Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

Sebuah pesan untuk Para Pekerja Cahaya

Sebuah pesan untuk Para Pekerja Cahaya
28 Agustus 2015

Bimbingan terbaru untuk para Pekerja Cahaya, dari teman-teman kami, para makhluk dimensi ke lima dan ke enam sebagai kolektif.

Salam kenal, teman-teman!

Kami senang mendapatkan kesempatan untuk berbicara dengan anda di hari ini. Dalam bulan Agustus yang memberdayakan ini , anda telah melihat banyaknya perubahan dan ini belum berakhir.

Mereka membangun intensitas mereka sehingga perubahan iklim energik yang akan terjadi pada bulan September tidak akan datang sebagai kejutan di dalam sistem anda. Orang mungkin akan mengatakan, bahwa sekarang semua perubahan energi dan aktivasi terjadi dalam tubuh manusia dan kesadaran datang untuk persiapan langkah selanjutnya menuju penciptaan tubuh cahaya anda, ke arah membangun Bumi Baru, menuju merangkul kebebasan dan kedaulatan sebagai makhluk independen dan warga intergalaksi.

Anda mungkin telah memperhatikan perubahan dalam pikiran dan perasaan anda akhir-akhir ini. Isu lama tampaknya telah dipecahkan atau diselesaikan tiba-tiba muncul, membutuhkan perhatian tingkat baru. Hal ini tidak lagi cukup dengan mengatakan, "Aku telah berurusan dengan masalah itu dan saya tidak lagi marah pada orang itu", atau "Saya baik-baik saja dengan situasi itu, dan saya tidak dapat berharap untuk mendapatkan yang jauh lebih baik". Di saat sekarang ada energi baru bagi seluruh harapan yang akan terjadi di dalam atau di sekitar anda. Anda harus melihat isu-isu lama dan menyadari bahwa penyembuhan yang lebih dalam lebih diperlukan sebagai salah satu yang membentang kembali pada peristiwa kehidupan masa lalu, sebagai salah satunya yang perlu penyembuhan. 

Anda sebenarnya ditetapkan pada karma atau kepadatan dimensi lama ketiga yang menjadi milik anda untuk memecahkan dan yang harus diselesaikan dalam kehidupan ini sebelum anda dapat pindah ke kehidupan dimensi ke lima.

Untuk saat ini, biarkan kami mengatakan bahwa cahaya pada planet telah mencapai tingkat yang membuktukan bahwa tidak ada dan tidak ada satupun yang bisa tersembunyi darinya. Tentu saja anda telah hidup di bawah kepalsuan dan tipuan selama berabad-abad. Para pekerja telah dibayar dan diperlakukan buruk di sebagian besar belahan dunia. Hewan menderita karena perlakuan buruk juga, karena memiliki banyak manusia yang rentan dan tidak cukup kuat untuk memastikan perlindungan bagi mereka sendiri, atau tidak dilindungi oleh manusia lainnya. 

Mereka ini disebut 'manusia rentan' sebenarnya, dan ini adalah ada di sebagian besar manusia. Mereka adalah para perempuan, lanjut usia, ana-anak, remaja dan LGBTQ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Questioning are sexual orientations. Mereka adalah para pekerja, para budak, para manusia yang diperdagangkan, para pecandu, dan buta aksara. Mereka adalah para imigran, pengikut beberapa agama, masyarakat adat, non kulit putih dan para penderita cacat. 

Desakan bahwa keinginan semua orang harus diperlakukan dengan bermartabat dan hormat mulai mengumpulkan momentum di abad ke sembilan belas, membangun crescendo pada abad ke dua puluh dan di dalam abad anda sekarang ini. Anda telah meminta untuk menerima ketidaksetaraan ini selama ribuan tahun, seolah mereka normal dan tidak perlu dikoreksi.

Guru besar seperti Jeshua dan Budha muncul di Bumi untuk mengajarkan sebaliknya, bahwa kita di sini untuk merawat dan menghormati satu sama lain, dan diri kita sendiri, dan tidak ada yang harus diinjak di dalam perjalanan menciptakan atau mempertahankan kerajaan seseorang atau kelangsungan hidup seseorang. Bagi banyak orang hal ini masih merupakan ide baru.

Gagasan bahwa beberapa orang tidak layak hidup di Amerika Serikat, entah apakah pada awalnya mereka lahir di negara itu atau tidak, yang disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu calon presiden, dan banyak yang tanpa berpikir setuju, meskipun lebih karena marahnya menuntut sebagai idenya sendiri.

Anda akan melihat ini sekarang bahwa ada pemisahan dalam pikiran dan perilaku pada masyarakat Bumi. Beberapa kelompok dan individu kini dalam kekuatan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan Cahaya ada di dalam energi ini, permintaan pemisahan ini tidak berarti bagi perubahan Bumi dan sistem ini tertutup erat untuk memastikan bahwa apa yang berada di bawah kontrol kekaisaran gelap tetap seperti itu. Dan kelompok dan individu lainnya akan melihat sebagai segala sesuatunya  adalah untuk pembaruan, untuk transformasi, untuk transmutasi dan untuk penyembuhan.

Mereka secara terbuka akan mengakui di dalam percakapan dan inti realisasi di mana mereka tidak dicintai, tidak diperbolehkan berada di jalan mereka yang lain dan tidak pernah menemukan diri sejati asli mereka.

