Jumat, 31 Juli 2015


oleh Dianne Robbins


Saya Mikos, memanggil anda dari Inti Tempat Suci di Inti Bumi, di mana tempat saya tinggal dalam damai dan kepuasan atas semua yang Tuhan berikan pada saya. Anda di permukaan, hidup dalam kesengsaraan, kekurangan, kecemasan karena anda memisahkan diri dari Tuhan, berpikir bahwa anda yang terbaik, atau lebih dari Sang Pencipta. Kehidupan anda telah diberkati dengan kekayaan dan kelimpahan di Bumi, namun anda berpaling dariNya, dan anda menjauhinya, dan menggunakan metode pertanian anda sendiri yang bukan alami. Ibu Bumi selalu menghasilkan kelimpahan pada tanaman untuk semua orang yang bekerja dengannya, yang menggunakan Hukum Rotasi Alam dan Hukum Alam, yang mengubah formulasi tanah dan unsur lainnya dan membiarkan terbengkalai dan memulihkan serta mengembalikan nutrisi sendiri. Dengan penanaman tanaman yang sama berulang terus menerus dan tertutup dengan pupuk beracun serta bahan kimia, anda telah membunuh nutrisi yang kaya pada Bumi, lalu meninggalkan tanaman yang tanpa nutrisi dan tanpa Generasi Kehidupan.

Orang-orang dulu selalu bekerja sama dengan para Dewa, dengan para Penjaga Tanah dan dengan bekerja sama ini memungkinkan Bumi mengelola dan membuat keputusan bagi dirinya untuk pertumbuhan tanaman yang ditanam, maka hasilnya selalu besar, baik dan penuh dengan kekuatan hidup yang berdenyut melalui setiap atomnya. Ini adalah kekuatan kehidupan pada setiap atom dan sel, yang berdenyut, pada percepatan ini merupakan Ramuan Abadi kehidupan. Ini adalah rahasia untuk berada "di dalam keabadian"

Para Dewa akan kembali ke Bumi setelah absen yang panjang dan diam-diam membantu beberapa orang yang akan kembali padanya, untuk membangun kembali tanah dengan nutrisi kehidupan dengan memperkaya dan memelihara dan mempertahankan sel-sel dalam tubuh manusia. Para Dewa adalah makhluk mulia yang ingin bekerja dengan semua manusia, apakah pertanian anda atau bukan, atau hanya taman. Mereka ingin kembali menjadi mitra anda, sehingga semua orang dapat belajar dengan keajaiban tanah, keajaiban tanaman dan saat panen, keajaiban makanan anda yang tumbuh sendiri, di tempat anda sendiri, untuk anda konsumsi sendiri. Makanan yang dikirimkan untuk anda dari daerah lain, dari negara yang jauh, tidak bergetar dengan lingkungan setempat atau berdenyut pada kehidupan anda sendiri.

Semua adalah refleksi dari lingkungan sekitar anda, termasuk aura yang mengelilingi anda, dan segala sesuatu yang anda sentuh atau yang anda dekati untuk mengambil atom yang berdenyut pada anda, dan atom-atom ini menjadi bagian dari tanah dan bagian dari getaran dari segala sesuatu yang anda tanam. Jadi jangan anda berpikir bahwa anda akan lebih sehat dengan hanya menyerap atom-atom yang bergetar dalam makanan anda yang bukan berasal dari diri anda sendiri dan dari getaran masyarakat anda, atau yang bukan dari wilayah yang tidak diketahui karena anda berada di luar sinkronisitas getaran itu. Ada begitu banyak yang dipikirkan, banyak yang mengerti tentang hakikat kehidupan, bagaimana kita semua beradaptasi dengan lokalitas tertentu. Kami hidup dan bagaimana menjadikan wilayah itu bagi kehidupan kami. Kami adalah lingkungan di mana kami hidup, seperti halnya tanaman yang tumbuh yang kita tanam.

Ini membingungkan bagi sel-sel tubuh anda yang akan menelan makanan dari luar kehidupan anda, karena mereka tidak beresonansi dengan gaya hidup anda, pikiran anda, atau perasaan anda. Sebaliknya anda menyerap, benar-benar menyerap 'makan' dari pikiran dan perasaan orang lain dan mereka menjadi milik anda - dengan tidak mengetahui bahaya dari ketidakcocokan ini pada sistem pencernaan anda dan operasi keseluruhan dari semua organ anda, semua hormon pertumbuhan anda, semua kelenjar anda, dan segala sesuatu yang membuat anda adalah 'anda'. Dengan anda mengkonsumsi hasil dari pikiran-pikiran orang lain yang berada dalam ketakutan dan fobia yang bahkan bukan anda sendiri, dan kemudian anda bertanya darimana semua ini berasal.

Ketahuilah bahwa ini adalah anjuran untuk memiliki tubuh yang sehat dan kuat, anda perlu memberi mereka makan hanya dengan makanan dari masyarakat lokal sendiri. Hal ini akan meningkatkan kekuatan hidup anda dan membawa keseimbangan untuk pikiran dan perasaan, karena anda akan memperkuat keinginan dan impian yang terdiri dari kesadaran massa masyarakat.

Inilah sebabnya mengapa dunia anda tidak sinkron, karena tidak selaras dengan alam. Panggilah para Dewa, mintalah mereka semua untuk kembali, beritahulah mereka bahwa anda ingin belajar dari mereka dan bekerja sama dengan mereka, untuk memulihkan kehidupan tanah dan kehidupan bagi tubuh anda. Tanpa kekuatan hidup anda, tubuh anda akan membusuk dan layu, meskipun sel-sel anda tetap muda dan abadi, mereka tidak memiliki kekuatan hidup untuk mempertahankan diri mereka sendiri.

Peradaban saat ini telah bergerak semakin jauh dari tanah, pepohonan, hewan menuju menara teknologi, tanpa jendela untuk melihat keluar di lingkungan mereka. Mereka telah menutup pintu untuk berkomunikasi dengan alam, dan bertanya-tanya mengapa mereka merasa begitu sendirian dan begitu membutuhkan, tidak peduli berapa banyak uang yang mereka miliki.

