Kamis, 30 Januari 2014



Berdasarkan informasi yang saya terima dari Andromeda dan Pleiades, visi yang menarik saya ke dalam dan saluran yang telah diterima, sebuah gelombang besar atas informasi baru dan penghancuran energi matriks pada mereka yang masih tertidur akan terjadi, yang akan memungkinkan peristiwa atau kejadian intergalaktik berlangsung. 

Kita semua diminta untuk berkumpul kembali. Apa artinya ini adalah untuk memasuki keadaan meditatif dalam waktu 72 jam ke depan. Ini berarti bukan benar-benar duduk dalam meditasi, tetapi untuk menjadi benar-benar seimbang dan sungguh-sungguh menyadari setiap 2 detik, untuk sepenuhnya sungguh-sungguh di dalam SEKARANG karena masing-masing dari setiap diri anda akan menerima link dari galaksi anda masing-masing. Masuknya energi ini berasal dari orang-orang yang ditempatkan di atas GAIA, keberpihakan planet dan energi diri keilahian kita yang lebih tinggi.

Banyak pekerja cahaya awak darat akan diuji. Perhatikan dan ketahuilah bahwa jangan pedulikan apa yang terjadi, anda jangan bereaksi. Jangan biarkan diri anda beraksi pada cara yang negatif. Jauhkan getaran tinggi anda darinya, sesulit mungkin bagi anda, anda harus menghapus diri secara psikologis dari situasi negatif dan naiklah ke atas.

Anda membutuhkan ketenangan, keseimbangan, cahaya dan cinta tanpa syarat untuk 72 jam ke depan.

Harap dimengerti dan diingat bahwa anda sebagai pekerja cahaya memiliki kekuatan luar biasa mempengaruhi ruang lingkup. Anda berada di sini untuk melabuhkan cahaya dan itu sangat penting dilakukan dalam 72 jam ke depan.

Alasannya adalah seperti yang telah saya sebutkan di atas, banyak energi pembersihan akan memasuki planet kita lagi. Dan seperti yang anda semua ketahui bahwa tetap terjaga dengan kebenaran tentang siapa diri kita bukanlah hal yang mudah. Banyak orang merasa takut ketika mereka mulai mengalami gejala kenaikan mereka dan mulai panik, rasa takut mereka sama persis dengan energi kita yang berusaha berubah menjadi cahaya dan cinta.

Harap memperhatikan segala sesuatu yang terjadi di sekitar anda, karena sebagian besar dari anda akan dikunjungi, dan anda perlu membedakan oleh siapa anda dikunjungi. Itulah mengapa penting untuk menjaga getaran tinggi anda. Jika anda mulai merasa apapun kecuali cinta atau kepadatan di udara sekitar anda yang tidak berasal dari cinta, janganlah takut, berpikirlah bahwa itu adalah cinta, dan hanya cinta. Aktifkan cahaya ultraviolet di sekitar anda, dan seluruh wilayah yang berada dalam pengaruh anda.

Saya diberitahu bahwa satu pekerja cahaya memiliki pengaruh radius minimal 18 mil di sekitar mereka. Bila anda berjalan-jalan, anda akan mempengaruhi setidaknya 18 mil ke segala arah.

Karena energi akan menghantam orang sekali lagi untuk membangunkan mereka dari tidur nyenyak, maka akan banyak kekacauan mungkin terungkap. Cahaya kita akan dibutuhkan oleh mereka yang terbangun, dengan menjaga getaran kita siapapun yang tinggi akan terbangun di sekitar kita dengan tidak menghantam dengan keras, dan ketakutan secara otomatis akan diubah dan mennggalkan mereka lebih cepat yang memungkinkan mereka secara damai untuk menyelesaikan kebangkitan mereka bukan dengan mencoba melukai diri sendiri atau orang lain di sekitar mereka. Hingga ini akan mempengaruhi anda dalam proses dengan cara yang negatif. Hanya dengan berpikir tentang hal seperti ini, ketika anda berjalan di jalan dan anda melihat orang lain tersenyum anda tidak dapat menahan untuk senyum sendiri. Jika anda melihat semua orang mengerutkan kening anda akan mengerutkan kening juga. Jadilah orang yang tersenyum saat anda berjalan di sekitar hari-hari anda, maksud saya secara INTERNAL, PENUH SEMANGAT, MENEBARKAN KASIH kepada semua orang yang berada di jalan anda.

