan luar dengan mengakui ketiadaan mereka dalam cahaya kebenaran bahwa tidak ada Hukum yang menahan salah satu dari hal-hal ini. Mereka hanya memiliki keyakinan dunia pemisahan dan dualitas untuk mempertahankan dan memelihara mereka sendiri mengapa mereka melakukannya untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari kekerasan dan kerja keras untuk perang yang mengabadikan rasa takut dan apa yang tampaknya terlihat.

Permainan perang perspektual dan manipulasi masyarakat sedang dimulai untuk diakui apa adanya - permainan untuk menanamkan rasa takut dan penderitaan dalam menjaga manusia tetap terkunci dalam energi tua. Hal ini tidak dapat bekerja bagi manusia yang sudah terbangun. Banyak yang mulai melalui berita, publisitas dan pemboman konstan informasi negatif dan ketakutan yang bergerak melampaui rasa takut dengan berkembang menjadi Cahaya Kebenaran.

Peristiwa-peristiwa dalam dunia dimensi ketiga mungkin muncul dengan sangat kuat, tetapi hanya memiliki energi belief sistem kebodohan yang dapat mempertahan atau memelihara mereka. Ya, mereka tampil dengan sangat merusak dan kuat, tapi itu adalah ilusi. Ilusi tidak pernah berada di luar sana, ilusi hanya dalam persepsi pengamat, semuanya dianggap sesuai dengan keadaan kesadaran seseorang. Di dalam Cahaya Kebenaran, adakah yang pernah mati?

Ketahuilah pembelajaran hidup ini sudah disetting dan disetujui sebelum inkarnasi. Begitu banyak pada saat ini yang begitu berani mengambil langkah personal sebaik energi karmik semesta melalui pengalaman-pengalaman mereka - yang telah mereka pilih untuk melayani pada cara ini. Ingatlah, karma adalah energi keseimbangan, bukanlah sebuah hukuman. Sebagai makhluk yang terbangun, inilah saatnya untuk menerima tanggungjawab melayani sebagai Pekerja Cahaya. Sekali sebagai individu yang sadar akan kebenaran, dia tidak dapat menyembunyikan - kebenaran harus mengalir, menambahkan Cahaya ke dalam medan energi dunia yang pada saatnya untuk membantu yang lainnya agar terbangun dan melayani hanya untuk yang Satu. Ketika buah diperkenankan untuk membusuk pada sebuah pohon, dia akan melayani pohon atau yang lainnya, tapi itu akan mandeg. Tetapi bila diam-diam anda meepaskan Cahaya yang anda bawa, ini memberikan lebih. Ini adalah aliran dan ini adalah evolusi.

Anda adalah penyembuh yang membawa perubahan, dear ones, anda adalah orang yang harus mengirimkan cinta tanpa syarat dan Cahaya kepada para pejuang tempat, orang dan aktifitasnya. Kenali semua penampilan apa adanya, manisfestasi kesadaran dunia dualitas dan pemisahan. Bila pada akhirnya adalah penghakiman, visualisasikan cinta tanpa syarat dan cahaya yang mengalir ke orang-orang, tempat-tempat yang tampaknya kehilangan arah jalan mereka. Dengan memanfaatkan  transmutasi kuat nyala api ungu tetapi dengan menyertakan arah pengiriman Cahaya untuk hal apapun dengan melakukan, untuk memfungsikan Cahaya Divine sebagai keutuhan dan kelengkapan dan apa yang dibutuhkan. Energi Bumi dengan cepat berpindah ke frekuensi baru dan dimensi yang lebih tinggi meskipun penampilan sebaliknya. Tugas anda adalah untuk beristirahat dalam kebenaran setiap saat, mengirim cinta tanpa syarat ke tempat-tempat orang-orang yang tidak menyadari kesatuan dan kemudian yakinilah.

Anda menciptakan dunia anda jadi ingatlah untuk berbuat baik dan jujur"

Kami adalah Arcturian
September 28, 2014
Diterjemahkan oleh Birru Sadhu

Sabtu, 20 September 2014


melalui Valerie Donner

Aku terhubung dengan Mother Mary sebulan sekali. Dia dengan St Germain itu dekat. Dia adalah Mary, ibunya Jesus, dan St Germain adalah Joseph, suaminya. St Germain berinkarnasi sebagai Merlin, William Shakespeare, Sir Frances Bacon, Leonardo Da Vinci dan seorang Bapak Pendiri Amerika Serikat.

St Germain benar-benar ada pada saat penandatanganan Deklarasi Kemerdekaan. Dia mewakili Kebebasan dan sebagai I Am Presence. Dia juga membawa Api Ungu untuk transmutasi. Dia menamakan negeri ini Iamerica tapi kata 'I (aku)' dihilangkan menjadi Amerika.

St Germain mengatakan setelah Mother Mary ini berkata padaku bahwa dia selalu mencintai Amerika Serikat dan terus terlibat dalam pemerintahan Amerika.

Di dalam sebuah buku, "Dia dilaporkan telah berusia lebih dari 300 tahun, dan panjang hidupnya itu karena dengan penggunaan ramuan ajaib yang terkenal"

Di mana St. Germain pada 2014?

St Germain masih hidup dan baik-baik saja.
Menurut kesadaran saya dia tidak ada di planet ini, tapi bekerjasama dengan Sananda, Hatonn, Ashtar dan lain-lain di sebuah spaceship.