Kami memohon pada anda, sebagai orang Bumi, untuk kembali ke alam. Ibu Bumi mengundang anda kembali menjadi satu dengan dia lagi, mengikuti jejak leluhur anda, yang mengenal tanah sebagai bagian dari diri mereka sendiri, yang hidup dengan alam, dan menghormati dan menghargai karunia, yang belajar darinya dengan selalu menggunakan cara sendiri untuk bercocok tanam, dan tidak pernah memaksa dia untuk bekerja melawan dirinya sendiri. 

dari buku "Pesan dari Rongga Bumi" oleh Dianne Robbins
diterjemahkan oleh Birru Sadhu

Kamis, 30 Juli 2015


oleh Dianne Robbins



Salam dari Rongga Bumi ! Saya Mikos berbicara pada anda dari kantor saya di Perpustakaan Porthologos yang terletak di dalam Bumi di bawah Laut Aegea. Hari ini kami akan berbicara tentang Bumi kita, planet kita tercinta yang memberikan tempat tinggal bagi semua kehidupan untuk berkembang. Ketahuilah bahwa tempat tinggal anda juga merupakan tempat tinggal bagi lain yang tak terhitung jumlahnya yang tergantung pada hal itu untuk tempat menunggu sementara, memperoleh makanan dan tempat tinggal. Sebagian besar dari anda bertindak seolah tanah adalah milik anda sendiri, tanpa memperhatikan bentuk kehidupan lainnya. Ruang di Bumi ini ditujukan untuk semua spesies untuk berbagi bersama, untuk semua di sini bersama berevolusi atas jiwa mereka dan semua berada di sini untuk menikmati masa hidup mereka. Karena itu utamanya berlaku untuk manusia, semua spesies lain telah datang untuk membantu dan meningkatkan kehidupan manusia dengan memberi mereka oksigen, makanan dan pakaian. Semua yang anda miliki diberikan kepada anda sebagai hadiah dari spesies lain. Pohon-pohon memberikan oksigen, hewan memberikan pakaian dan tanaman memberikan makanan. Semua ini adalah hidup, dari makhluk yang sadar, di sini berada dalam pelayanan untuk Bumi dan semua bentuk kehidupan. Pohon, binatang, tanaman, tumbuhan, Cetacea dan semua kehidupan laut, dan semua memerlukan habitat yang utuh agar mereka dapat bertahan hidup untuk melanjutkan kehidupan mereka.

Ini adalah parodi untuk menghancurkan habitat alami makhluk hidup lainnya dengan hanya membuka lebih banyak lahan untuk pembuatan jalan-jalan, pusat perbelanjaan yang lebih dari cukup, rumah-rumah yang melebar ke pinggiran kota dengan menebang pohon dan membuat binatang menyingkir dari tempat tinggal mereka, sehingga membahayakan anda. Agar semua kehidupan berkembang harus ada keseimbangan ekologi di Bumi. Manusia telah menghancurkan keseimbangan ekologi halus ini, dengan hanya memikirkan diri mereka sendiri dan tidak menghormati bentuk kehidupan lain untuk dapat mengklaim hak mereka atas bagian tanah mereka dan sumber daya di Bumi. Ini membuat spesies lain tersingkir dan bergerak pergi yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan parah pada Bumi yang mengarah pada kehancuran flora dan fauna dan akhirnya untuk kehancuran bagi semua kehidupan di mana-mana. Untuk semua kehidupan adalah saling ketergantungan dan saling berhubungan. Apa yang terjadi pada salah satu akan terjadi pada yang lainnya, dan kemanusiaan sekarang telah bangkit dan menyadari akan keterkaitan ini.

Kami di sini di Rongga Bumi telah belajar banyak selama ribuan tahun yang lalu dan berdasarkan hidup kami pada keterhubungan ini bagi semua kehidupan di mana-mana. Ini juga tentang hubungan anda dengan Tuhan. Sekali anda menyadari hubungan anda dengan semua kehidupan, secara otomatis anda akan terhubungkan kembali kepada Tuhan, Sumber segala yang ada. Dan ini adalah hubungan yang akan mengembangkan jiwa anda dan memindahkan anda pada kenaikan anda. Ketika semua manusia terjaga pada hubungan mereka dengan semua kehidupan lainnya, tiba-tiba mereka akan menemukan diri mereka terhubung dengan Tuhan dan memulai perjalanan pulang.

Kami telah melakukan perjalanan ini dan menemukan diri kami aman berada di "Taman Eden" di dalam Bumi. Surga adalah tujuan perjalanan anda juga, dan sekarang banyak yang menjalani hidup dalam sukacita dan kelimpahan di sini di permukaan Bumi. Anda benar-benar tidak perlu pergi ke mana-mana untuk menikmati hidup anda sepenuhnya. Anda hanya perlu melakukan 'terhubung ke dalam' dan semua yang pernah anda mimpikan akan datang pada anda dengan mudah. Untuk itu ini adalah cara hidup yang dimaksudkan.

Di sini, di Rongga Bumi, kami mengamati dan berdoa dan mengirimkan cinta kami kepada anda setiap hari. Kami menyarankan anda untuk selalu terhubung dalam kesadaran dengan kami, melalui keterhubungan anda kami dapat mengirimkan energi kami untuk memberikan energi pada tubuh anda dan memberi makan untuk jiwa anda.

dari buku "Pesan dari Rongga Bumi" oleh Dianne Robbins
diterjemahkan oleh Birru Sadhu

Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Limpahkan beban anda padaku

Limpahkan beban anda padaku
oleh Mother Divine
disalurkan oleh Shirley Mayes 
19 Juli 2015

Salam untuk semuanya di Bumi

Aku Mother Divine datang pada anda untuk melimpahkan energi cinta, kasih sayang dan perdamaian untuk anda. Aku telah dikenal dengan banyak nama seperti Isis, Sophia, Bunda Maria, Quan Yin dan yang lainnya. Anda mengenalku, bahwa kita telah bersama berkali-kali ; anda adalah aku, aku adalah anda - kita semua Satu, hanya ekspresi energi femininnya saja yang berbeda. Hanya energi ini yang akan datang dan maju membawa perdamaian serta ketenangan untuk misalnya planet yang bermusuhan. Tentu saja, semua ini adalah rencana Ilahi dan itu adalah sebagaimana mestinya.