Saya tahu ini mungkin tidak mudah, sekali lagi saya mengerti bahwa kita hidup dalam dunia yang menuntut, tapi saya tahu bahwa kita bisa melakukannya! Jika kita tidak bisa, kita tidak akan berada di sini! Jadi ini saatnya untuk setiap satu dari anda yang membaca pesan ini untuk MENGAKTIFKAN SENDIRI, MENYALAKAN CAHAYA INTERNAL SEMUA YANG ANDA BUTUHKAN!

Silakan melakukan segala kemungkinan untuk menjaga energi anda seimbang, damai, harmonis, cahaya, cinta tanpa syarat. Saya harapkan sesegera mungkin setelah anda mulai merasakan bahwa anda sedang berubah dari keseimbangan silakan mencari cara untuk kembali menyeimbangkan diri dan melakukan apapun yang bekerja untuk anda.

Sebuah cara yang sangat baik yang bekerja seketika karena apa yang dilakukannya adalah meluruskan setiap titik energi cahaya cakra di dalam tubuh anda adalah sebagai berikut :

- Berdirilah tegak dan menempatkan telapak tangan anda bersama-sama dalam sebuah 'doa' dengan posisi kaki saling menyentuh satu sama lain.

- Tutup mata anda dan mulailah nafas perlahan masuk dan keluar 7 kali

- Setiap nafas anda masing-masing pikirkan dengan masing-masing cakra dan warnanya, dan setiap nafas sesuai untuk setiap warna cakra. Jadi jika anda mulai dengan cakra mahkota anda hiruplah warna violet/ungu dan rasakan mengaktifkan cakra anda sepenuhnya fokus pada hal itu, dan benar-benar merasakan sensasi kesemutan pada aktifasinya yang menyebar rasa damai ke seluruh tubuh anda, saat anda mengeluarkan nafas pikirkanlah segalanya yang tidak bekerja untuk kebaikan tertinggi anda meninggalkan tubuh anda.

Terus lakukan hingga anda selesai dengan semua 7 nafas

- Kemudian angkat tangan ke atas dengan telapak tangan menyentuh dan membukanya dan meletakkan kedua telapak angan anda di sisi kaki anda.

Inilah yang harus anda rasakan perasaan damai dan harmoni dan mengembalikan keseimbangan. Lakukan apapun yang harus anda rasakan hanyalah cinta, cahaya, damai, sukacita, harmoni dan SEIMBANG dalam 72 jam ke depan. 

Terima kasih !!!
Saya mencintai kalian semua !

Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker
Translated by Birru Sadhu

Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Demonstrating Christ-Likedness

Demonstrating Christ-Likedness
Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ January 23 – 30, 2014
Received by Julie Miller
January 23, 2014

Tahukah anda, Beautiful Bright Heart, ketika Tuhan memanggil anda untuk bangun dari tidur anda, Ia memanggil anda untuk sebuah pelayanan yang jauh melampaui apapun yang mungkin bisa anda bayangkan? Mengertilah bahwa anda masing-masing berada di sini untuk sama-sama berkontribusi dan menciptakan perbedaan hidup anda dengan hidup orang lain. Anda di sini tidak hanya untuk menghirup udara atau mengkonsumsi makanan dan air yang melimpah di sekitar anda di Bumi dan kalau hanya untuk itu pasti anda tidaklah berada di sini, karena banyak yang berpikir hanya untuk memiliki ruang. Anda di sini tidak hanya untuk mengambil, tetapi juga memberikan kembali. Kami positif yakin anda dapat membaca dengan teliti banyak buku 'membantu diri sendiri' yang akan menggambarkan bagaimana untuk mendapatkan sebagaian besar hidup anda, tetapi juga memahaminya, Beautiful Bright Hearts, meskipuan makasud di balik buku itu baik, konsep dan ide-ide didasarkan pada apa yang ditemukan penulis dan baik bagi mereka. Ini bukan berarti itu akan beresonansi dengan semua orang. Alasan Tuhan anda di sini tidak dapat ditemukan di dalam halaman-halaman sebuah buku, karena tujuan anda, alasan anda dan maknanya sederhana dan itu untuk menambah dan berkontribusi untuk memperkaya kehidupan di sekitar anda terlepas di mana planet ini anda berada. Ini adalah pelayanan anda, dear ones, layanan anda kepada Tuhan dan itu adalah tujuan mulia dan bermakna.

