Minggu, 16 Maret 2014


By Elizabeth Peru

Well what an interesting few days it has been. Not particularly pleasant for many of us. Sleep has been interrupted again and many may be feeling some anxiety. This Full Moon occurring over the next 24 hours is particularly intense as there are a number of other factors at play. Saturn and Mars are both retrograde, reminding us that we need to be thorough and determined in our new course of action. You cannot be rushed right now, you must go slow and go within for your answers. They will come, be patient. You are literally re-evaluating who you are and how you present who you are to the world. From the inside out.


Is highly advised over the next week - DAILY (5mins. or more).
As we head into the first eclipse season with a total solar eclipse on April 15, our whole worlds are being rocked.
We are being asked by soul to get more authentic and honest to who we are.
So you will be dropping what doesn't fit you, no excuses.
Time for the old to move away.
Shedding and letting go are major themes, and we are not always good at both of these meditation will bring you to centre, soul and peace.
To meditate, be somewhere quiet and close your eyes.
Sit upright and focus on the quiet pause between your breath.
Rather than focusing on the in and out breath, focus on the silence between the breath.
After some time, images may start to form or feelings.
Go with them, Soul speaks to us this way.

(re: recent solar flares)

You may also notice right now increased:

~ Tingling in the centre of the palms.
Left is incoming 'new' energy for you. Right is outgoing 'old' for you.
~ High frequency sound tuning in and out of each ear.
This is not a loud ringing, but like someone as the volume button and slowly turning up a tuner in your ear, then slowly turning it back down again.
Left ear, new spiritual information coming to you. Right ear new physical information coming to you.
~ Sleeplessness and increased pineal gland activity.
Dreams are extra vivid, pineal glands (the third eye) are super active.
Astral travel is enhanced and OBE's.
People are looking for answers and leaving their body to do so.

Best to be out of doors as much as possible and not involved in any heavy conversations.
Be on your own if you can for some part of the day.
Lock yourself in the bathroom if need be and chill

Love to all. And put your crystals out in this Full Moon - it's a super-charged one and great for re-setting quartz energy.