Bukalah diri untuk menerima energi Mother ini, anak-anakku. Beristirahatlah dalam kebebasan Kesempurnaan Ilahi seperti energi yang mengalir di dalam pembuluh anda dengan seimbang dan bahagia untuk kembali ke Kesempurnaan Aslinya. Sekarang bernafaslah dengan energi ini yang memasuki ke dalam tubuh anda, melalui cakra-cakra, dan kemudian keluar melalui kaki anda dan memasuki Bumi.

Sekarang rasakan Bumi menerima energi ini dan cinta yang tercurah untuk menyeimbangkan energi Bumi. Sekarang lepaskan jangkar energi ini agar lebih aman dan kuat. Ia juga akan mulai menyembuhkan dan meremajakan kembali ke Kesempurnaan Aslinya seperti dulu waktu Bumi diciptakan. 

Aku datang lebih awal di hari ini untuk memberkati anda masing-masing dan untuk menghapus beban anda dengan cinta. Ulurkan tangan anda dan berikanlah beban anda. Aku senang untuk menempatkan mereka di atas Altar Cinta untuk menghapusnya. Rasakan kebebasan anda setelah beban yang ini dilimpahkan kepadaku.

Saat beban anda dibebaskan, aku akan mengisi dengan cinta dari energi Mother Divine. Sekarang anda akan merasa lebih hidup dari sebelumnya.

Pergilah dalam damai hari ini. Aku telah mengatakan kebenaran ini.

Aku, Mother Divine.

diterjemahkan oleh Birru Sadhu

Selasa, 21 Juli 2015

Beautiful, Unique You

Beautiful, Unique You 
Message from Gaia 
July 20, 2015

I AM Gaia, your Earth Mother and I come to you today bearing fruits of love to each of you.

Just as the waters of life flows through your veins, your quest to move forward begins with you… with energy and vivacity moving through you in all that you tackle and work through until completion.

Every new day is a beautiful, golden opportunity to make changes to your own personal web of life. Every time you make a solid decision and stick with it to the end, you alter your direction and bring change to your life web.

Even if change is slow for some people, change is still occurring all around them. Nothing stands still forever, as you know all is impermanent. No matter what is going in your life, it is important to keep in mind all is temporary—the only thing dear ones that you have no control over is how long any temporary moment will last. What this signifies is the importance of treating each moment of each day as the gift it is. And not to squander it over petty jealousies, egotistic rude behaviour or to criticize your fellow earth-mate for not being perfect.

It is vital dear ones, precious citizens of Earth to treat others in the mater you wish to be treated. If you want people to be kind and compassionate towards you, then you must adopt a kind and compassionate outlook and manner towards all people and life instead of picking and choosing.

As you re-create your Web of Life every day, consider the path you are following: Is it due to the persuasion of someone else or from the guidelines of another person’s concept of what is right? Every person has their own idea of what is right for them. It is important to take into consideration that another person’s way may not really be best for you. To know what is best for you is to knowing who you are, what it is you want to achieve and the means to achieve your goals that are open to receive and to give light from the effort of your heart.

There are many deceptors and masqueraders among you, they encourage you to follow half-truths for their own benefit, pretending to care but over time they show their true colours of falseness. When you follow your heart and listen to where it is drawing you towards, you might just be surprised to find yourself doubting the authenticity of their merits and heading towards new territory of development and growth.

The rhythm of your heart is in sync with the energies of the Earth. By following your heart, you are allowing your natural self to emerge. Your natural self needs not to compete for followers, and has no need for airs of superiority as your natural self sees every person as beautiful and unique.

Your web of life is not supposed to be an exact match to anyone else’s. It is supposed to be authentic and unique. And just as your uniqueness distinguishes you from others, it will be your sameness that will draw you closer, to unite respectfully; learning and growing by helping, listening and understanding one another.

Bringing change into your life does not have to be a complicated process. It is merely choosing what it is that makes you feel whole, what does not bring harm and what encourages hope, peace, love and compassion.

Remember, each of you are responsible for how your web of life unfolds and what changes can be made to improve it. When you bring change that is consistent, your energy feeds other peoples’ energy and empowers them. Quite often the burst of renewed energy seems like it comes out of nowhere, but it’s the helping lift of another who is also pushing positively forward in their life.

Never doubt the strength of your energy as you apply it with whole-heart effort. This is your life, your journey and it is up to you to make the best choices you can at every moment, knowing you are making our web of life stronger and more resilient for when problems arise. And when trouble does come your way, don’t fear a helpful hand, it very well may be the anchor you need at that moment.

I AM Gaia, your Earth Mother

through Julie Miller

Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Pesan Lord Adrigon dari Pleiades

Lord Adrigon adalah Lord Pleiades.
Seorang Lord of Light, Archangel Pleiadian dari Violet Ray

Dia mengepalai Dewan Pleiadian
Dia sebagai ahli keuangan pembangunan Armada Pleiadia
Twinflamenya adalah Lady Nina, Shekinah
Dia adalah saudaranya Archangel Zadkiel dan ayah dari Archangel Jychondria, Ray Opal
Dia datang kepada kita dari Pulau Kecil Medina dan tempat tinggalnya jauh yang berupa sebuah ship cahaya besar yang lebarnya kira-kira 3000 mil.
Jika White Winds, nama shipnya, mendarat di Bumi, ini akan mencapai dari pantai Timur ke pantai Barat Amerika Serikat.
Untuk menemukan White Winds, ia berada di langit malam akan terlihat berada di Venus, dia berada di depan Venus ketika kita melihat dari Bumi.

Ini adalah takdir yang menjadikan kita bersaudara.
Tidak ada yang berjalan dengan kemauan kita sendiri

Semua kehidupan yang kita berikan kepada orang lain akan datang kembali kepada kita sendiri 

~Lord Adrigon~

Simbol Lord Adrigon yang tertera di bagian bawah White Winds, ship besar Pleaidian

Dunia anda sedang dalam perubahan besar. Salah satu dari kami telah memperingatkan anda sejak awal melalui pesan-pesan saya kepada anda. Saya mengulang pesan yang sama. Jika anda belum menyiapkan pasokan makanan, lakukan sekarang. Biaya makanan akan naik setiap hari. Kemungkinan makanan yang baik akan hilang. Makanan yang terkontaminasi akan datang dalam berbagai bentuk di hari ini. Namun saya juga mengatakan, simpanlah makanan untuk simpanan di rumah anda.