Ada tulisan suci yang menggambarkan persatuan Kristus dengan Bapa Langit-Nya bahwa anda adalah bagian yang sama yang akan membantu menciptakan kehidupan penuh dengan perbuatan baik anda yang dilakukan bersama dengan yang lainnya dan jiwa-jiwa indah lainnya. Anda masing-masing sudah siap untuk memberi dan melayani orang lain dengan cara-cara anda yang telah diciptakan untuk melakukannya. Setiap kali anda mengulurkan tangan membantu seseorang , bahkan jika bantuan itu hanya sebuah senyuman yang mendorong anda memberikan pelayanan yang baik untuk dunia, karena itu memenuhi lebih dari tujuan Ilahi anda dan pada saat yang sama, Beautiful Bright Hewarts, anda menyediakan layanan besar kepada Tuhan. Pahamilah. dear ones, sebelum anda semua lahir, masing-masing individu dipilih untuk memenuhi misi yang berbeda dan misi ini diputuskan oleh Tuhan. Untuk malayani Tuhan itu tidak diperlukan bagi anda untuk manjedi imam, pemimpin atau menteri, dan ketika anda melayani orang lain dengan firman-0firman 

Oleh karena itu anda disarankan memberi makan yang lapar, memberi pakaian kepada mereka yang tidak memilikinya atau mengenakan kain, membantu untuk merawat orang sakit dan lanjut usia, menjadi lebih ramah dan murah hati kepada orang asing ketika anda melewati mereka di jalan dan mendukung orang-orang yang melakukan pekerjaan Tuhan masing-masing dan setiap hari. Jika seorang tunawisma datang di pintu anda, anda tawarkan mereka makanan, pakaian atau minum? Apakah anda mengudang mereka ke rumah anda yang bersih? Apakah anda membantu mereka menemukan tempat penampungan terdekat? Atau apakah anda melemparkan kata-kata kotor pada mereka dan meninggalkan permintaan mereka di depan pintu anda?

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014



Yesterday, January 20, NASA announced the sun had a heliospheric current sheet. I looked that word up to find out what they were talking about and I learned that a heliospheric current sheet is what happens when pole shift is taking place in a solar maximus and it lasts about 25 days. We have been waiting for news of this pole shift and solar maximus for a long time, and now I find that it is just breifly mentioned as a thing of no importance, and it began yesterday.

If we were to take our head off and look into our bodies from above and see a volcanoe erupting from deep within as if to blow off the seals of the first three rings, we would be seeing exactly what is happening within Mother Earth’s body. As we inhale the frequencies of the highest dimensions of Source Energy and breathe those frequencies out from within the tiniest, most microscopic points from within each cell in the body, we are causing a volcanic eruption in each cell to become ignited by the God Frequency that unlocks us from this three dimensional prison.

This is happening now inside our bodies and inside of Mother Earth’s body. The rings of fire are like the music of the spheres. They become ignited by the breath of Source and the Frequencies of the Gamma Waves blasting through and the Christ Grid around Mother Earth pulling the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth into Harmonic Alignment with the Crystal Heart of Sun Alcyone.