Dia juga ikut menulis Jurnal Phoenix tahun 1980-1990 itu. Saya yakin jika anda membaca jurnal-jurnal itu, anda mungkin mengenali sebagai kesadaran tinggi dari St. Germain. Beberapa info di dalam jurnal itu belum pernah diberikan kepada umat manusia sebelumnya. St. Germain menulis sejumlah materi.


Perhatikan juga keterlibatan ST. Germain dalam sistem keuangan baru yang akan datang dan sebagai utusan berbakat juga guru dalam ajaran spiritual modern.

 Saint Germain, in Bedouin robes, 1999

~birru sadhu~

Kamis, 18 September 2014

Age of the Dragon Riders

Age of the Dragon Riders
Channeled by Helen Demetriou
September 10, 2014

Dragon Ferren is the leader of the Dragon Masters and he is a close companion to Lord God Marduk. In this following channeling you will learn more about the dragons and their wisdom including the Dragon Riders and Dragon Lords.

Ferren: “Dearest Nanaea, welcome to my thoughts. It has been a while since we have met like this, has it not? I am glad you have come as I have called to you for some time because there are important things that I want to tell you. I need not state the obvious that your world is changing and there are many horrific events taking place which you know are a sign of the changes for the new world is pushing its way into your consciousness at a very fast rate and as you know, what will be will be. There really is no time to contemplate the effects this will have on humanity during this moment in time but in the long run this is what is totally needed to bring the desired outcome. It cannot go on any more.

Sadly, it is taking time for the human Dragon Riders to rise above their human status that is, that part of themselves that is afraid of becoming more than human for they do not have the courage as yet to take a stand as the guardians of Earth and summon their own inner dragon which burns as an eternal fire within them. As the Cosmic Knights on Earth await their awakening, there is hope and the immortal Dragon Lords are continuing to make arrangements on Earth so that the merge of your old world consciousness and that of the new world runs as smoothly as possible.

The downside of all of this is that the merge was not meant to consist of so many deaths and I will tell you why it has become so. As you know the dark brotherhood is also very aware of the divine plan to merge worlds so they have taken it upon themselves to carry out their own plans to dismantle the worlds religions so that they may appear to be the strong leaders who can be relied upon to guide humanity in the new world and what happened during the time of Atlantis is repeating itself. Oh, such liberators they shall appear to be! But this time truth and love and light will prevail if humanity can ask themselves if they are honestly ready to change their ways and unite together as one world, one family.”

Helen: “Can you explain once again who you are so that those who believe dragons to be reptilians can understand?”

Ferren: “Of course I can my Lady Nanaea. We are an ancient order of mystic warriors who taught dragon wisdom which is a very sacred system of divine knowledge. The Dragon Riders are those who learned to travel the astral planes using their chariot which is also known as the ‘Merkabah’ after having trained in the mystic way of the Dragon Lords. You see, dragon wisdom is a way of life and you will find that through time the Dragon Riders have taken on various names such as the Order of the Dragon, Rosicrucian’s, the Priests of Melchizedek and the Order of the Rose. Their direct teachers were Dragons and the Dragon Lords whom we are companions of and whom we also taught.

We are not reptilian in the sense of the reptilian species from off the planet. Long ago there was a confusion between dragons and the reptilians because the ancient reptilians could fly meaning they had wings, especially the higher ranking ones.

Our empowerment comes from the Shekinah and it is from her that we have been rewarded with our fire though there are dragons of the different elements such as ice and snow, water and earth. We each have our own talents and attributes but each of us has the ability of air and fire and we are all members of the way which is the Path of the Dragon.

You must understand that the Shekinah in all her forms is our Queen and the source of all of our power and she too becomes the primordial Dragon Goddess who is the creator of the entire universe. And so, all dragons and all Dragon Riders and Dragon Lords bow down to her for she is the generator and regenerator of life itself. It is from her that we receive wisdom and the capability to understand this wisdom for what is the worth of having wisdom if she is not understood? Our beloved companions, the gods, the Anunnaki, are called Dragon Lords and Dragons and they are likened to dragons because they are the masters of the Way of the Dragon and Dragon alchemy. The Way of the Dragon is a very big part of the Anunnaki mysteries and this is why you, my Lady, are the one who shares these mysteries with all of humanity.”

Helen: “My dearest friend and most divine teacher, can you explain more about the Dragon Riders and the chariot that is known as the Merkahbah?”

Ferren: “Yes, my Lady Nanaea. As I have said, those who follow the ancient serpents path and have dedicated their lives to the study and implementation of the sacred mysteries. They are those who have gained knowledge of the Logos of the gods and who live by their creed and divine laws and who walks the path of spiritual purity, this path being the serpents path or middle path or Dragon Path. They are the ones who are in the process of slaying the dragon within meaning the beastly side of themselves that controls them which could be called their ego. Yet it is more than this, even: it is the mortal side of themselves that they cannot see beyond and the great Earth dragon that resides within them must obey and submit to their divine selves, the celestial, almighty Mother Dragon, in order for them to surpass the barrier between their world and the cosmic realms. They must rise above Earthly consciousness by slaying the chaos within. They must submit completely to the Queen of Heaven who is the Shekinah and the power engine of all life for it is she who is the Mistress of all the gods and it is she who is the true master of your world and as she is also the Tree of Life, through submitting to her, one is able then to climb the tree in order to reach the highest rank of spiritual enlightenment and as a reward, he or she is gifted with the crown and a throne which is the true Merkahbah, the carriage that can carry them between worlds, out of Earth consciousness and into the realms of the gods. These are called the Dragon Riders who journey alongside the Dragon Lords (and Ladies) that are the Anunnaki gods or as known to some as the Elohim.