Waktunya tidaklah seperti yang telah mereka miliki atau akan mereka miliki lagi. Bagi kami, dari ship-ship kami, kami telah menyaksikan dan menantinya, berharap dunia anda akan datang secara bersama-sama dan belajar untuk hidup dalam damai. Banyak orang di dunia menderita sehingga anda menjadi jauh dengan alam. Tampaknya tidak mungkin bagi kami untuk percaya orang lain yang masih berharap hal membahayakan bagi komunitas mereka. Apa yang dibutuhkan untuk dunia anda agar bisa terbangun? Banyak dari anda terlibat dalam kelompok yang bekerja untuk perdamaian. Saya yakin anda bertanya-tanya apakah usaha anda sia-sia? Saya hanya dapat menyakinkan anda bahwa anda telah menyelamatkan dunia untuk saat ini. Hanya membutuhkan satu orang untuk membuat perubahan. Hanya anda yang dapat berbuat lebih banyak untuk menghentikan peristiwa-peristiwa yang akan datang kemudian. Jangan pernah berhenti percaya kepada Sumber Yang Lebih Tinggi - Mother God.

Ingatlah, semua harus terjadi untuk membawa manusia ke dalam keadaan damai. Banyak yang harus meninggalkannya untuk membersihkan jalan untuk hari esok yang baru dan lebih terang. Jangan takut pada masa depan. Sebaiknya pandulah jalan agar jalannya lebih halus. Teruslah melakukan meditasi anda. Fokuslah pada perdamaian, lingkungan yang terang, masa depan yang baru bagi anak-anak dan cucu anda. Jika anda percaya pada Sang Sumber, temukanlah keyakinan anda untuk lebih kuat dari sebelumnya dan ikutilah jalan ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Tetaplah terang pikiran anda dan berdirilah pada hak-hak yang sungguh-sungguh milik anda. Percayalah pada Jaman Emas yang pernah ada sebelum anda. 

Anda telah mendengar selama bertahun-tahun untuk prediksi jaman akhir seperti anda mengatakannya. Apakah anda mempercayai mereka? Jika anda mempercayainya, maka anda sekarang telah siap tanpa bertanya bahwa anda sudah secara suka rela berada di waktu ini. Ingatlah, mengapa dan apa yang anda harus anda lakukan, dan melakukannya tanpa dengan ketakutan atau bertanya 'mengapa harus saya'. Jadilah kuat di dalam tahun ini karena seperti itu yang terjadi. Biarkan keinginan anda untuk mewujudkan seperti yang anda inginkan dari mereka, bukan seperti yang orang lain inginkan! Ingat, kata-kata yang diucapkan adalah alat kekuatan yang bekerja. Pikiran konstan dengan kata-kata yang jelas yang anda katakan dan berpikir tentang tahun ini adalah apa yang anda pikirkan atau katakan dapat mempengaruhi anda dan dunia anda. 

Ketahuilah bahwa kami ada di sini, selalu berada di atas anda memandu jiwa-jiwa yang mengenal kami. Jangan semangat bergabung dalam jalan bahaya. Tetaplah di tempat, saudara-saudaraku. Bantulah dengan cara yang paling anda bisa. Tetaplah berhubungan dengan kami. Saya meyakinkan anda bahwa selama ini ship kami dapat tetap membantu anda, karena kami ada di sini. Saya berbicara di atas ketinggian dari Armada Pleaidian dan Armada Ashtarian. Jika kami menarik diri, percayalah kami, anda akan diberitahu dan mengetahui tanpa bertanya. Kami adalah masyarakat seperti anda. Kami adalah masyarakat damai. Kami tidak akan merugikan anda. Ketakutanlah yang dirasakan seluruh dunia anda saat ini. Ubahlah perasaan ketakutan menjadi pengetahuan bahwa ini adalah perubahan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik, kalian semua dapat melakukannya.

Dengan penuh cinta, Saya Adrigon.

diterjemahkan oleh Birru Sadhu


Lady Trillia
Princess of Sirius, Daughter of Lord Krishna
Diplomatic Representative of Sirius
Ray: Tenth Ray of Gold
Focus: Expanding the Energies of Peace, 
The Resurrection of Life Through the Light of Kristos
Symbol: Golden Winged Ankh
House of Gia

Greetings. I, Trillia, am a conscious starseed from Sirius A who walked-in on Christmas Eve prior to my 4th birthday. As a young child I would play along the creek with elementals, setting up tea parties for my colorful friends. I preferred to be outside in nature always when so young. Often at the age of four to five I would find myself in trouble after climbing onto the backs of horses in the barn, talking in their ears softly, as I stroked their soft skin. I found that I was instantly drawn to or was repelled by many people, especially as I could hear their thoughts and see beautiful colors or dark clouds around them. As a natural empath, I would strive to comfort those who were ill or sad. I often found myself taking on their pains and aches, as they would instantly feel better. It took a long time for me to remember that I could ground their pain through me and easily transmute lower frequencies with the Violet Flame. Remembering how to do this instantly improved my life.

I am like many other starseeds. Most starseeds are greatly affected by the veil, and find they are usually misfits within their own earth family and long for their distant home in which their higher self still dwells. I used to marvel at the radiant tall golden beings that walked with me as their constant presence brought a deep remembrance within me of how loved I am. As a child I assumed all people had these beautiful ones who walked with them. I was always full of questions, and I found myself being reprimanded at church frequently as I would ask questions like “Why are they telling lies about God?”  I did not understand the concept preached so intently that we are to ‘fear God’… how could anyone ever believe such a story?  I would ask “If we are all God’s children, how is Jesus God’s only begotten son?” I would sneak away regularly during church services to retreat within a small unused closet where I had set up my own tiny altar. I would retreat there to connect to God in my own manner. Soon an adult church member discovered my secret, so immediately my personal altar was removed, and I was then made to sing at church services.

My earth mother was a gifted seer, yet was raised a Baptist. This caused more than a bit of conflict within her and our home. She was firmly of the persuasion that one needed the approval of the community, extended family and all other church members to live as God intended us to. Mother hid her God-given gifts as if ashamed of the beauty that she could see and hear. Yet she would gather my two sisters and I up into our family car, and off she would drive us outside of the small town where we had moved, away from the lights to watch the stars in the night sky. She shared stories of how they would twinkle and move across the sky, and that she knew they were our friends watching over us.  I love these precious childhood memories when I would look to the stars and with an open heart find my spirit soaring as I wished upon the stars above.