This is the beginning of being able to become multi-dimensional once again. Once the seals are melted in this volcanic eruption, the higher frequencies pull and shift the lower frequencies of each dimension until they flip into the next higher dimension. We begin flipping our consciousness out of the yellow brain or cerebellum area into the sub conscious which is the mind of God. This flipping into higher and higher realms of this consciousness will be completed in 2014.

As our bodies and minds begin to shift into multidimensional awareness, first the medulla oblongata (SEED ATOM)  is ignited. This was the point of our original birth into this body. The original Omni particle deep within the first stem cell of our creation when our Soul entered into the embryo is still in the medulla oblongata. It is time for it to be woken up.

Next a stream of energy will be awaken between the base of the tail bone into the pineal gland. Originally before the distortion was placed in our templates to seal us from knowing ourselves as gods, the part of our knowing that is now in our tail bone and our pineal glands were together. Our mind was torn apart. Part was left in the pineal gland and part was placed in the tail bone. These centers are now all being reconnected through the firing of the Coushas. These are the Omni particles or the sparks of Source deep within each cell.

When Mother Earth completes the turn around of  her Consciousness as a result of the Sun Flipping, our Soul will FLIP  from Involution into Evolution and return into the  MIND OF GOD. THAT IS WHAT IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN.

This confirms many beliefs of the scientists. We are going to all loose our minds. But, when our minds flip, they are going to flip into the Consciousness Field of the Infinite Unknown- the Omnipotent all knowing , all seeing all acting all wise MIND. Our minds will contain the knowing of all minds in all universes.

That’s why you don’t need to worry about money or the future. Our ability to manifest and create will be so far beyond anything we can imagine at this time, that we can only imagine and dream all of the dreams that you wish to dream and they will all come true.

All of the music and frequencies and codes of manifestation are the preparation for this new glorious time that is about to arrive. The music of the spheres is to help prepare the way by aligning your fields of consciousness into the higher frequency bands that will lift you higher and higher into the perfect alignment.

You could just wait  and it will happen anyway. However, there is something else going on that is a prerequisite to the Great Flip in Consciousness. In the normal scenario when we die, our Souls return to the Plane of Bliss for their Light Review. This time our Souls are having their light reviews while still on Earth. During the Soul’s light review there may be some dark movies popping up in the mind that bring out fear, jealousy or any of the errors that have not been transmuted into the highest frequencies yet. The frequency music is to help you with the pain of these dark movies and the teachings on the website and blogs is to help you understand how to go through this entire process.

What is about to happen is so magnificent that there is only room for joy and celebration!!!!!!

Jan 20 spaceweather.com said

SOLAR SECTOR BOUNDARY CROSSING: High-latitude auroras are possible on Jan. 21st when Earth crosses through a fold in the heliospheric current sheet. This is called a “solar sector boundary crossing,” and NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when it occurs. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

The heliospheric current sheet[1] is the surface within the Solar System where the polarity of the Sun’s magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun’s equatorial plane in the heliosphere.[2][3] The shape of the current sheet results from the influence of the Sun’s rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium (Solar Wind).[4] A small electrical current flows within the sheet, about 10−10 A/m². The thickness of the current sheet is about 10,000 km near the orbit of the Earth.

The Parker spiral may be responsible for the differential solar rotation, in which the Sun’s poles rotate more slowly (about a 35-day rotation period) than the equator (about a 27-day rotation period). The solar wind is guided by the Sun’s magnetic field and hence largely emanates from the polar regions of the Sun; the induced spiral shape of the field causes a drag torque on the poles due to the magnetic tension force.

During solar maximum the entire magnetic field of the sun flips, thus alternating the polarity of the field every solar cycle.[14]

The cause of the ballerina spiral shape has sometimes been called the “garden sprinkler effect” or “garden hose effect”,[12][13] and likened to holding a lawn sprinkler, and moving it in your hand vertically up and down, while your body rotates. The stream of water represents the Solar Wind, and moves radially outwards at all times.