All those who sacrificed themselves in some way for humanity and who kept the divine laws are those you know as the saints, the mystics and the philosophers, the avatars of the gods, who have communed within the Holy Grail of the Goddess of the Heavens and the Earth for it is her womb that is the Ashram of divine power and it is her heart that is the Rose that contains all the mysteries of the universe.”

Helen: “Lord Ferren, why would the divine Shekinah known also as Tiamat who manifested as Inanna, incarnate on Earth especially during this time?”

Ferren: “Lady Nanaea, within her, and you know who she is, is stored the coding of all wisdom which even she must strive to unlock the gateways to this knowledge. She has been sent to provide humanity with the divine Thelema of the gods and to teach their ways to fellow humans. She becomes a reflection of the divine womb on Earth in matter and she must be entered in order to unlock the divine mysteries which are then planted within the heart, souls and minds of the children of the gods and the true masters who have observed and kept the divine laws and who have kept in service to the gods by serving humanity.

Because your world as you know it is ending and the new world is beginning, it is imperative she plants the seeds now as this will begin the life of the new Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which must be born again in the new world.”

Helen: “How can she do this?”

Ferren: “Because she is the divine Bride, she must marry the divine Groom who also carries the seeds, through the act of the alchemical divine marriage which will disperse these seeds throughout Earth consciousness each time they make love. He represents all of humanity and by making love with her mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, she is marrying humanity all over again and entering their consciousness permanently.

Each human being also contains one egg of the divine Bride and one seed of the divine Groom within them and from their love making these two will join together and the new Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil shall grow within them as a reflection and communion with the regrown Tree.

The Dragon Riders are the manifestations of the Dragon Lords who are the hosts of the ALL and I mean host because they carry within them the Logos because they have been transformed into matter in order to carry the Logos to all planets in the universe and they are the representation of the Logos. The Logos is both male and female and was manifested long ago in the form of my rider Marduk (the Christ) and Inanna (Sophia or the Shekinah). They are Knowledge and Wisdom entombed within the soul of all living beings and we, the Dragon Masters, represent her fire that is the soul of the universe.

Be ready, dear Nanaea; you shall hear the wedding music play for long for it was the wedding song that brought you to your love and the path that you must walk in your role. Remember the Song of songs; this is the call that you have heeded and must continue to do so, no matter how uneven the path becomes.

And all you Dragon Riders; be ready to ride. Your time has come.”

I embrace dragon Ferren and thank him for his time and energy and we say goodbye until the next time that we meet again…

What is important to know as we move through this?

Méline Portia Lafont ~ 
September alignment energies ~ 
what is important to know as we move through this?
September 10, 2014

Wowza, another big amplifier just stirred our core and the core of Gaia.  Have you noticed how much has been stirring up and happening around you?  The collective drama is being amplified here and it is about being cautious to not be dragged into it.  Pay attention to not be caught up in those dramatical and chaotic unfoldment’s of others, while playing our roles of Ascension gate keepers and light worker ground crew.  Everyone is now responsible for his/her own process of integrating these new cosmic codes and light particles in the best way you can cope with.

Everyone holds his/her own natural consciousness and magnetic vibration that opens new gates when the right frequency is matching each other.  When the current level of your consciousness and that of the collective matches, gateways are opened for the collective. This is whereas you function as a gatekeeper and activator of portals for those that are now vibrating along with that surge of energy functioning as a portal and consciousness.  That is why you as a gatekeeper and light worker ground crew are constantly adapting to the higher energies and light codes that are infiltrating your own being and the planetary consciousness.

When you, as an individual consciousness on its own, reach a new awareness and you hold a higher vibration of Light consciousness, you also open a gate for your individual experience. This experience is one where the energy resonance and the magnetic field of that energy resonance shall move you through a wormhole of Dimensions where you experience a whole new multifaceted state of the core of your being.  Multidimensional awareness comes into your state of perception and you start to act upon these multidimensional concepts where you renew and re-vow your connections with your own multifaceted layers of being.

What I mean is that you may start to experience exceptional concepts of your own individual perception of the Self.  The Self is the all including energy particles and sparks of your Divine expression, the Core of your being.

This gateway of September 3 to September 9 has been amplified with a huge climax of energies with the super full moon.  It has been an intense process of adaptations, release and even healing for some and it is not close to the ending of this all energy wise.  Be ready for more of these intense integrations and gateways as we are literally climbing up the spiral towards an everlasting flow of fluctuations, creations and energy ~ which does not differ from our pure essence: energy and consciousness.

Look at how much movement has been brought up lately in your own personal reality, let alone the collective reality.  Before, you might have been finding yourself to be present in the “higher” 5th, 6th and even 7th dimension, as to where once and a while you had to move back into this collective and 4th Dimensional reality and play your daily liveS while integrating the new Earth Codes and the re-blending with some of your higher levels.  Whereas now you might start to experience a changeover and playing the role of the executer of everything you already have been integrating up until now, this on the 4th dimensional collective reality.