Our new home in a large Victorian house was haunted by the nice elderly couple who built it. Often my mother and I could see and hear the gentle elderly lady humming as she dusted the fireplace mantels, and see her husband walking down the hallways or through a door. When I would hear the lady softly humming I often smelled lilacs.  I assumed she wore this fragrance, yet the yard still had bushes of lilacs that she had planted close to the house. When my beloved paternal grandmother died, this kind elderly lady sat on the edge of my bed comforting me as I sobbed myself to sleep. As I grew older it was clear to my mother that I too could see and hear things she saw.  For a while that was fine, as long as it was our secret. Then as my gifts continued to developed, I saw within her life, and would ask her about the things I saw and knew of. All this was acceptable, until I saw visions of a horrifying tragedy she had suffered.  As I loved her dearly I sat with her explaining what I saw, as I asked if she needed someone to talk with, telling her how much I loved her. This was the turning point in our relationship as she emotionally pushed me away, not willing to allow anyone into such a private space.

As a young girl I did not understand why the warmth of my mother was gone, replaced since that moment by a distant coldness. Yet recently on the day of her funeral Mother came to me so full of joy, as she danced and skipped in the light. She marveled at her youthful fully healed body giggling in delight. She repeatedly told me she wished she had the words to share with me the immense love she was being bathed within. She said she never imagined it would feel so wonderful on the other side. This brought my heart waves of joy, to know that she was now free from her prison within her very ill body. We chatted about us playing together in the snow when she taught me to make my first snow angel, and shared other joyful memories. She told me how proud she is of me and my beautiful son now grown into a young man. She had not seen him in well over a decade due to her illness, and I was so pleased to know that she had checked in on him. It seemed too soon as a beautiful door opened before her and golden light poured forth bathing her even more. My loving aunt Mary walked out with her hand extended to my mother saying that it was time for her to go. My mother was delighted to see her, and she joyfully stepped forth to take Mary’s hand. Yet just before she did so, she stopped and turned to me, telling me how very much she loves me, and that she always knew who I am.

She told me to call on her if I ever need her, and I in turn told her that she had been the perfect mother for me. I thanked her, telling her that I was blessed by God to have been her daughter. She glowed and smiled broadly, then she took dear Mary’s hand. Together they walked through the door into the radiant Light, and as the doorway closed behind them the Light seemed to fade away. For several weeks after her funeral she sent her love to surround me. I would send her my love in return, knowing both our hearts were healed and free. I am smiling within as I write these words through tearing eyes, as I reflect on the powerful truth that ‘Love always finds its mark’.

The age of twelve was the beginning of several years in which I experienced what I came to call re-occurring progressive dreams.  Perhaps many of you have also experienced these types of dreams as well. My dreams were of lives that were in vivid color and detail regarding subjects that I had not been exposed to. Each life I viewed was full of passion, love, drama and tragedy. I got so I dreaded bedtime, as I knew the visions would begin again where they left off the previous night. Little did I realize when they first began that I was reviewing numerous past lives of my own. I was relieved when these dreams stopped. Yet a few years after I married the nightly viewings began again. If you have ever experienced lucid dreams, then you have an idea of how intense they can be. Yet these lasted for me through entire nights. As I would sit up in bed and sometimes scream or cry out, it began to take a toll on my marriage. I went off to a well-respected spiritual counselor who regressed me. After my session he declared that I was mentally healthy, and that I was simply reviewing past lives. He encouraged me to take notes and to ‘go with the flow’. The relief that I then knew was like a healing balm within me.

Yet as the dreams seemed to come to an end, I began to hear angels singing beautiful hymns, and speaking to me when I awoke in the mornings. My psychic gifts were amplifying, and I found myself delighted with the beauty I found around me and the immense love I was being bathed within. At my favorite park where I would go to quietly pray within the center of a beautiful circle of trees, I asked God and the tree spirits, elementals and animals to forgive all humans, as they do not realize the harm they cause. Suddenly it felt as if a warm hand had slipped within my right hand, and my heart chakra pulsated with the Oneness of Love as I felt connected to everything around me. Opening my eyes I could still feel the hand within mine, yet no one stood there with me except my personal angels and my friends, the trees.

I believed in being me in our marriage, so I would openly share my experiences with my husband. He could not accept anything I shared with him as even remotely possible. He felt that angels only loved and spoke to saints. My husband would ask me, “Who do you think you are?”, as he made a joke of what I was experiencing. It took several years, yet I finally realized that he simply was speaking of how he felt himself to be unworthy. As the saying goes, ‘Change your thoughts and change your world.’ Can you then imagine how he handled my star family and friends within the Galactic Federation of Light and Ascended Masters coming to me on a regular basis? My husband seemed as if he was threatened, wanting all of my energies for himself. My closest friend Nina Jenice would come by regularly, and we would share our remembrances of home and family. Often we would channel for each other. He told me that she was no longer welcome in our home. Soon afterwards my collection of beautiful automatic writings was torn to shreds…and so it seemed was our marriage. As he had for a long time openly ridiculed me to his family, he with his family put together a scheme to, as he promised, ‘to take my son away from me’ in their self-righteous effort to protect my son from a mother they felt lived on the ‘fringe’. It is sad how our unloving limiting thoughts of reality and each other cause such harm. Yet I am sure that my story is not unique from that which many awakening starseeds have lived.

My son was a sensitive and gifted child who could see and hear also beyond the limited five senses. We once stood near the front of our home when he was five years old as we watched an unusual cloud formation above us. Together we saw a disc shaped ship of light fly out of the large cloud and off to the west. He was delighted pointing and jumping in excitement. He used to describe to me what the inside of the great Pleiadian Mothership The White Winds looks like in great detail, and told me that the head commander, Lord Adrigon, was his friend.  His father then felt that this was too much, and ridiculed our son. As many young starseeds do, he shut down to gain his father’s love and approval.  (In retrospect I see a bit of humor in his father’s actions, as he is a starseed. Yet he has not remembered that he comes from Medina, an isle in the Pleiades.) Just before this happened my son’s spiritual mentor and father from his home planet came to me. He gave me my son’s star name, and shared which planet he came to Earth from. He also told me to not worry about his safety, as he was greatly protected and lighted. To this day I have kept a note with his star name and the information of his home above for my son. When he has an interest, it shall be given to him. Since a young age he has been saved from great harm, on several occasions as if angels had carried him to safety.