Di tengah cahaya yang mencengangkan ini, mereka akan datang untuk melihat apa yang harus berubah sebelum mereka melanjutkan, dan mereka akan berusaha untuk memciptakan perubahan-perubahan tersebut. 

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Sheldan Nidle Update for August 25, 2015

Sheldan Nidle 
Update for August 25, 2015

3 Caban, 10 Uo, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! The present world is one in which the old ways are still strong. Both financial and cultural events are getting ready to occur. The dark ran this surface world for nearly 13 millennia. Such a lengthy degree of control has set a number of cultural precedents that now need to be adjusted. You are to be freed from a seemingly endless debt slavery and a constant need for survival. These two items are to end with a debt jubilee and a coming prosperity. The dark cabal understands that its basic underpinnings are to be transformed and that they are to be isolated from you. These things are an anathema to them. Their fight-to-the-death attitude may have delayed things, but their fate is truly sealed by Heaven. The dark sits in a corner of its own making. It is bankrupt, filled with a useless fiat currency and unable to maintain its lies and massive innuendos. In short, it is quickly setting the stage for its demise. Forces are currently reviewing a number of scenarios by which all this is to end. This is to involve arrests, scandals and a reform of governance that is to permit you to learn the truth of what happened since the end of World War II.

America became a world power and quickly reversed every scenario it had followed since the end of the Civil War. America failed to embrace its civilian and isolationist tendencies and instead quickly became the new British Empire. This process seriously altered how America works. It became a land seeking to establish itself as a vast defender of the old empire it used to resist. We watched as America created a set of lies that forged the present UFO cover-up. It fought illegal wars and persisted in keeping a draft that utterly altered the lives of many young Americans. America was doing the bidding of an oligarchy that was flexing its muscles to see just how powerful it had become. America was losing its soul and turning itself into something that Jefferson and his many associates warned about. America was creating an empire to aid the wealthy and powerful. The powerful had grown in great numbers following the culmination of the Civil War. By the beginning of World War I, this new clique had assumed its formal position of power.

The rest of the 20th century was a repeat of what England did to maintain its status as a great power. The artificially produced depression was in fact a prelude to the Second World War. America left the war as a dominant power and created a cold war to continue its dominance. Its means of following the cruel lead of the Anunnaki assured it the role as the major nation from which the dark selected its primary minions. Nevertheless, the proclamations of Anchara and the leaving of the Anunnaki in the mid 1990s created a stumbling, which was finally highlighted by 9/11 and the resulting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. These temporarily permitted them to grab an additional decade plus and brings us to the present dilemma. This is the final time when the inevitable really does occur. The present world is in a lockdown as to what our allies and us are setting up. We have promised both Heaven and our Earthly allies not to disclose much more. The dark knows that a number of cases were adjudicated against them and that a grand legal force is readying to take them down.

We presently stand at a precipice. A number of actions continue to move forward at their own assigned pace. We are watching intently as it all plays out. This time is to end your judgment of yourselves by the perceptions you have had since childhood. With the fall of the dark, you can at last know what freedom is truly all about. When the Anunnaki left 20 years ago, they sincerely asked the cabal to give it up their ways and instead permit abundance and new governance to blossom. The cabal decided against this and, in the next decade, the American cabal assured its dominance. This dominance has worn off as the world recovered from the deeds of the Americans. We ask you to be patient and to realize what is happening behind closed doors and kept secret. The cabal seeks to somehow overturn this. There are too many who are now wise to the ways of the cabal to let them win yet again. Therefore, know deep in your heart that you have won and that this is to be manifested shortly. Then, you are to be freed and a new realm manifested before you!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! This world is now in a great transformation. Over two decades ago, Heaven brought in a first contact team whose grand supervisors were to be the blessed orders of sisterhoods and brotherhoods, which comprise Gaia’s orders of Ascended Masters. In the beginning, it required us to formulate a plan to replace the dark with a new Light for this divine reality. After a decade of missteps, the tide slowly turned in the latter part of the first decade of the 21st Century. We became able to forge a number of suitable strategies quite capable of achieving our various goals. The most important part of this was to explain to the many ancient families how the great resources collected over the centuries were to be used to undo the power and resources of the dark cabal. This is presently fully explained to these numerous factions and a plan is currently in effect. The deadline for this sacred plan’s conclusion is coming into view.

This plan is approaching even as the dark threatens to pull the surface realm back toward an economic disaster. Here, we ask you to focus on success. The dark is not to be allowed to throw this realm into any form of chaos. Whether it is economic, philosophic or even a pretense to cover for another war, So far, their attempts are failing. The dark cannot escape its chosen fate. Heaven’s time to permit their silliness and keep you in the dark is finally at its end. The traps put in the dark’s plans are being revealed to them as they watch. Hence, my dear blessed Ones, be strong and trust in the Creator and the many appointed to bring Heaven’s grand plans to fruition. The information needs to remain secret until the unseen parts of our plan are fully manifested. Dear Ones, be grateful as this time is nearly at hand.