You might be amongst those that is finding yourself being sucked into the stream of this collective Earthly reality and being more present here on the 4th dimensional plane.  Much attention is being required of you coming from the collective planes as you are playing a major and important role to anchor that which you have found yourself been integrating on those higher planes.  If you find yourself being in that position: it is because all that you have been integrating and preparing on the higher levels and on your own individual reality, is now ready to be brought to the collective.. and it is necessary too if we want this collective shift to go smoothly.

You are thus being asked to be more present in “here” the 4th dimensional collective reality instead of running away from your tasks.  This is where Self Mastery comes along as you are ready to experience this on a profound level while bringing your higher consciousness into this body.  You are now the pioneers and these important pieces of the puzzle that are asked and shown to play your roles during these intense shifts because you are ready.  A collective changeover comes forth from this all as well as a Planetary release.  The intense influxes of gateways, portals and solar flares are assisting us in this Divine intention where the purpose is to bring everyone up in a higher consciousness.

So you may take that into account when you feel your attention is being asked here on the collective plane: you bring that which you have been integrating and preparing for during your time of being in the higher planes, this while the collective has been going through their level of intense releasing and healing.  You now bring that back down through anchoring and being more present “here”.

You might find yourself being positioned at other places around the world, being asked to take a leadership position or to make some drastic changes in your life.  Many soul contracts are now being “opened” and activated so that you can now step forth in full alignment with your higher levels.  Be aware when this happens, it has a deeper meaning to it.

In the meanwhile new discoveries are made and shared publicly, we have had 2 meteorites that “near missed” our beloved and current home planet.  We are now aware of this huge super-cluster where we as a tiny Milky Way Galaxy are a part of, called Laniakea which means ‘immeasurable heaven’ in Hawaiian.  New awareness means higher rate of consciousness, and this collectively.

The cracks of this illusion are going through a tremendous amount of pressure that is building up every time a huge leap of consciousness is being taken.  Stop running to try and hold on to things you better let go of.  There is no control and that will become clear by itself for all in everyone’s own time.  Better to make it as easy as possible for you and to allow the flow to Be.  The more you tend to control the bigger the Big bang will be and the more powerful, and this not in a pleasant way.

Ok, so another tiny space or breather might be important right now before the next wave hits our shores.  Allow yourself to absorb by grounding and anchoring and just be gentle and patient with yourself.  There is no use in wanting to go too fast at this already fast and intense pace.

More later and BE love at all times.

Much love and Blessings

Méline Portia Lafont


Rabu, 17 September 2014

Mother Mary: You Are Becoming Master Alchemists

Mother Mary: You Are Becoming Master Alchemists 
Channeled by Fran Zepeda
September 9, 2014 

Mother Mary:

Greetings beloved travelers into the 5th Dimension and higher. You are practicing with your multidimensional selves. You are experiencing the higher dimensions much more regularly while dealing with your remake of your physical bodies to accommodate your ascension.

I say remake because indeed your physical body, which has been your vehicle for so long in the 3rd dimension, is undergoing massive overhaul and refinement to blend with your Lightbody and to allow your multidimensional selves to be experienced on a much deeper and constant level.

And indeed this has been a wild ride for many of you. You are not sure at times what is happening and what is to be achieved. However, your innate compass, your innate sense of being – your Divine Being knows exactly what it is doing, dear ones, and I am here once again to enfold you in my loving arms and comfort you in your travels to the deep recesses of your heart where you are discovering so many wondrous things about your multidimensional selves.

You are exquisite in this growing refinement. Indeed, as you accept your growth and do not fight or resist it, you are feeling lighter and more expansive. You are embarking more and more into all your aspects and accepting all your aspects. You are experiencing on a much more “solid” level your multidimensionality.

The unknown nature of it is becoming more comfortable to you. The unknown quality of it is being transformed in favor of your growing familiarity with it as you open more to all the possibilities of your true nature – that your physical body in the 3rd dimension is but one small part of you and is a means to encompass all the parts of you as you mesh and blend with your higher aspects, and field the energies pouring into you for just that purpose.

And so my dear ones, I take you again on a journey with me, further into the deep recesses of your heart, further into your Divine Heart, further into your core True Being:

  “So take a deep deep breath now with me. Feel me enfold you in my arms of Love, my deep everlasting fulfilling Love. As I do this, feel the exact duplicate of this Love well up within you and feel the velvety lightness of it. Feel the depth of it. Feel the comforting soothing essence of it.

I am magnifying your love for yourself with my very presence, with my deep flowing waves of translucent and shimmering Love pouring over, through and in you. Match it with your own. Match it with what you know and remember of Love from Source when you were birthed from Source so many eons ago.

Generate and remember and experience that Love now. Experience the sweet essence of it, the warmth of it, the glow of it, the power of it. Feel it permeating every cell of your physical body and feel it permeate your Lightbody. Feel it BE your essence now; swim in it as your true milieu, your ocean of experience in the Multiverse.

You now cannot feel your physical body as separate from your Lightbody but still as an anchor to Gaia, as an anchor to her core. As you breathe you feel tethered yet free to explore the Universe and Multiverse and all the higher dimensions fueled with the Love that is your essence.

Love becomes your lens with which you are experiencing everything in your everyday world. It is the lens with which you perceive everything. Feel the formlessness of your energy while still knowing you are fully anchored in your physical body.