Moving Into 2014

Moving Into 2014
Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Sunday, 15 December, 2013 

Right before Kryon channelled this last 2013 message, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys presented brand new guided stem-cell protocols to the crowd. Kryon addressed what was “really happening” and also had a message for Lightworkers about changes in 2014 and beyond. There is a lot here to digest!

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It is December of 2013, but it seems like only a moment ago when we faced you and thousands of old souls around the planet and told you to “hold on”.

We discussed with you that the prophecy of the precession of the equinoxes was thousands of years old and it was a turning point. We described that those in the Mayan civilizations, the prophets of their time, had put together the time fractals in a way that their calendars would reflect the esoterics of the wobble of the earth. We told you that their vision was so profound that the end of their calendar coincided with the beginning of a new era.

We told you that in between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2014 there would be times of recalibration. We gave channel after channel telling you what was recalibrating, which basically was just about everything. We told you to hold on and we indicated that seeds were being planted for bigger things. We told you that there could be difficulty for you in this year [2013] and that some of you would find it more difficult than others. In a moment, I’m going to itemize some of the things that were difficult, and tell you what’s going to happen from here on.

I can tell you these things at this moment, just like I was able to tell you about 2013, because you’ve created them. This is not a prophecy, dear ones; this is a report. I see the bigger picture, something you cannot see as you sit listening to this. You see only the oneness of yourself and a few of your friends.

It’s impossible for you to see an overview that Spirit sees based upon the billions of souls on the planet. There are billions of intents, and some of them contain surprises that are positive. Some of the consciousness shifts are only just beginning to occur, and through it all we repeated and we repeated that dark energy dies hard. We did that so you would understand that it is a slow process of coming out of the mud. The mud wants to suck you back in.

The dark energy has a lot to lose because of the light that you are shining back onto this planet, but this year was the recalibrating year. I know what you’ve been through. I know the friends you’ve lost way too soon. I know of the seemingly odd circumstances that some of you were in, so let’s just say what you’re thinking. You are thinking that what you have been through doesn’t suit a Lightworker, or that you didn’t deserve it. That’s what it’s like to recalibrate. But then I told Yawee that this was “his year”. [Yawee is the Lemurian name of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, who just presented at the Kryon seminar.]

Now, for those who are listening to and reading this channelling apart from this group of old souls in the chairs, some of this information may seem to be a non sequitur. It’s because I’m now going to talk directly to Yawee and describe some things and explain some things that we’ve never explained. It’s time.

And so, listener, trust that what I’m going to say fits into a bigger picture. Those of you in the room heard Yawee speak a moment ago about how his high science is beginning to be seen and honored. So you are more aware of the meaning behind what I’m going to say than others. I’m going to reveal a function of the body that you are working with, Yawee, that you are not really aware of to the degree you should be.

How do I explain this? Yawee, years ago you walked into your vision and DNA talked to you. You have spoken of this. For 15 minutes, you got to actually “hear” it, and at some level you were aware that you were not talking to just one molecule. You were dealing with your own DNA, by the way. I think you knew that, but there was something unusual beyond what you have described, and you have not described all of it, I know that. The fact is that you were talking to more than 100 trillion molecules at the same time! It’s because you can’t just communicate with one molecule of DNA. There is a process that will be discovered, and one you are currently using, that I’m going to discuss now.

Medicine, esoteric medicine, has been using something for centuries that they don’t really understand. They know it works, but they don’t truly know how. Homeopathy is mysterious because homeopathy takes a tincture too small to chemically react to anything in the body, but it works. The Human ingests this, and it is absorbed normally under the tongue and it works. However, if you ask the homeopathically inclined that dispense and use it, they will come up with all manner of reasons why it works. But they are guessing.

The reason it works is because the small tincture you present to the body is “seen” and is communicating to what is called the “innate intelligent body”. It is not the intellect, not your brain, and not what you think is your 3D body chemistry. The tincture is a signal to the body to heal itself. The tincture isn’t guided anywhere, but the body sees the intent of the Human Being and the chemical in the medicine, and the innate smart body immediately knows what to do. It starts to heal where it knows it should heal. How many kinds of homeopathic remedies are there? Countless kinds, and they are known to work without any guidance at all. There’s a process in the body at work – there has to be.

