Kamis, 23 Januari 2014



Yesterday, January 20, NASA announced the sun had a heliospheric current sheet. I looked that word up to find out what they were talking about and I learned that a heliospheric current sheet is what happens when pole shift is taking place in a solar maximus and it lasts about 25 days. We have been waiting for news of this pole shift and solar maximus for a long time, and now I find that it is just breifly mentioned as a thing of no importance, and it began yesterday.

If we were to take our head off and look into our bodies from above and see a volcanoe erupting from deep within as if to blow off the seals of the first three rings, we would be seeing exactly what is happening within Mother Earth’s body. As we inhale the frequencies of the highest dimensions of Source Energy and breathe those frequencies out from within the tiniest, most microscopic points from within each cell in the body, we are causing a volcanic eruption in each cell to become ignited by the God Frequency that unlocks us from this three dimensional prison.

This is happening now inside our bodies and inside of Mother Earth’s body. The rings of fire are like the music of the spheres. They become ignited by the breath of Source and the Frequencies of the Gamma Waves blasting through and the Christ Grid around Mother Earth pulling the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth into Harmonic Alignment with the Crystal Heart of Sun Alcyone.

This is the beginning of being able to become multi-dimensional once again. Once the seals are melted in this volcanic eruption, the higher frequencies pull and shift the lower frequencies of each dimension until they flip into the next higher dimension. We begin flipping our consciousness out of the yellow brain or cerebellum area into the sub conscious which is the mind of God. This flipping into higher and higher realms of this consciousness will be completed in 2014.

As our bodies and minds begin to shift into multidimensional awareness, first the medulla oblongata (SEED ATOM)  is ignited. This was the point of our original birth into this body. The original Omni particle deep within the first stem cell of our creation when our Soul entered into the embryo is still in the medulla oblongata. It is time for it to be woken up.

Next a stream of energy will be awaken between the base of the tail bone into the pineal gland. Originally before the distortion was placed in our templates to seal us from knowing ourselves as gods, the part of our knowing that is now in our tail bone and our pineal glands were together. Our mind was torn apart. Part was left in the pineal gland and part was placed in the tail bone. These centers are now all being reconnected through the firing of the Coushas. These are the Omni particles or the sparks of Source deep within each cell.

When Mother Earth completes the turn around of  her Consciousness as a result of the Sun Flipping, our Soul will FLIP  from Involution into Evolution and return into the  MIND OF GOD. THAT IS WHAT IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN.

This confirms many beliefs of the scientists. We are going to all loose our minds. But, when our minds flip, they are going to flip into the Consciousness Field of the Infinite Unknown- the Omnipotent all knowing , all seeing all acting all wise MIND. Our minds will contain the knowing of all minds in all universes.

That’s why you don’t need to worry about money or the future. Our ability to manifest and create will be so far beyond anything we can imagine at this time, that we can only imagine and dream all of the dreams that you wish to dream and they will all come true.

All of the music and frequencies and codes of manifestation are the preparation for this new glorious time that is about to arrive. The music of the spheres is to help prepare the way by aligning your fields of consciousness into the higher frequency bands that will lift you higher and higher into the perfect alignment.

You could just wait  and it will happen anyway. However, there is something else going on that is a prerequisite to the Great Flip in Consciousness. In the normal scenario when we die, our Souls return to the Plane of Bliss for their Light Review. This time our Souls are having their light reviews while still on Earth. During the Soul’s light review there may be some dark movies popping up in the mind that bring out fear, jealousy or any of the errors that have not been transmuted into the highest frequencies yet. The frequency music is to help you with the pain of these dark movies and the teachings on the website and blogs is to help you understand how to go through this entire process.

What is about to happen is so magnificent that there is only room for joy and celebration!!!!!!

Jan 20 spaceweather.com said

SOLAR SECTOR BOUNDARY CROSSING: High-latitude auroras are possible on Jan. 21st when Earth crosses through a fold in the heliospheric current sheet. This is called a “solar sector boundary crossing,” and NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when it occurs. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

The heliospheric current sheet[1] is the surface within the Solar System where the polarity of the Sun’s magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun’s equatorial plane in the heliosphere.[2][3] The shape of the current sheet results from the influence of the Sun’s rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium (Solar Wind).[4] A small electrical current flows within the sheet, about 10−10 A/m². The thickness of the current sheet is about 10,000 km near the orbit of the Earth.

The Parker spiral may be responsible for the differential solar rotation, in which the Sun’s poles rotate more slowly (about a 35-day rotation period) than the equator (about a 27-day rotation period). The solar wind is guided by the Sun’s magnetic field and hence largely emanates from the polar regions of the Sun; the induced spiral shape of the field causes a drag torque on the poles due to the magnetic tension force.

During solar maximum the entire magnetic field of the sun flips, thus alternating the polarity of the field every solar cycle.[14]

The cause of the ballerina spiral shape has sometimes been called the “garden sprinkler effect” or “garden hose effect”,[12][13] and likened to holding a lawn sprinkler, and moving it in your hand vertically up and down, while your body rotates. The stream of water represents the Solar Wind, and moves radially outwards at all times.