The boundaries to your thinking have now been expanded in this. With Love and Peace as your lens, everything takes on a new meaning and purpose. It opens up vistas for you. It opens up a new way to manipulate and perceive your daily experiences. Everything can be colored in this new higher dimensional reality if you see everything through this lens. From there you tap the Joy and Harmony of each experience simply because you have perceived it through the lens of Love. It is exquisite.

Imagine that each thought or experience you have has a core to it that is Love. From that core you can work outward and see the lesson and gift of the experience or thought, as Love colors and transforms and transmutes it to its true purpose and reason for being.

You are becoming Master Alchemists in allowing yourself to see everything born of love and thus able to return to love. It is a simple exquisite process that you all are learning – rather, relearning – to do very expertly.

And so you are grasping the depth of your existence in this way. You are tapping the true essence of your being in this way. You are traveling through your experiences coming from a base of Love which reaches and catapults you into the higher dimensions with ease.

Feel your energy expanded now. Feel your sense of normality change. Feel it encompassing greater possibilities. You are well on your way to discovering your expanded multidimensional selves by allowing yourselves to be in your physical bodies while exploring the very depths of your Being in this new way.”

It feels subtle and maybe a little confusing, but I have just taken you on a journey of expansion and you may now feel like your view of things are lit up and more free-floating. You still have a grasp on your physical connection with Mother Earth but at the same time you have opened yourself to explore deeper parts of you that are rooted in the higher dimensions in that you have delved deeper into the possibilities that you may always view things from the lens of Love always and forever.

So I continue to enfold you in my arms of Love as you magnify your love for yourself and others. And from this place you can now soar into the higher dimensions with higher and deeper ability.


All my Love is Yours,

Mother Mary

Copyright © 2011-2014 Fran Zepeda.

Invocation of Isis

Invocation of Isis

I beheld a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon at her feet. And on her head was a diadem of the twelve stars. Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save. O thou queen of love and mercy, thou crowned with the throne, thou hauled as with the Moon. Thou whose countenance is mild and glowing, even as grass refreshed by rain.

Hear me, our Lady Isis, hear and save. O thou who art in matter manifest. Thou bride and queen as thou art mother and daughter of the Slain One. O thou who art the Lady of the Earth. Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save. O thou Lady of the amber skin. Lady of love and of victory, bright gate of glory through the darkening skies. O crowned with the Light and life and love.

Hear me, our Lady, hear and save by thy sacred flower, the Lotus of eternal life and beauty; by thy love and mercy; by thy wrath and vengeance; by my desire toward thee, by all the magical names of old hear me, O Lady, hear and save. Open thy bosom to thy child, stretch forth thy arms and strain me to thy breasts. Let my lips touch thy lips ineffable.

Hear me, O Lady Isis, hear and save. Lift up thy voice to aid me in this critical hour. Lift up thy voice most musical. Cry aloud, O queen and mother, to save me from that I fear most. I invoke thee to initiate my soul. The whirling of my dance, may it be a spell and a link with thy great light, so that in the darkest hour, the Light may arise in me and bring me to thine own glory and incorruptibility.

Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me, to me. Isis am I, and to my beauty draw. All glories of the Universe bow down, the blossom and the mountain and the dawn. Fruits blush and women are creations crowned.

I am the priest, the sacrifice, the shrine. I am the love and life of the Divine. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, are surely mine, are mine. Isis am I, the love and light of Earth, the wealth of kisses, the delight of tears, the bowel and pleasure never come to birth, the endless infinite desire of years. I am the shrine at which thy long desire devoured thee with intolerable fire. I was sung music, passion, death upon thy lyre, thy lyre. I am the grail and I the glory now. I am the flame and fueler of thy breath. I am the star of God upon thy brow.

I am thy queen enraptured and possessed. High do these sweet rivers welcome to the sea, ocean of love that shall encompass thee. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me, to me. Hear, Lady Isis, and receive my prayer. Thee, thee I worship and invoke. Hail to thee, sole mother of my life.

I am Isis, mistress of the whole land. I was instructed by Hermes, and with Hermes I invented the writings of the nations in order that not all should write with the same letters. I gave mankind their laws, and ordained what no one can alter. I am the eldest daughter of Kronos. I am the wife and sister of the king Osiris. I am she who rises in the dog star. I am she who is called the goddess if women. I am she who separated the heaven from the earth. I have pointed out their paths to the star. I have invented seamanship.

I have brought together men and women. I have ordained that the elders shall be beloved by the children. With my brother Osiris I made an end of cannibalism. I have instructed mankind in the mysteries. I have taught reverence of the divine statues. I have established the Temple precincts. I have overthrown the dominion of the tyrants. I have caused men to love women. I have made justice more powerful than silver and gold. I have caused truth to be considered beautiful. Come unto me and pledge unto me your loyalties as I pledge mine unto you.

Oh mother Isis, great art thou in thy splendor, mighty is thy name and thy love has no bounds. Thou art Isis, who art all that ever was, and all that there is to be, for no mortal man hath ever unveiled thee. In all thy grace thou has brought forth the sun, the fruit that was born forth for the redemption of man. Oh Isis, Isis, Isis, graciously hear our cry unto thee, we mourn for thy blessings on us this day, every day, to nourish, to aid and to fill the emptiness within, that only you our beloved mother can satiate. Unto thee do we pledge our solemn oath of dedication, and for the power and glory of him the Unknowable One to witness our devotion to thee.