Yawee, let’s talk about your invention, your most recent one. You described your guided stem cell protocol as a “go there and stay there” instructional technology to guide the stem cells directly to where they are needed. You “instruct” the stem cells to go to a place in the body and stay there where they can be used. Now, the ones sitting in the chairs today don’t know anything about that. But you do and I do. And you know that you’re either incredibly lucky, over and over, or you’re dealing with something else. Because to guide a stem cell in a “go there and stay there” scenario is like a Human Being reporting to a city of a billion people, then standing on the outskirts and locating that one person they are looking for, right away, by accident! Somehow it works.

Your “go there and stay there” is a macro program accomplishing an incredible micro result. How? Trillions, if not hundreds of trillions of DNA molecules are all identical in the Human body. Somehow they “talk to each other” instantly. If one DNA molecule senses something, they all do. Science doesn’t know that yet. They may have thought of it, but they don’t know it. There is a mystery here of how DNA does what it does. Somehow it must communicate, yet there is no process of communication known to your science that could explain it. But they all “see” the intent of your program together as one and implement it as one.

We have told you this before, and we have written books about it. Your DNA has quantum attributes. It’s not a quantum molecule, but it gives quantum instructions. Ah, but there’s more. All the DNA I perceive in your body right now is singular, with only one allied consciousness. This is because the DNA in the Human body is in an entangled state with itself. It is quantumly locked in a way that it works as one benevolent union. This is a quantum physics attribute that is not yet fully understood and not yet applied to biology. It represents the smart body, the innate body, and if you want proof of that, it’s everywhere!

What do you know about identical twins? You know that they have the same DNA and that they are the only Humans on the planet who do. What do you know about studies of identical twins? You know that they can be on opposite sides of the planet and both can have the same intuition at the same time about something that’s happening with their family. Now, what does that tell you about their DNA? It’s connected! In fact, it’s connected within a particular quantum state. What do you know about quantumness in DNA? The answer is, almost nothing! So let me fill you in. It’s beautiful. Let me fill you in, because it’s going to temper everything you do from now on.

Now go slow, my partner, for I want this to be right. It has to do with what’s going on with the recalibration of the Human Being. What I’m going to describe is the recalibration process and what is changing within many of you.

The field around DNA is quantum and it responds in various ways to other quantumness given to it. The response is not linear, not chemistry and not through intellectual thought. This quantum world around you is a world that you’ve not measured yet and one you can’t see yet. There are no instruments to prove it yet, but there will be and when that time arrives, you will see it clearly. Then you’ll know I’m right.

If DNA is surrounded by some kind of quantum state, it means that it has quantum attributes with other things in a quantum state. What else do you suspect is quantum? The tones that you’re singing are quantum [speaking of the pineal tones Todd has developed]. The seed biology from the Pleiadians is quantum. I’ll just go ahead and state it, and Yawee will figure it out. At a quantum level, this multidimensional field that connects all the DNA has one intelligence, and it is connected to the original template. That means that it “knows” like homeopathy “knows” exactly what you’re trying to do, and it is benevolent to the max!

Your DNA chemistry may be working at 30 to 35 percent in 2014, but the master template is at 100 percent. [This template is there and always has been.] Therefore, the field around your DNA is always there working at 100 percent. You, as a Human Being, make choices based in duality and create the decisions of life. But at the DNA quantum level, the “smart body” level, there’s a cheering section that is connected to the template and it’s always ready to go – benevolent and ready to cooperate with anything you give it. This is the homeopathy effect.

Early in your experiments, Yawee, you discovered something very unusual – a homeopathy effect of your quantum laser. You found that if you could trigger instruction sets to even a few molecules of DNA, all of them got the picture at the same time. Even if you gave it to them in a linear fashion, all of them got it at the same time.