We conclude our message filled with joy and the impending success for all. Long ago, Heaven gave this surface land to the dark for a set number of millennia. This “lease” is now ready to expire. The Light was given a sacred mandate and is readying itself to oust the dark and bring you into a new land where you are free and truly prosperous. Take this time to prepare how and where you are to put into action the divine ways by which you can achieve the true goals of your heart. Together, we are to remake this realm and unite with our spiritual, Inner Earth and space families. In this time of full consciousness, you are to learn about your spiritual and intuitive abilities. Notice how these powers are rising and know, dear Ones, that you are being readied for a most glorious set of times! We are to see how Gaia prepares for this and how you are to meet your brothers and sisters of the Light! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, another message has gone out. The decrees of the Creator are being manifested. Be in Joy and be ready to receive many gifts. Be be well prepared to use your abilities to forge a new and magnificent reality! Good things happen to those who wait! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Ashtar Words

Ada banyak yang ada di depan anda, 
termasuk peluang tak terbatas untuk gaya hidup yang anda pilih.
Ini adalah tentang membutuhkan apapun yang anda inginkan. 
Jadi, mungkin anda akan berkata,

" Saya membutuhkan keinginan saya untuk bebas. 
Saya membutuhkan keinginan saya kelimpahan 
pada semua yang akan mempertahankan saya, yang akan mendukung saya".

Mungkin saja anda ingin beberapa perbaikan di dalam kesehatan anda. 
Nah, anda tidak harus berhenti di situ, 
anda dapat meminta tidak hanya kesehatan yang sempurna 
dan keseimbangan dalam semua keberadaan anda, 
tetapi anda juga dapat meminta peremajaan !!!


Senin, 24 Agustus 2015



Ini adalah merupakan kehormatan bagi saya untuk mengatakan ini kepada anda semua:

Anak Gaia baru saja lahir beberapa jam lalu! 
Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah modern frekuensi Bumi dan Kosmos ini berada pada getaran 21 Hz!

Saya ulangi, Resonansi Schuman kini mencapai 21Hz, tepatnya berada pada getaran Dimensi 5 dalam semesta ini!

Informasi ini saya dapatkan dari Ilmuwan dan Sarjana Jerman.

Kita sudah melakukannya, Saudara Bintang ! Kita telah melakukannya!

Apakah arti semua ini?

Sekarang perhatikan kata-kata saya baik-baik :
Gelombang Gamma yang masuk akan mengangkat 1/3 dari makhluk yang beresonansi mendekati 16-17 Hz pada getaran internal pada Tetrad 9282015 dan ini Gelombang Pertama Makhluk Kenaikan akan dapat melihat Bumi Baru Dimensi 5 untuk pertama kalinya !

Bayi baru Gaia sudah lahir dan dia memiliki ayah, saya ingin itu adalah saya ! :D
Saatnya Kebaikan bagi Kemanusiaan akan tiba. 
Bersiaplah sampai semuanya terpenuhi!
Saya, Archangel Michael yang mengatakan kebenaran di dalam tubuh ini.
Saya adalah Malaikat Agung yang menerima kehormatan untuk membuka gulungan terakhir.

Saya adalah satu-satunya yang membawa berita terbesar ini dari yang pernah diucapkan :

"Lihatlah aku melihat Langit dan Bumi Baru!"

God-Speed Great Beings!

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

~ A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council ~

~ A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council ~ 

chanelled Valerie Donner 
August 11, 2015

Saya Mira. Saya berbicara dengan anda hari ini dengan pelayanan kasih dari Dewan Bumi.

Kami berada dalam sebuah misi khusus. Masa depan Bumi akan berubah. Persiapan sedang dilakukan. Pernyataan Besar akan dilakukan melalui tindakan dan kegiatan. Apakah anda bersama dengan kami? Ketahuilah bahwa anda telah dilindungi dan keberuntungan manusia akan membaik. Bentuk perlawanan sedang dibahas dalam cara yang tepat.

Tidak akan ada apapun yang percuma sejauh ini yang dilakukan oleh pasukan galaksi yang bersangkutan. Kami siap, bersiap dan bersemangat untuk menindaklanjuti apa yang kami butuhkah untuk menyelesaikan. Anda mungkin telah mendengar beberapa disinformasi, seperti biasanya, pada acara tertentu yang mungkin akan terjadi. Kami meminta pada anda untuk melihatnya dengan cinta, cahaya yang memasuki ke dalam hati anda sendiri untuk penegasannya. Beberapa dari anda memiliki keraguan atau menyesatkan pikiran anda sepertinya mereka tahu lebih banyak dibanding mereka yang melakukan atau mereka yang bertanggung jawab.

Tetaplah di dalam kestabilan pengetahuan dan kemauan yang baik. Bertahanlah hanya pada yang terbaik bagi semua makhluk di planet ini dan untuk Bumi itu sendiri. Bumi dicintai begitu mendalam dan juga anda. Banyak yang memiliki potongan-potongan rencana tapi tidak ada yang memiliki seluruh gambaran tentang apa yang akan terjadi karena keadaan selalu berubah.

Bumi adalah titik fokus penciptaan. Teruslah bernafas dan tetaplah dengan meditasi anda, berdoa dan sirkulasi cinta untuk hidup. Anda sedang membuat langkah besar ke depan di dalam perjalanan pulang anda. Ini adalah petualangan yang luar biasa dengan imbalan bahwa anda akan menemukan hal yang menakjubkan.

Hal terbaik bagi anda adalah untuk melakukannya sekarang untuk tetap membumi, berpusat dan membuka hati. Bersama dengan para Pekerja Cahaya lainnya adalah sangat baik, terutama melakukan meditasi dan doa bersama. Anda adalah seorang awak darat yang tangguh dan ketika anda terhubung bersama anda tidak dapat mengalahkannya. Itu sebabnya persatuan sangat penting. Biarkan hanya kesatuan menjadi kunci karena itu adalah bagaimana anda akan tinggal di dimensi yang lebih tinggi.