I will not list the numerous first-hand experiences that I have had throughout my life alone or with friends seeing ships of light, as I prefer to call what most refer to as UFOs. Perhaps I will speak of many of these beautiful sightings of the ships of light and other mystical phenomena I have been blessed to experience at another time. Yet suffice it to say in this moment that when visiting Pinnacle Mountain near Little Rock, Arkansas to complete 11-11-11 energy workings, I went horseback riding at the base of the mountain. Next door to the barn was a famous haunted house where stage coaches used to stop, which drew many tourists wanting to experience a haunted house.The elder female cook was seemingly so exhausted as she repeatedly wiped her brow cooking and serving people at the large wooden table. After a bit of conversation with her she chose to cross over with the angels into the Light.  Suffice it to say, the house is no longer haunted…

I did reach a place of peace within my being, where I was guided to look through time to see in great detail other lives that I had lived on Earth. My first life on Earth was in Lemuria as a young girl who was a gifted crystal healer who communicated with the crystals, stones and nature spirits.  It was in this lifetime that I was blessed with my earth father who was a high government official, to meet the Pleiadians who had come to trade with us. In this current lifetime I have been blessed to again meet again my young Pleiadian friend that I met in Lemuria. He is in the same lifetime and is now a grandfather who has his own ship as a well respected high commander and teacher within the Pleiadian Fleet. He, as His father before Him, sits on numerous Pleiadian and Galactic Councils. Thousands of years have passed on Earth since our first meeting in Lemuria, and I have had many incarnations here. He once told me his age, yet in this moment I do not remember what he told me, yet I know He is one who shall become an Ancient of Days living well over 2000 years as measured in the Pleiades.     

I have viewed in detail multiple lives in Atlantis and my lives during its’ three major destructions. The early part of Atlantis was quite beautiful. Life was a joy for all as all lived within the Oneness, not knowing separation from God. Atlantis was a maternal society where all honored the Mother God. When with love and compassion Mother Earth agreed to take on the souls from the industrial planet Muldec, after they brought their overly industrialized world to destruction, they incarnated on Earth among those of the Light.They brought with them their seeds of destruction, greed and illusions of separation. I was a priestess within the Temple of Truth and Healing, and the Temple of the Violet Flame. The Lighted Priestesses and Priests saw that which was coming to this land. All that could be saved was sent forth and protected as the great Temples of Light arose above to where they would know no harm. Those within the sacred temples sent forth seeds of resurrection, and encodings to awaken the consciousness of mankind when Mother Earth would arise into the Golden Age and be free to shine as the star she was created to be. As previous Atlantean Priestesses and Priests, we again have gathered in this time to complete our workings we established before the final sinking of Atlantis on that day of attack by dark ones, known today as Friday the 13th.

From there I lived many lives in Egypt, thrice as the sister and wife of a Pharaoh. Although I loved Egypt, these were not lives in which I found much happiness. I lived as the daughter of the Prophet Elijah who as a young child would cling to his legs begging him to stay home. I was the prophetess and wife of the Biblical Prophet Isaiah. I lived as Johanna, the younger sister of my beautiful chaste and long-slandered sister, Mary Magdalene, and as a friend of Lord Yeshua (Jesus) since early childhood.  I was a siren, also known as an oracle, in Delphi in Ancient Greece who was greatly blessed to know the Goddess Pallas Athena who walked on Earth in those long ago days.  I lived as the daughter of John Dee, taking care of him until his death in England, where I also lived a short lifetime married to King Richard as his wife, Queen Ann Neville, at the time of the War of the Roses.  I was beheaded in France at the beginning of the French Revolution as a young woman of wealth.  I also lived as a Cathar in Southern France.

My favorite lifetime to view, although filled with much sorrow yet immeasurable love, was as Ninianne, the youngest daughter of Merlin, an incarnation of Saint Germain.  Saint Germain came to me on numerous occasions in the 1990’s, and as He called me repeatedly ‘my child’ I was so dense to not really hear what He was telling me…until upon one of His visits He projected visions within me.  Stunned, I looked up at Him with my mouth opened in shock as I asked of Him,”Father?”, and He proudly in delight responded “Yes!” He was so full of joy that I finally saw and remembered. “You are my child, dear daughter,” He said to me. Is it not beautiful that our relationships of family, friends and romantic love continue through time and space? Love crosses all boundaries.

The most recent soul fragment I was sent to Gulpha Gorge to gather in the Land of the Rainbow was a nine year old Native American girl, Nabeena. This tiny girl was shot in the back in four places as she ran in fear from the soldiers. It was after the Civil War had ended and at the hands of US Army troops sent to Hot Springs, Arkansas by President Jackson to rid the land of the indigenous people, so that the bath houses and gambling halls and houses of ill repute could be built for the wealthy. As I gathered her soul fragment within my heart, I was unaware that my neck, back and left hip were healed, allowing me to walk without limping and pain and my left foot dragging behind me upon awakening the next morning. These lives I share are similar to the many lives that I began to review during early childhood, and I honestly did not wish to see my lives as a native American, nor as one sacrificed upon the pyramid in Uxmal, Yucatan by a dark blood thirsty heart eating priest as quite gruesome!  Beloved Lady Claudine sent me there, where I gathered my young soul fragment and faced my fears. I had never before considered that I had been a young child sacrificed to an imaginary god on a pyramid with crowds cheering below, as they truly believed they now would have a good harvest.

As far as past lives on Earth go, each incarnation one reviews brings opportunities to gain from the lessons of that life. We only see that which we need to review and heal… and as we grow from these lessons we each attain soul growth that cannot be gained in the higher realms, that which needs to come to a balance within us. Forgiveness of ourselves and others sets us all free. Each lifetime that I have seen, including those mentioned above and within my progressive re-occurring dreams, contributed to the person that I am today. I encourage all to do so as well, that you may cleanse cellular memories and heal your heart with self-love and forgiveness of yourself and others. From the point of forgiving and releasing the past we each have the opportunity to fill our being more fully with love, understanding and happiness.This is our most important lifetime for each of us thus far on Earth!  I believe that for those who wish to remember their star origins, the process is made much easier as you release and heal old scars held within from times past and forgive that which needs to be forgiven. In the higher frequencies none of us can take with us that which brings us pain and sorrow. By cleansing your being, you set yourself free…free to experience your own multi-dimensionality! When you withdraw all your energies from the past into the present moment, a tremendous explosion of light happens within you.