Your “go there and stay there” scenario is cooperative with the benevolence of the Human Being, which is connected to the template and it knows exactly what you’re telling it, and it will always work. It will always work! You are working with body intelligence, which is quantum. The more refined your instructions become, the more benevolence is seen and understood as the body heals itself through the template. You already know that.Quantum homeopathy is what you’re doing.

The parts and pieces in linearity don’t really add up to the whole effect, do they, Yawee? That doesn’t make sense in a linear world. The rest of the story is that you have accomplished a quantum handshake with quantumly entangled DNA of the Human body. The reason the results are so profound, with some of them flying in the face of known science, is that you have one of the first qualified quantum physics energies on the planet that then is a fast-track to the quantum biological parts of the Human Being. I just told you why it all works. There’s more, there is always more, but knowing this you can go to some of the next steps that you’ve been looking at and thinking about, knowing that the principal of any biology you work with will be “benevolent cooperation”.
Dear ones, this DNA quantum field is the one that has been just a little off this year. The very benevolence of your DNA, which is connected to the master template, has been recalibrating. Sometimes it’s aligned with the template, and sometimes it’s not. And that is why you’ve felt like you’ve felt. That is why there is sometimes surprise sickness. Let’s list some of the recalibration issues of 2013.

Health is first. Do I have to expand upon that? There have been more sick old souls than ever before in 2013. Suddenly, it’s like an esoteric plague of sickness. You’re recalibrating! Things are not quite aligned but they’re about to be.

Now, spirit doesn’t work with a calendar, and when January 1, 2014, arrives, be careful you don’t celebrate that everything is going to be just great. Because each one of you is different and the paths are different and the calibrations are different. The solutions to the issues and the problems are different, but what I want to tell you is that the seeds of recalibration have been planted for this year of 2013, and 2014 is where they start to grow. Slowly this DNA field of yours will come back into calibration, but with a different Human nature template. It’s one that is enhanced and ready for things beyond the old energy.

We’ve told you that you’ve been in esoteric survival mode and we’ve even given you the attributes to look forward to, which are not survival specific in any way. They included compassion and tolerance and temperance. They included generosity and all the other things that survival mode does not include. You might say it’s a “different kind of survival”. It’s a survival by creating compassion, which leads to peace on Earth. With that come other things that are going to sustain Human life on the planet, despite the doomsday sayers and preppers and all the others who continue to expect the worst.

They’ll get “the worst” by the way, since this is the message they are giving to their DNA. Did you ever meet a hypochondriac who pulled every disease they were afraid of right into their cells? You see, it works! A benevolent cellular structure will do its best to follow the instructions of the “boss”. So, what areyour instructions? What are you saying to the quantum field around you? That’s the next thing I want to talk about.

Health. Now that you know what is going on in your own body and that it is benevolent, you have the opportunity to give it quantum instructions with your intuition. I didn’t say to do it with your brain, did I? You have to useconceptual intuitive thought. See yourself healed! See yourself out of the disease or the anomaly. These are your instructions that will go right into that realigned DNA with receptors that are far more willing and ready to receive your information than you ever realized. The cures can be quick, trust me, and the worst is over. But the realignment and the facilitation of the new energies are going to take a while to fit in, so give them time. But for most of you, the worst is over.

Consciousness. You’ve been just a little off, as we’ve said. The year of full moons is complete. Consciousness cannot align to the core within you when it’s always a little off. The energies are pushing and pulling it because it’s recalibrating. This has pulled some of you away from Spirit, did you know that? I know who’s here, I know who’s listening. Some have been pulled right out of their faith and right out of their love for God, and they’ve become cynical. I know who’s here, and I know who’s listening. That’s what recalibration does. If you only trust your intellect, then nothing’s going to work. Your intellect is not connected to your innate!

You know, don’t you, that the connection to your Higher-Self, that beautiful silver cord, is not a product of the synapse of your brain. You knew that, didn’t you? You cannot intellectually examine the majesty of the divine. It’s done with the heart, the innate and the emotional body. Then balance that with the intellectual part of your brain, and you have mastery!