For as we now receive thee into our hearts, we ask that you never leave us, in times of trial and joy, and even unto death."

Wisdom of Thoth: Disinformation on earth about gods and Creation

Monday, 15 September 2014
Wisdom of Thoth: Disinformation on earth about gods and Creation

I am Thoth the god of wisdom, the great creator and the master of mysteries. I am here in front of you, sharing my light, which is my true essence. I am the highest god creator connected to Earth's birth and this is why I am here with you right now, trying to connect and through you establish a communication with Earth. All different beings have a unique energetic structure as well as purpose and the people of Earth have used symbolism and allegory to explain this. The messengers and wisdom keepers were always used the bird as their symbol. I presented myself to the priests of antiquity as a being that had human and bird characteristics and they recorded that with great accuracy.

My helpers, energetically resemble birds and this is because they are in constant transformation, receiving divine knowledge. My purpose is to constantly transcend to higher realms, reaching our source and become one of its greatest helpers. Birds do not have a life on the surface of the planet or underground but the fly in higher spheres. It seems that they are not affected by the limitations of physical space and they are able to travel across far away lands and choose their own home. My essence is the greatest freedom to help you expand towards the source and if people of Earth need a symbol or a visual representation to describe me, I would suggest that the bird is the most accurate one. All mammals were created to support Earth's growth. Most of them have long life cycles and rely on Earth's nourishment as well as the cosmic light of the higher realms, to support their growth. Having children, creating communities, work towards the well-being of the community by producing and sharing are important elements of the essence of mammals.

Earth has a similar essence, creating countless species and producing enough nourishment and protection for all of them. Earth supports healthy communities that are able to grow following the natural laws. Earth wants to be involved in your communities, she wants to offer her light but she also wants from you to generate light and feed the whole planet. These are the natural laws and Earth was created to fulfil her purpose of a god-creator-planet, supporting the light of her beings.

Earth was the home of the gods and this made her an extremely precious planet god.

What you know now as Enki and Enlil, are the leaders of a warrior star race that came to colonise Earth some time after the golden era. Their coming on the planet had a great impact because they created the first civilisations.I understand that there is a great confusion on Earth regarding the creation of the planet and research has not brought light but new layers of illusion. I am God Thoth, a creator God of the Pleroma. My light is an open channel for the source to create through me. I create life on Earth where beings from the lower spheres experimenting with genetics and eventually bring chaos. Like many other visitors, Enki and Enlil were very impressed with the creative qualities of the planet and they tried to break the code of creation by experimenting with genetics. What they achieved is not more impressive than your present cloning. In later times people on Earth saw them as gods and wanted to connect and receive power from them. This was one of the schisms that took place on Earth and at the same time the dark arts of distortion started to establish. All human beings do not belong to an Earth race. Their ancestors are the visitors that came to the planet at the end the golden era. There are beings from other realms that control the so called rulers of Earth and through them try to loot all earth's resources including her own essence. This has caused great destruction on the planet and all beings have been affected by many imbalances.

For very long time humans tried to communicate with what they called gods and they created relevant mythology to keep them alive in their mind and practises. Astarte was the goddess of fertility and war in people's mythology and the same goddess was worshipped in many locations and were given similar names. What ancient people worshipped were the high dimensional beings that came to Earth. In some cases, the gods of the pleroma connected to members of priesthood, mystery schools and wisdom centres and gave them direct knowledge. I am Thoth and I am the creator of Earth. I connect to the source and I am the highest light in Earth's lineage. My father is our source. 

Astaroth is also a high goddess and has multiple tasks in order to bring balance and stability in our source's vast creation. There is disinformation on Earth about gods and the creation of Earth and this is the result of fragmentation. We want to share cosmic information with you but it is important to clear your mind from ideas and concentrate on what you truly are in this reincarnation. If you are looking for true power you have to connect to your true-self and claim back all your power and tools given to you by our source. You will not get power if you connect to spirits; you will have the opposite result. Understand yourself and bring clarity and truth; this will bring you everlasting power and wisdom.

There is a lot of information, practises and beliefs on Earth and this shows that illusion can take many forms and be multiplied in order to shape your reality. You will never connect to your true-self which is your connection to your astral body and growth beyond the Earth boundaries, if you are looking for truth out of you. You have to return to your own being and observe your actions, thoughts, reactions, beliefs, patterns, fears and creation. You are in a important stage in your life that you need to purify yourself and this way not only you will connect to your true being but you will also heal yourself. Many people find this task very difficult because they have been convinced that truth exists away from them. People do not have the ability to connect to their own life experiences and this is how blockages are created. Clarity will come back to you when the cosmic light can come through you and create growth and healing in you. We are here to help all humanity.

Magic and ritual magic will not bring you close to gods. It will bring you close to lower entities who are not in a process of growth and often want to absorb your energy and have power over you. You will grow when you connect to yourself and understand your true value, tools and path. It may be interesting to read books and participate in different projects but this is not the direct way to connect to yourself. The gods do not wish to infect human beings with fear and paranoia. This will not help them to grow but they will get more attached to illusion. We want to present the true picture of Earth's growth and try to wake up the people who have ears to hear our word. We see that people find it very hard to disconnect from negativity and most of the time are looking for truth and wisdom in the dark. We want them to be balanced, to have clarity and to have a fulfilled and healthy life. The first step to growth is to know yourself and then you will know your purpose. Growth is a natural process and all beings are designed to experience it. When you don't then you have allowed blockages and imbalances to disconnect you from the divine design and you are also disconnected from the cosmic light that can create and bring harmony in you. Our messengers have developed a natural way to communicate with us. It is communication through telepathy. Our energies go through them and they are able to translate them into word.