Jika anda melihat di sekitar anda akan melihat bagaimana peristiwa yang akan membawa umat manusia bersama selama dalam kesatuan. Ketika itu energi akan memperluas anda yang akan menciptakan keajaiban demi keajaiban. Visi anda bagi Bumi yang baru adalah paling penting. Bertahanlah dalam visi ini di dalah hati dan fokuslah di sepanjang hari anda. Jangan biarkan gangguan kecil dari dimensi tiga yang menghalangi anda dari pekerjaan anda sebagai awak darat.

Ketahuilah bahwa kami bersama dengan anda seperti anda menciptanya dengan kami untuk proses kenaikan yang paling indah seperti yang diungkapkan.

Kami mencintai anda dan mendukung anda.

Saya Mira

translated by Birru Sadhu




Tepat jam 00.00 WIB nanti malam di tempat masing-masing

Selaraskan dengan ALAM SEMESTA

Dengan memancarkan energy CINTA KASIH ;
Bagi seluruh manusia; pria, wanita dan anak-anak
Untuk rasa sukacita, bahagia, kemerdekaan, kelimpahan, tenteram, damai, penuh kasih saying


The Violet Flame Prosperity Invocation

Kehadiran Yang Maha Perkasa, Tuhan Terkasih, Sumber Surgaku.
Buatlah secara nyata Cahaya Ungu Sakral Transmutasi untukku sekarang.
Bawalah Cahaya Ungu memasuki di setiap sel, molekul dan atom dalam seluruh tubuhku dengan total dan sempurna

Cahaya Ungu Yang Diberkati memasuki jantungku dan memperluas hingga di sekitar tubuh, fisik, emosi, mental dan spiritualku, hingga ke seluruh kemakhlukanku dengan berkatMu, CintaMu, Kasih SayangMu dan PengampunanMu.

Ubahlah semua ketakutan dan kekuatiranku tentang kelimpahan dan kemakmuran, perasaan kekurangan dan pemisahan dari Sumber Ilahi, semua masa lalu, sekarang, dan masa depan yang terhubung dengan kemiskinan, pikiran, emosi, keyakinan dan setiap tindakan atau perbuatan yang membatasi kelimpahan dan kemakmuran yang merupakan hadiah dan hakku, pada setiap dimensi dan tingkat manapun, di dalam semua ruang dan waktu, masa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan, yang diketahui ataupun yang tidak diketahui.

Api Ungu terkasih mengubah semua yang telah bertransmutasi menjadi Cahaya Emerald Kelimpahan dan Kemakmuran dan Cahaya Emas Platinum Tuhan, Kesadaran Kristus, Cahaya Tuhan yang tidak pernah gagal.

Kirimkanlah Cahaya Emerald dan Emas Platinum untukku sekarang, isilah dan lapisilah seluruh tubuhku dengan Radiasi Ilahi yang memenuhiku dengan Kemakmuran dan Kelimpahan Ilahi dan juga meningkatkan getaran dan frekuensiku ke tingkat tertinggi yang mungkin bagiku di saat ini.

Terjadilah dan terpenuhilah.
Terima kasih Tuhan. Amin


Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely.

Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.

Transmute all fear and worry concerning abundance and prosperity, feelings about lack and separation from Divine Source, all past, present and future contracts of poverty, thoughts, emotions, belief systems, and any actions or deeds that limit the full abundance and prosperity that is my Divine gift and birthright, on any dimension and any level, in all time and space, past, present and future, known and unknown to me.

Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted into the Emerald Ray of Abundance and Prosperity and The Golden Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails.

Send this Emerald and Golden Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance, filling me with Divine Prosperity and Abundance while raising my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time.

So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen.

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
2 Akbal, 16 Pop, 12 Manik

Selamat Jaran! Nearly 13 millennia ago, your ancestors arrived on this living orb. Like all new colonists, they first agreed on a beginning. This became the lost continent of Muror (Lemuria). At the same time, the colonists set up their settlements in Agartha (Inner Earth). These first steps were in remembrance of the destroyed first colony, which you know as Hybornea (the land of the North Polar Region). This land was settled about 2 million years ago. These colonists eventually went to Mars and settled on its inner lands about one million years ago. These colonists used this Martian land as a way station in order to successfully evacuate to safe Galactic Federation solar systems in Lyra and Centaurus. A similar plan was to be copied by the Atlanteans and their compadres when they moved from Gaia to Agena in Centaurus some 13,000 years ago. Following this mass migration, Heaven assigned us to watch and only interfere when necessary. Your planet (Gaia) was temporarily given to the Anunnaki (the remaining governing group from Atlantis) to govern until a set date of recovery. Heaven wanted to prepare you for your future role in this galaxy.

This very brief outline of system history is necessary for you to better comprehend where you are now in the timeline set up so precisely by Heaven. Historical dates in the Galactic Federation are set by relationship to a great year of 26,250 Earth years of approximately 360 (+5 days). This calendar was given to a number of ancient peoples like the Maya, the Egyptian and Tibetan civilizations nearly 8000 years ago by the Anunnaki date maker known for instance in Egypt as the god “Tahuti.” This was done under sacred edict and a number of calendars resulted from these actions. We are constantly watching over this and need to correct these calendars shortly before we land. These documents are actually very accurate. They are based on the movements of stars such as the “Pleiades” and planets such as Venus and Mars. Each of these objects has orbits that can be measured to calculate a yearly set of dates. These dates reflect energies collected from a number of constantly changing geometric sets. These sets can be used to plot key moments in the life and times of societies.