I have always been strongly driven to be of service to life, yet not within the confines of man-made religious controls, as they just did not fit for me.  My beautiful tall golden angels and star family have always been with me. This is so for all starseeds, as none of us are dropped off and forgotten! Each of us has been divinely gifted with our personal angels along with great beings like Archangel Michael and our star families that love and guide us.  I have been and continue to be over-lighted by many great Beings of unfathomable Love and Light.  I am forever humbled and grateful.  My Father from Sirius A, Lord Krishna, (who as the head of the Ancients of Days is well over 17,000 years old) has come to me throughout the years, as well as my beloved mate from home, Jon DeAir.  Both are my mentors and ascension sponsors during the completion of my Earth missions.  Mother Isis guides me so patiently and wisely, as does Her powerful daughter, Lady Claudine, the Goddess of Change.  It is Lady Claudine who selected the name Starseed Highway as a chosen vehicle in which to introduce our star families and familiarize us with many of the great Light Beings that are here to assist us. Many are those we refer to as Ascended Masters, are friends and family to those most courageous ones who have incarnated on Earth within her transition to her rightful place within the higher heavens manifesting the long awaited Golden Age of Peace.

Please note, that as I ascend and return to my home world, my soul journey was designated by my Higher Self, Princess Bayeth Trillia Ma Ra AquahAh ShoVey Shapadik Gia Kavioush, and spiritual mentors long before this present incarnation on Earth. This is so for all awakening ascending souls upon Earth, as we are the same regardless of the outer flesh garments we may wear. It matters not whether your soul contract is written for you to return home to your family, or if you are one who has chosen to ascend upon our beloved Mother Earth or continue your lessons upon another 3D world.  All of us are of equal value, loved the same by God. To further introduce myself to you, a few honorings given to me from On High follow:

1989, Signal Mountain, Jackson Hole, WY.: Given the experience to witness with Lady Nina the entry of The 12 Solar Lords into the Grand Teton Retreat and with them the great influxes of the Solar Rays for the first time since the fall of Mother Earth. (The name Wyoming translates as The Land Where the Mother God is Loved.)

On Sept. 20, 1994:  Initiated to the Rank of  “Priestess of the White Order of the Violet Flame” by the High Priestess, Lady Amethyst and to the “Sisterhood of the Lotus Rose of Isis” by Mother Isis. “You shall remain in service unto the loyal Sisterhood for all eternity.” ~ Holy Lady Amethyst.

Sept., 1995:  Passed through the Gateway of Wisdom of the Mystery Schools on the Subject of Precipitation at the Grand Teton Retreat. ~ Initiated by Dwjal Khul and Lady Miriam.

1995:  12 Solar Chakras activated and balanced by the Goddess of Change, Lady Claudine.

Feb. 27th, 1996:  Initiated by Mother Isis into “The Sisterhood of the Lotus Rose to Secondary Advancement” in Tucson, Arizona.

April, 1998:  Given the experience to re-energize the Seventh Column in Shamballa that was placed in motion in 1996 ~ from the Hierarchy of Shamballa.  Within Shamballa I was given the high privilege to connect with the Temple of Happiness and Understanding and with the Keeper of this Flame, Lady Joy and Holy Aeolus for the remainder of my existing life. “This is a very high honor given to you for all the work you have done for Terra Earth.”  ~ Honor given by Lord Maitreya, Beloved El Morya, Beloved Holy Aeolus and the Shekinah, Holy Lady Nina. “Let the Power of the Mother ever reside on this planet.” ~ spoken this day by Holy Lady Nina.

11-11-11:  Pinnacle  Mountain, Arkansas. Given the blessing to anchor the Christ Light through the Atlantean Crystalline grid deep within the Heart of Gaia to support the Divine Momentum of Ascension on Earth.

12-12-12: Pinnacle Mountain, Arkansas.  Joined with the Company of Heaven as Sirian emissary to support reactivation of the Northern Sun Disc placed beneath this Master Crystal during days of Atlantis by Sirians, Arcturians and Pleiadians with the Priests and Priestesses serving within the Temples of Light in Atlantis. Both the Northern and Southern Solar Discs now pulsate with the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity associated with the New Earth.

2007 – 2014: Presented and began using the calling forth of the Resurrection Flame Angels and Their White Pillars of Ascension Light, who along with Archangel Michael and His Legions can be utilized to clear up areas of the astral field on Mother Earth contaminated by cemeteries, battles, and other miscreations of man, such as the notorious Trail of Tears and its fields of death at the famed Trail of Tears in Echota, Georgia, and to free entrapped souls into the Light.

Ascension 12-21-14 – Princess Trillia of Sirius A was raised into the honoring as a Lady of Light by Lord Melchizedek. Given at this time the high honor of assisting as an Ascension Counselor of ascending starseeds upon The White Winds, Pleiadian Mothership.

05-01-15 Wesak Celebration: Initiated by Mother Isis to  “High Priestess within the Lotus Rose Sisterhood” for all time. Blessed by Mother Isis with two golden serpentine bracelets upon each upper arm that allows inter-dimensional shifts and vision at great speed. Tiny ruby eyes of the serpents contain power to vanquish all enemies.  A radiant Golden Serpent now spirals within my Solar Spine, and is a Light Body Encoder. The Gold is the liquid of the Sun’s Consciousness itself.




Before incarnating on Mother Earth in this long foretold time of change and expanding freedom, each soul has to go before our Karmic Board to petition to be permitted to do so. Each soul granted this blessing has long prepared to be here. Nothing is left to chance as each one is guided by great Legions of Light in service to our Creator. Each one of us is an emissary from our star family and has earned the reward of the opportunity for soul growth through service to life on and within Mother Earth. It is our personal choice as to whether we fulfill our Earthly assignments. Each has long prepared for the role they now play upon Earth, as each has given similar service upon other planets in need. Many simply anchor the light through their bodies, and that is a very high and needed service.