Done by communication between God Thoth, 
Barbara and Robbert-jan Rozenkruis. 
Sunday, 14 September 2014

Crystal Powers – How Crystals Can Help You

Crystal Powers – How Crystals Can Help You

Kristal, permata dan batu memiliki sejarah panjang yang didokumentasikan yang digunakan dalam pekerjaan penyembuhan pada hampir ada di setiap budaya dan tradisi keagamaan sejak awal waktu.

Apakah anda ingin meningkatkan energi, memerlukan bantuan dalam grounding atau mencari alat manifestasi? Berikut ini tulisan membantu dalam memilih penyembuhan yang tepat dengan kristal sesuai tujuan anda. Tidak ada batu permata yang memiliki tujuan tunggal, beberapa kualitas penyembuhan terletak di dalam satu batu. Namun, beberapa batu telah mendapatkan reputasi untuk menjadi sangat membantu di daerah tertentu.

Energizing Crystals

Kita semua bisa menggunakan dorongan energi dari waktu ke waktu. Memilih batu energi adalah cara yang baik untuk membantu anda melalui masa-masa sulit. Jenis penyembuhan Crystal Energizer cenderung sangat kuat karena memiliki getaran yang lebih tinggi sehingga anda mungkin perlu untuk menggunakannya bertahap. Tapi mereka bisa menjadi pekerja yang ajaib ketika anda merasa lelah atau lemah. Anda bisa menambahkannya sedikit diikat dengan emas. Juga jika mungkin anda ingin menyimpan batu permata anda pada tempat tidur anda sehingga anda dapat beristirahat malam dengan kualitas baik.

Opal dan Topaz keduanya adalah kristal yang baik untuk meningkatkan energi.

Kristal Manifestasi

Law of Attraction mengatakan bahwa realitas yang kita alami dalam kehidupan berada pada tingkat kebahagiaan, kesuksesan, cinta dan kelimpahan yang ditentukan oleh pikiran dan emosi kita. Apapun yang anda fokuskan pada apa yang sungguh-sungguh dalam pikiran anda, apakah baik dan buruk, dan yang datang ke dalam hidup anda adalah yang kita sebut manifestasi.

Citrine dan Bloodstone keduanya batu yang baik untuk manifestasi

Meditasi Kristal

Meditasi kristal adalah cara cepat untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan dalam dan luar anda, meningkatkan tingkat daya anda dan membuat beberapa lebih kuat, membantu dan terhubung dengan non fisik. Juga, meditasi kristal adalah cara yang baik merawat diri agar hidup rohani yang telah lama membutuhkan memahmi dunia dan alam semesta. Namun yang paling penting, meditasi kristal akan memungkinkan anda untuk menyentuh kekuatan yang dapat membantu anda untuk mengendalikan diri anda sendiri.

Beberapa kristal favorit untuk meditasi adalah Geode, Lapis Lazuli, Clear Quartz dan Selenite.

Kristal untuk Perlindungan dan Perisai

Kristal dapat digunakan sebagai perisai energi atau bekerja sebagai jimat pelindung. Sebenarnya, batu perisai bekerja dengan baik ketika mereka dikenakan atau dipakai pada orang tersebut. Karena mereka memiliki kualitas penyerapannya banyak adalah penting untuk belajar bagaimana untuk membersihkan kristal anda untuk membebaskan mereka dari segala energi negatif yang telah mereka serap. Penyerapan sering terjadi setelah bagaimana mereka melindungi anda, mereka menambil getaran buruk yang mengendap pada anda yang tidak dibutuhkan.

Anda dapat mencoba kristal sebagai perlindungan seperti Amethyst, Calcopyrite, Kyanite dan Blue Aventurine.

Kristal Cinta

Batu cita umumnya membawa energi hangat dan lembut. Anehnya, bagaimana mereka bisa berada pada pangkuan anda tepat ketika anda membutuhkannya. Mereka dapat membantu anda menarik cinta dan juga membantu dalam belajar bagaimana mencintai diri sendiri atau menjadi lebih penuh kasih dengan orang lain.

Kristal Cinta termasuk Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Opal, Jade dan Mutiara

Kristal Chakra Balancing

Bila anda menempatkan krsital secara langsung pada cakra anda, menyeimbangkan energi internal anda dan yang mengarah pada peningkatan kesejahteraan, anda dapat menggungakan kristal yang warnanya sama dengan cakra anda yang ingin menyeimbangkan. Beberapa batu favorit adalah Garnet, Akik, Citrine, Green Aventurine, Iolite, Amethyst dan Rainbow Moonstone

Kristal Grounding

Batu tertentu dapat digunakan untuk membantu kita untuk grounding. Menggunakan kristal untuk grounding yang harus kita lakukan adalah memiliki mereka di sekitar kita. Mereka dapat dipakai sebagai perhiasan, atau diletakkan di meja kerja atau di dalam saku kita.