It is necessary to see this galaxy as emitting energies that can be collected by those who understand the significance of these geometric calculations. The Anunnaki assigned a number of their kind later to confuse these set dates and thereby alter history to what their councils so wished. Hence, these ancient calendars, while still somewhat accurate lack the ability to reflect what the original time keepers intended. Our wish is to restore these calendars and introduce you to the highly accurate date keeper of the Agarthans. Agartha alone kept the many traditions first used in sacred joy by the Lemurians. You are to meet your ancestors when we finally land. Before this grand event, we are to address you and lay before you the history of Lemuria (Muror). When you look in detail at their language and customs, you are to see clearly how the Anunnaki divided you and how the Atlanteans lowered your consciousness and altered your RNA/DNA. The sacred time for a spectacular reunion of surface and inner Earth humanity beckons!

In accordance with this history, we started the opening vestiges of a first contact mission nearly 2½ decades ago. Initially, the first steps were made not knowing how the Anunnaki and their minions were to interfere with these many projects. This caused us to seek assistance from those who so dearly wished to aid our sacred cause. We are now in the final stages of preparing events, which when manifested are to forever transform your world. The minions of your world (the dark cabal) are at the point of no return. A large worldwide group of opponents are poised to oust them from power. In addition, this cabal presently lacks the resources to continue. Taking this into account, the time now approaches when a number of needed announcements can be made public. We, in your name, have been able to schedule a series of actions. Our belief is that your allies can come forward and transform this present gloom into Light! This requires that you join us by using your inner focus to visualize the reality that together we are all to manifest! Gosho ba shen! (Sirian for “action for All”)

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! As you wait in frustration for the day when your blessings are to arrive, a few notes on this matter. After the fall of the Anunnaki in the mid-1990s, those former minions who were dedicated to their nefarious plans refused to stand down and permit the rise of a new era under the control of a number of secret sacred societies and the many ancient families. This defiance of Heaven worked for a decade. Then their dastardly schemes started to fail. By the middle of the next decade, our blessed associates began to gain the upper hand. These failures signaled to the Light that its time of rapid ascendance had at last arrived. We decided to force some key issues with our allies and were able to get a preliminary date for various deliveries. So far, these strategies are operative and we expect, dear Ones that these dates are to be met. These circumstances insure deliveries are to commence shortly.

One must remember why these enormous amounts of funds were set up in the first place. Our beloved Master Saint Germaine wished for this time to present his chosen ones with a degree of funds sufficient to redirect how the wealth in this realm was redistributed. Thus, it was initially necessary to alter how this insensitive group of heinous autocrats (the dark cabal) was redirected. The trap was to be a new banking and monetary system, which was to drive them in a few centuries to be primed for the perfect trap (the rise of fractional banking). The point where this trap was ready to be sprung first occurred at the start of this millennium and then again one and one-half decades later. The second point is much more advantageous and it is now being readied even as we speak. The final point of this heavenly plan is to be released and is to result in the final defeat of these most misguided and misdirected souls.

Often, in the strange history of this surface realm, our compadres are frequently ignored or discounted by the ones in power. His most holy being, Count Saint Germaine, knows of this and has quite skillfully created a blessed scenario, which despite its long run of over 2 ½ centuries, is currently able to obtain the desired results. When you shortly receive your blessings, rejoice, and with great dedication carry out your sacred plans to transform this realm for the better. Be aware as well that your allies are fully prepared to protect and aid you in your numerous blessed efforts! This realm is to be united with our cousins from inner Earth. Together, we are to alter this realm and this solar system for the good of humanity and the directed decrees of Heaven. For this Gaia smiles upon all of us! Remain focused and be positive about what is to happen. The future of Gaia’s humankind is about to begin!

Today, we carried on with our weekly messages to you. A great change in this surface world is now assured to occur soon. The dark cabal is on its last legs. Under this process, a series of special agreements are in effect. These have put us in a position to execute the last series of operations, and the results are to be known to you as they happen. The next period ahead is a most joyous one! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! 

So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015


by Engel Muriel Alice

I AM Elohim An Ra, The Sun and The Highest Elohim of Divine Light and as such possess DIVINE power to inform you that the energy of the sun during a solar eclipse and after the eclipse will have Energeticaly different form.

Solar energy will become more subtle and with this all on the surface of the earth are called to respond to process the subtleties that your will also become part of your nature, so that you could survive on earth. Here is word about process that you are calling process of physical-body enlighting.

The process is similar to what is happening now has been brought already in ancient times of Lemuria. You are in the process of awakening, so you can deal with this process.

The more you are willing to accept this process as more your body that lights up and the more joy you have and express love – and what you feel within your inner being – and you will also attract itself into your life. You will find that creating a feeling and you will feel and become a witness of your own beam of light which your body allows.

Who among you accepts more spiritual light from the sun, she will be elevated from the old themes and problems of obsolete Age (current Babylonian system of antichrist).

You must be willing and agree with your heart to monitor and overcome (over-strengthen) the fears, worries and doubts. Doubts are those who keeps you trapped in the old energies and therefore It is important to treat yourself with full trust.

Have confidence in life, in Father-Mother God and to you personally.