It is essential to awaken to the remembrance of the truth of who you are, as through the truth of your being you reclaim your God-given inheritance.  Are you not as I, a Being of Light from Stars above and Suns beyond Suns who has selflessly volunteered to assist Mother Earth and Humanity to spiral upward upon the Sacred Inbreath of our Creator? To know again who you are and stand within your truth of your I AM Presence brings to every heart immeasurable healing and the blessings that flow through knowing our star families and loved ones… the remembrance of one’s missions and the acceptance of expanding love within the River of Oneness within your heart.  As 3D Earth fades away, those who ascend into the higher frequencies of Creation shall no longer know separation from the joys, truth, peace, abundance and love of Creation.

I encourage each one to stand in the truth of who you are!  Wash all fears away. See the beauty of you! Know always how loved you are….beyond human comprehension. As you continue to raise your frequencies you soon, if not already, shall be able to experience your own multi-dimensionality quite easily. The remembrance of your I AM Presence and Higher Self is the greatest gift of love you shall ever know. The good news is that we now have more loving assistance than ever from On High. The New Earth is being born within and around you!

From my heart to yours I extend the Sign of the Head, the Heart and Hand.

For We Are One. ~ Love,  Trillia Gia

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The Arcturian Group 5 July 2015

Greetings once again dear ones.
We wish to explain that because so much is happening on the deeper levels, you must be prepared for changes that will soon manifest on earth in many areas. Increasingly intense energies of transformation and clearing are bringing about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual change not only for individuals, but also for Gaia who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt. This information is not given to cause fear, but simply to help you to understand that certain events are vital and necessary in order for mankind to evolve. Know that always, those involved in earth events have agreed on the deeper levels to be a part of the experience.

Never forget that you are not simply flesh and blood bodies living on a physical planet. The time is long past due for mankind to understand, accept responsibility, and correct the damage reaped upon Gaia and all her life forms in the name of greed. As more and more people awaken, change is inevitable, but it often takes a catastrophe or some devastating event for people to even question these things and the question is; Is money worth the continual destruction of life, including air and water?

As changes take place on earth, learn to flow with them, not resisting or struggling to keep the status quo in the belief that "The good old days" were better.

The United State is celebrating a holiday of freedom at this time. Do you truly understand freedom, or do you continue to believe what you are told about how free you are? Look around you dear ones, and observe how society has gradually allowed itself to be deprived of multiple freedoms under the guise of keeping you safe. FEAR is an effective means of control. You need these rules in order to be safe, don't you...? It is a NEW TIME.

Question everything you have heretofore accepted without question in the belief that anyone in authority must know what is best for you. You are at a point in your evolutionary journey at which you must reclaim the power and trust you ignorantly gave away. Start by learning to trust your inner guidance and no longer acting as lemmings blindly following a just as blind leader over the cliff. It is time for peoples of all countries to stop waving flags and shouting: "My country right or wrong, my country". It is time to move into a consciousness of the Oneness of all people. It is a NEW TIME.

As a result of many lifetimes lived in the third dimensional energy of duality and separation, a universal ignorance of oneness became the consensus consciousness of mankind. This sense of separation manifests outwardly as the haves and have not's of the world--some with power, intelligence, and strength and some without. This belief system continues today, allowing those with the most money or strength to control everyone else. Up to now most have simply accepted this. There are still many people who have need for rules and laws and someone to tell them how to live. but for all awakening souls, it is a NEW TIME.

Pause and think before voting for the individual with the loudest voice promising exactly what you want to hear. Question, ponder, and most importantly, go within to experience the resonance of the state of consciousness of the candidate. Feel their energy, listen to the spaces between the words, trusting your intuition to guide you. This is how you begin to reclaim your innate power and move past the hype and noise created by those who would be in power.

This will create a true democracy, which was the intention of the founding fathers for the United States. The United States was founded on deep spiritual principles which over time have been manipulated for personal agendas and allowed to deteriorate from their original high resonating focus. When personal religious beliefs and narrow concepts are allowed to determine laws effecting all but benefiting the few, true freedom is lost and the ideals of a declaration of independence no longer exist.

Many still hold ideas of war with pride. We too honor those who selflessly sacrificed themselves because these brave souls were living out from their highest sense of right. Living out from your highest sense of right is all that is required of anyone. This way of resolving issues has been the consciousness of the world in the past and now. However, it is a NEW TIME.

There is a popular saying; "Freedom is not free". Freedom IS free, it is the sense of separation and wars that act to prevent it. Violence can never and will never bring peace. They are two very separate energies.

You are ready to experience true freedom dear ones, the freedom that has been ever present as your innate birthright and can never be taken from you for it is who you are. However, freedom can only manifest from a state of consciousness that knows who and what it is--not who and what it has been told it is.

You are not meant to live according to the whims of corporations, organized religions, and big government. You ARE the corporations, religions, and government if you choose to be. This does not mean you must stand in the street shouting and protesting, for often this simply gives an issue more power, not less. It does mean that silently, secretly, and quietly, you begin to trust your ability to make your own choices regarding what you believe. It means working for change--questioning, pondering, going within, and then taking whatever actions you may be guided to take which may simply be to send Light. It means choosing not to limit yourselves to the "acceptable beliefs" of the third dimensional belief system.

Spirituality cannot be separated from daily living for it is one and the same but the world in general does not yet understand this. God cannot be prayed to for victory of one group over another--there is only ONE. Bring your highest level of spiritual awareness to every physical emotional, and mental activity of daily living and you will find more awareness is given for you have opened the door.

Realize that true freedom can only be experienced personally and globally when there evolves a consciousness that all people and all living things are Divine and One within that Universal Consciousness many call God.

Freedom is your soul, your identity, the reality of you as spiritual beings. You can never be separated from it unless you believe you can be. It does not look that way because at this time the world is manifesting a gross ignorance of this. Freedom is the essence of your very being and as this awareness becomes a global state of consciousness, it will manifest outwardly as the peace so many seek, while yet believing that war and separation will bring peace.

Celebrate the birth of your country dear ones, but never forget the real focus and intention that brought it into being. The event of independence that you celebrate on the 4th of July is not finished, but only represents the first layer of many evolutionary steps necessary for mankind to evolve into a consciousness of real freedom.

This message is given as always, with love for you, our sisters and brothers.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/5/15