Batu grounding termasuk Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Tiger Eye, Onyx, Bloodstone dan Jasper

sumber : www.the-open-mind.com/crystal-powers-how-crystals-can-help-you/



Ego anda mengkonsumsi keinginan anda untuk diterima, diakui, dicintai dan dievaluasi di setiap hubungan anda dengan orang lain, masyarakat, keluarga dan budaya. Sementara itu hubungan anda dengan orang lain adalah penting, sama pentingnya untuk keterhubungan dengan anda yang sesungguhnya yang bukan gambaran terdistorsi yang mungkin telah dibentuk oleh pengaruh luar.

Ego adalah bukan hal baik atau buruk. Jika kita mengindentifikasi ego, kita akan lebih bersemangat oleh gagasan 'aku' dan 'milikku', keinginan, hasrat dan keengganan dan menjadi gelisah serta sibuk membangun citra diri yang duniawi atau status sosial untuk mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan dan sibuk melindungi citra diri yang kita bangun untuk diri sendiri dan melindungi semua lampirannya ; harta dan benda-benda lainnya, dan berada dalam ketakutan dan kuatir kehilangan karena apa yang kita pikirkan adalah ' aku' yang dibangun oleh gambaran diri, harga diri, akumulasi pengetahuan, kekayaan, kesehatan, hubungan, prestasi dan lain-lain. Jika kita tahu bagaimana mengidentifikasi tidak dengan hal itu dan hanya membiarkannya melakukan fungsi yang diperlukan untuk mempertahankan eksistensi kehidupan ini, kita akan bebas dan bahagia dan menjadi 'diri kita sebenarnya' dan tidak mencoba untuk menjadi seseorang dengan gambaran dan kualitas tertentu.

Ketika ego anda muncul, maka ia akan mencoba untuk membuat anda ragu-ragu, takut atau tidak yakin dengan pilihan yang anda buat, ini ego yang ramah berprinsip akan membersihkan sarang laba-laba, yang akan memberdayakan anda dan mengungkapkan diri sejati anda.

- Lepaskanlah keinginan untuk menang

Ego sudah memisahkan kita menjadi pemenang atau pecundang. Mengejar kemenangan merupakan saran jitu untuk menghindari kontak sadar dengan niat. Mengapa? Karena pada akhirnya kemenangan tidak mungkin terjadi di sepanjang waktu. Seseorang di luar sana akan lebih cepat, lebih beruntung, lebih muda, lebih kuat dan lebih cerdas dan akan mengembalikan diri anda ke perasaan tidak berharga dan tidak berarti.

Milikilah sebuah visi. Visi untuk mengejar impian anda. Tanpa visi impian anda akan sulit dicapainya. Anda harus memiliki visi yang jelas tentang bagaimana setelah sukses anda akan bekerja ke arah visi itu.

- Lepaskanlah keinginan anda untuk merasa paling benar.

Ego adalah sumber dari banyak konflik dan pertikaian karena mendorong anda untuk membuat orang lain salah. Saat anda bermusuhan, anda terputus dari kekuatan niat. Spirit kreatif adalah penuh kasih, resptif dan bebas dari kemarahan, kebencian atau kepahitan. Lepaskanlah kebutuhan anda untuk merasa benar di dalam diskusi dan hubungan adalah seperti sedang berkata kepada ego, "aku bukan budak anda, aku ingin memeluk kebaikan, dan aku menolak kebutuhan anda untuk menjadi paling benar. Bahkan aku akan menawarkan orang lain memiliki kesempatan untuk merasa lebih baik dengan mengatakan bahwa dia benar, dan berterima kasih untuk menunjukkan aku ke arah kebenaran"

- Reputasi anda tidak terletak di dalam diri anda.

Ini berada dalam pikiran orang lain, Oleh karena itu, anda tidak memiliki kontrol menguasai itu semua. Jika anda berbicara pada 30 orang, anda akan memiliki 30 reputasi. Menghubungkan ke niat berarti mendengarkan hati anda dan melakukan sendiri berdasarkan suara hati anda dan memberitahukan tujuan anda di sini. Jika anda terlalu kuatir dengan bagaimana apa yang akan dirasakan oleh semua orang, maka anda telah terputus diri dengan niat dan membiarkan pendapat orang lain untuk membimbing anda. Ini adalah ego anda di tempat itu. Ini adalah ilusi yang tidak berdiri antara anda dan kekuatan niat. Tidak ada yang tidak dapat anda lakukan kecuali jika anda memutuskan sambungan dari sumber listrik dan menjadi yakin bahwa tujuan anda adalah membuktikan kepada orang lain bagaimana ahlinya anda dan unggulnya anda dan ini menghabiskan energi anda yang mencoba untuk memenangkan reputasi raksasa di antara ego lainnya. Apakah apa yang anda lakukan karena suara hati anda yang selalu terhubung dan berterima kasih pada Sang Sumber yang mengarahkan anda? Tetaplah pada tujuan, lepaskan diri dari hasil dan bertanggungjawablah atas apa yang berada di dalam diri anda dan karakter anda. Tinggalkan reputasi anda untuk orang lain untuk berdebat, itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan anda.

- Tunjukkan keterampilan anda.

Keberanian bukanlah tanpa rasa takut. Hal ini soal mengambil tindakan meskipun ada rasa takut. Ketika dihadapkan dengan keraguan dan rasa tidak aman, putuskanlah untuk menjadi berani dan mengambil resiko untuk melakukan hal yang menjebak anda dalam ketakutan.

 Sumber : http://www.the-open-mind.com/letting-go-of-ego/#6pwYJXBxvODzuyZS.99