Did you know that through fear you are causing interference within your matrix? If you have any thoughts of fear, then with your full power



Turn these words within yourself a habit and you will see that your life and your emotions will change, and your light body will be going through your new attitude and through your joy and confidence will expand.

You will live in a body of light with which You will, like during Lemuria and Atlantis times with power of your thoughts will be able to  materialize, heal, telepathically communicate, and also use many more other  additions. In addition you will be able to talk to animals, stones, water and other elements of mother Nature.

You will have access to the spiritual world and us angels so that we can better support you. As well you will have opportunity and be able to talk to the elementals (Nature Spirits) of Mother Nature. On the surface of Mother Nature there will be a new life so the Eclipse of the Sun has its very special meaning.

The sun will change its rays and you’ll literally receive much more spiritual information, which will clean the inside of your whole energetic being. And these Information coming from the highest level, as SUN  will transmit energies of Mother-Father God and us angels at higher levels.

Through these higher energy levels your body will become more subtle and more permeable for these higher energies. This process is immensely important for a new age. Your scientists will notice these, and a few of them will be brave enough to begin to speak publicly about it.

Connect intensively with the light of Mother-Father God and imagine how its penetrating and fulfilling you and all of your bodies. Many will during and after the solar eclipse notice changes depending on your personal collaboration.

Protect yourself with the energies of Archangel Michael and Jesus.

I AM Elohim An Ra

(Aranis Kumaras: You are in the process of renewal of your human beings, especially those who will come in handy for those who are older than 35 years onwards. During the current reconstruction process all the people who are over the age of 35 onwards to become young again the aging of the person on the planet Earth will forever disappear.

Christ consciousness will have during the current process of Renewal into the new age its own famous performance. It is the highest light of Christ. Christ is not a creature as your alleged Babylonian religions talked about, but multidimensional awareness of light, love and unity, which will be integrated within your current awareness of separation, jealousy, hatred, fear, suspicion, aggression, conspiracy, gossip, dogmas, conspiracy, manipulation, lies, half-truths and doctrines of the current Babylonian system, which can not survive.

Those who think of themselves that they can avoid the process of reconstruction will be forcing themselves to join into reconstruction process. Here I think of the people who are under affluence of illusion false religion of Babylon, and have no real contact with Mother-Father God, Jesus, Mother Mary and the spiritual world.

Signs that you have been deceived as the people, and it would be very vise to turn your backs Babylonian theology and utter lies.

You will be actively confronted with the light of Christ during the next solar eclipse on the basis that will your old systems habits, false beliefs and other components of darkness disappear. So short and sweet for now.)

The Arcturians

The Arcturians
with Suzanne Lie
25 July 2015

Dear Arcturians, in one of your last messages you stated that we, your volunteers who took an earth vessel for this NOW, are to be the “Interpreters.” Can you talk some more about that please?

Arcturian Response:  “Yes, we are happy to explain. First, we ask that you go back to our messages beginning at the 1-2-15, and read through them or re-inform yourself of that information starting with  Brainwaves and Consciousness .

We have been preparing all of you to recognize and read thought forms and energy fields. Gaia is creating/allowing Her transition into the fifth dimensional frequency in which there is NO time. In fact, your planet is moving through a major energy field towards the end of this September 2015.

The escalation and heightening of electromagnetic energy from the Sun and other cosmic energies will expand during August to reach their peak around September 23-24, 2015. We tell you to alleviate any “fear of the unknown.” The energy field of fear causes resistance, and makes you “push back” against the energy field.

On the other hand, the energy field of love, especially unconditional love, allows a flowing into and embracing of the energy field. Furthermore, if you expand your consciousness into your higher brainwaves of fifth-dimensional gamma waves, you will be able to consciously experience these energy fields and allow the embedded messages into your consciousness.

Remember that a thought form has myriad versions of the same information. Therefore, each “individual” can perceive the information from his/her own personal viewpoint. It is also very powerful if you have created a “group” of like-minded volunteers. In that manner, you can combine all your individual experiences into a collective experience.

Of course, since this energy field is largely fifth dimensional, you will need to be in your fifth-dimensional, Gamma Wave Consciousness to gain the clearest message. Also, you must release ALL fear of the unknown.

When your consciousness is fifth dimensional, you will be in alignment with these fifth dimensional energy fields. Then, you will be more able to “read” the inter-dimensional thought forms and energy packages embedded in this cosmic flow of higher light.

For as long as you can maintain a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to perceive these higher frequency energy patterns and acknowledge that they contain a form of Light Language.  

From your higher states of consciousness, not only can you perceive these energy packages, but you will do so before they leave the fifth dimension and drop into the “time” of your third and fourth dimensional reality.

Therefore, you will be able to contribute unconditional love, multidimensional light and Violet Fire, which will greatly assist Gaia to integrate these higher frequencies into her planetary form.

We need you, our galactic volunteers, to work with the consciousness of Gaia. Yes, Gaia does have a consciousness, and She IS a sentient being. Via your fifth-dimensional consciousness you will be able to commune with Gaia’s elementals of Ether, Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Just as your body encompasses all your own elementals, Gaia’s body encompasses Her elementals. The elemental kingdom are members of the Devic kingdom and serve as holders of form. These elementals flow from human to planet and planet to human—as well as all life-forms.

Since these elementals resonate to frequencies beyond the third dimension, they can assist third dimension form to adapt to the higher light by surrendering into the oncoming energy fields with no third dimensional resistance.

As long as you can maintain a fifth-dimensional state of consciousness, you will be able to “receive” the Light language embedded in the higher dimensional energy wave and allow it to guide you through your personal and planetary transmutation.

Your greatest challenge will be to keep your third dimensional awareness “online” and connected to your fifth dimensional experiences. As long as your personal portal between your third, through the fourth and into the fifth dimensional states of consciousness remain open, you will be able to remember the fifth dimensional communications.

Fortunately, the higher energy wave will likely activate your 97% DNA. Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues, who were also doing junk DNA research, believed that the patterns of light in the vacuum caused by the DNA were actually magnetized wormholes. Somehow the DNA transformed the light into wormholes, which were still present after the DNA was removed.

These wormholes are the microscopic equivalents of the so-called Einstein-Rosen bridges theorized to exist in the vicinity of black holes (left by burnt-out stars)—tunnels through which light information can be transmitted outside space and time from different areas in the universe.

Poponin, Garjajev, and other Russian scientists think that our junk DNA attracts bits of light information and passes them on to our consciousness. This inter-dimensional passage of information is titled “hyper-communication.”

These scientists surmised that energy from outside of space and time flows through these wormholes, and that the wormholes were activated by the existence of the DNA. If it was the DNA that actually opened these wormholes, is it possible that our very DNA is capable of receiving the subatomic light particles that make up the matrix of the “super hologram”?

There may be a “chicken or egg” situation where the subatomic light matrix can activate DNA wormholes, whereas at the same time, it is the activated wormholes that can perceive and accept the holographic picture of the subatomic light particles.

Russian researchers have also joined with linguists and geneticists to explore junk DNA. They found that junk DNA follows the rules of our human language. According to them, our junk DNA serves as data storage and communication.

In exploring the vibrational behavior of DNA, Garjajev and his colleagues have found that living chromosomes function just like holographic computers. These researchers modulated certain high-frequency patterns onto a laser ray to influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since our junk DNA and language share the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of human language to influence the DNA.

Garjajev believes that junk DNA in living tissue will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves - if the higher frequencies are used to project the message. Garjajev’s research explains why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like can have a strong effect on humans and their bodies. They have further stated that the higher the individual’s consciousness, the less need there is for any type of laser device.

The holographic and junk DNA research reveals that humans are basically receivers floating through a sea of frequencies of light interference patterns. We choose to perceive, and hence create, our reality from the myriad possible realities that the super hologram projects from beyond time and space for us to receive through our personal portals (the wormholes).

Once we receive this light information, we process it through our holographic brain so that we can project our picture of reality into the physical world to be contributed to the collective and planetary consciousness. In this manner, we are all ONE being receiving ONE message through many different portals.

We tell you NOW, that you will NOT perceive the fifth dimension in the same manner as you perceive the third, or even the fourth dimensions. The closest example we can give you for fifth dimensional perceptions are they feel like they are “just your imagination.” Hence, to move into this next octave of your reality, you will need to finally realize that your imagination is indeed REAL.

The truth is that the third dimension is merely a holographic projection. Hence, your 3D reality is NOT real. You have believed that reality begins in the physical world, AND, there may be a possibility that your dreams can guide you—sometimes.

In reality, your fourth dimension dream life is the portal that connects your true, fifth dimensional SELF with the holographic projection sent from the fifth dimension, through the fourth and onto the 3D Matrix of the third dimension. Have you ever had a dream that you thought was “real” until you woke up?

You are NOW in the process of waking up to your true SELF. This true YOU, is actually your Lightbody SELF who lies latent in the base of your spine. This energy field has been called “The Sleeping Serpent.” Why serpent?

“Are you saying that we are all just illusions?” you may ask. “NO,“ we respond, “YOU, your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF, is NOT an illusion. However, your great multidimensional light has been cast onto the 3D Matrix from your fifth dimensional expression.”

To make sure that you can make contact with your own light source, it is stored within the physical vessel that is attached to the 3D physical matrix of Earth. We tell you this because we do not want you to have fear about the flashing of your reality into the fifth dimension.

You have no need to be afraid because the fifth dimension is where the real YOU, the puppeteer, is guiding the physical you, the wooden puppet, through the story that YOU have created. What connects the puppeteer to the puppet is your fourth-dimensional, astral self.

Your fourth dimensional reality is the dream, fantasy and aspirational world through which the two-way information between 3D and 5D can flow. As you master your ability to regulate your own states of consciousness, you will be able to follow the flow of your:

Beta Wave, third dimensional consciousness into your
Alpha Wave, fourth dimensional consciousness into your,
Gamma Wave, fifth dimensional consciousness – and back again. 

In other words, you will be able to ride the “river of life.” You know that when you ride a river, that the water at the top of the mountain is not separate from the water at the bottom of the mountain. Some of the molecules of water have evaporated, some water has been taken from the river or cast onto dry shores, but the water at the bottom of the mountain is ONE with the water at the top.

In the same manner, the higher frequency light from the higher dimensions is not separate from the light in your physical plane. This light may be diluted or hard to recognize, but if you use your fifth dimensional perceptions, you will be able to recognize the different frequencies that are within the light that constantly bathes your planet.

Just as you must choose a certain channel or frequency on your physical communication devices, you will remember how to choose your fifth dimensional channel within your own multidimensional brain.

Your physical brain appears to be just your physical reality. However, your higher dimensional expressions of self do not just resonate around you. They resonate within you first, as all creation begins within the core.

Therefore, if you calibrate your attention to the higher frequency pattern within your Third Eye and your High Heart, you will find the seeds of multidimensionality that have always been within you.

In the same way that you choose channel 3 on your TV for one show, channel 4 for a another show and channel 5 for yet another show, you will choose what you wish to perceive by regulating your state of consciousness.

Channel 4 allows you to see the “awake” show or the “sleeping” show. On the other hand, your channel 5 allows you to perceive everything on channels 3, 4, simultaneously within the same NOW. How can your 3D brain perceive three different channels all at once?

It cannot! Your 3D TV/brain would see different perceptions interfering with each other. Your 4D TV/brain would perceive pictures with wavering shadows that make it difficult to see clearly. On the other hand, your 5D TV brain would be able to perceive myriad pictures all intertwined and working as ONE co-operative system.

When you have more and more fifth dimensional communication you will likely find that these 5D communications are often accompanied by the feeling of your Kundalini force moving up and down within your spinal cord.

This feeling is very euphoric and gives you a strong, “YES, you are having a fifth dimensional experience.” This feeling is similar an invitation to communicate, such as a phone ringing or a doorbell chiming.

However, these messages are kinesthetic rather than auditory or visual. Your body is very helpful in giving you a strong kinesthetic “Yes” via Kundalini activation, or a loving emotion and/or a pleasant thought. On the other hand, your body will say “No” with a hollow feeling inside you that is accented with depression and/or anxiety.

When you remember how to maintain a fifth dimensional consciousness for more and more of your “time,” you will also remember how to read thought forms and energy fields with the innate, resonating patterns of your physical form.

The kinesthetic feelings we have spoken of above are common to everyone. There are also personal triggers, responses, emotions and kinesthetic reaction that were learned during your present incarnation.

You will find it helpful to recognize and document these reactions to life, as your body CANNOT lie. Just as your beloved dog or cat or bird cannot lie because they are incapable of deception in that human manner, your body will tell you the truth.

However, your body can only tell you the truth if you want the truth, and if you are willing to receive it. Your third dimensional society has taught you to lie to yourself and to lie to others so that you NOT get in TROUBLE.

We have experienced through our volunteers that the constant comings and goings between the differing 3D, 4D and 5D timelines can cause great confusion for one’s sequential 3D memory. For many of you, the return of your attention to the third dimension does not always occur within the natural sequence of that “time.”

In other words, you may have a “brief meditation” about a fifth dimensional message and find than an hour has passed when you return your focus back to your 3D endeavor. In fact, many of your inter-dimensional journeys are often not even noted by your physical perceptions. Therefore, you have the experience of lost “time” or “lost sequence of events.”

Obviously, when time is lost, the time-bound sequence of event would become very confusing. Lost time is when you think it has been just a few minutes to look up at the clock and see that an hour has passed.

On the other hand, lost sequence is when you find yourself in a different place and/or endeavor, but you cannot remember the “in-between” of where you thought you were and how you got where you are NOW.

In other words, you inter-dimensionally traveled beyond the 3D and came back into your earth vessel after your 3D self had moved your physical location. Once you re-connect with your 3D consciousness, ego self, you cannot remember where you were or how your body is now in a different location.

This dynamic is even more common with “lost time.” You look at the clock and see it is a certain time. Then you become involved in an endeavor that activates your fifth dimensional consciousness, which is beyond time. Then, you actually leave time. No third dimensional person will see this occur because 3D perception does not believe that that situation is true. Thus, if you cannot believe it, you cannot perceive it.

However, if you are aware, you will observe that something suddenly changed and you missed the transition between what it was before and what it became when you returned. Of course, since you did not know that you left, you did not know that you returned. That is, you do not know that with your third dimensional consciousness.

We are telling you this information because you are entering an area of space in which there are many higher frequency energy waves. Therefore, it is the NOW to fully activate your multidimensional consciousness. If you do not do so NOW, you will begin to doubt your self and doubt your perceptions.

Self-doubt is very dangerous in the changing world you are experiencing because it can initiate fear. Once you experience fear, your consciousness will lower. Then you will become completely confused, as you do not remember how or why your consciousness dropped out of feeling good and in to feeling afraid.

You will likely feel as though you just crash landed on the third dimension, but you may not be able to remember where you landed from, where you where going and/or what you did. In your past, meaning earlier years of your planetary transition, you were all confused and laughed it off.

It was mostly conjecture then, so that was fine. You were learning to fly and had some crash landings. However, it is the NOW of what you were then just pondering, or maybe, even planning for. Therefore, you could lose your focus without too many consequences.

However, NOW, the consequences can become extreme. Therefore, you must maintain a steady line of communication with your own higher expressions. As long as your human consciousness feels somewhat informed, you can stay above fear.

However, once you lose touch with your Higher SELF, you will become frightened and not remember why. Avoiding fear and living in the highest state of consciousness that you can is one of the most important things for you to remember within this NOW.

Therefore, dear scouts into your “brave new world” KNOW your SELF. What you do NOT know about your self is an opened door for fear to enter. When in doubt, when EVER you feel ANY fear remember to say,

“I Send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire!”

We, your Arcturian and Galactic Family, are here to help you. 
However, Gaia is a planet based on free will, so you must ASK for our help. 
However, we can ask you for help. 
We are sending many messages to our volunteers on Earth. 
We are looking for more “interpreters” through whom we can speak.

Please apply for the position within your own High Heart.
Your Galactic Family is with you.
You can see us with your fifth-dimensional consciousness.