I know who’s here. How many of you have been trying to hold on to what you had? Do you remember the feelings that you had when you meditated in the older energy? It was a “known” energy. What about the connections you had with Spirit that made you smile, or the things that would make you feel good inside – and they are now missing? I know who’s here, and I know who’s listening. Well, let me tell you something, it’s coming back! But you may have to tune to another station to get it. So be aware of that. Don’t simply repeat the old ways. Try some new things. Feel the breath of God as it breathes peacefulness right now to you. That was number two, consciousness.

Number three is synchronicity. For some, it has stopped happening. You depend on it for your life, and it just isn’t happening. Now for Yawee, it’s a bit different. I told him personally that 2013 would feature synchronicity for him. But that is because he’s different and he needs to plant the seeds that will eventually begin the growth of what we described only a week ago as the new frontier on the African continent. This is something we have been saying for years, and now you got to hear it in this assemblage today – the beginning of that, right where we said it would happen. So Yawee is helping to facilitate the recalibration, instead of participating in it.

Synchronicity has been explained many times, but it requires that you be in sync with your intuitive self and your innate. But the benevolent connection to the template that you count on for your intuition has been readjusting itself for you, and it has been difficult. Things that you thought would happen didn’t, and things you thought would never happen did. This makes you question whether you’re doing it right, doesn’t it? I know who’s here, I know who’s listening. That’s going to change, and slowly you’ll get the sync back because the benevolent connection with the template source of your DNA is starting to align.

You are starting to receive a greater percentage of activation of your DNA as a Human race. Some of you will use it and some of you will not. But all of humanity is receiving it and not just a few. The Lightworkers, the old souls, have the wisdom of the Akash and they feel it and know it. They have the wisdom of the ancestors to listen to messages like these and to align to them.

Expect good things! Did you believe me a year ago when I told you about 2013? Well, believe me now. It starts to get better. Did I tell you that the old energy would die hard? It’s going to try to stop you. Now, again this old energy is not an entity out to get you. It’s simply dark energy that works in a certain way and balances with light. But be aware as you watch the news and you see certain kinds of actions. It’s not going to look good for a while because the news only reports the darkness.

Judgment, number four. Bad judgment. Some of you have made bad choices! Normally you don’t, so you sit there beating yourselves up because you made bad choices! In retrospect, you know better: “I’m an old soul, I should know better. I should know not to do this or that.” Perhaps you’ve gone certain places and created certain schemes but they didn’t work. Then you say to yourself, “I should know better.” But that’s what happens during a recalibration.

You see, you were not aligned to your “common senses” template, and your judgment is not what it normally is during a time of realignment. I told you a year ago it would be good if you climbed into a closet for a year and didn’t come out – have somebody feed you under the door so you wouldn’t have to interact with life. [Laughter] Of course, that’s Kryon humor, but you know what I’m saying.

When you got out and about, and went through life making decisions that you make all the time, not all of them were good this year. Don’t let it bring you down. Consider 2013 a year in the dark if you want. You’ve been moving through a fog, which is clearing, and fog doesn’t clear all at once. As you slowly see further ahead, you will feel better about the road.

You’ll feel it getting better in many ways, dear ones. The connection, the alignment – nothing is better than a full alignment of DNA with the template of creation.

Benevolent DNA: Do you realize, Yawee, that you’re the first one to use this process on this scale? Do you realize, Yawee, what you can do from now on through the knowledge of these things? The “go there and stay there” is just the beginning. Try something even more stellar and be amazed! The whole quantum field of DNA knows who you are and what you’re doing, and with the whole Human Being allowing, it will work. It will work.

Finally, there’s fear. You’re a Lightworker and an old soul, and you continue to say, “Well, I’m really not afraid of anything.” Oh, yes you are! I’ve used the term before and it comes from my partner’s brain. Please forgive me if it isn’t that funny, but 2013 has been the year of, “Have a little fire, scarecrow?”

Unbalance can destroy everything you are and make you afraid of losing the core. It only takes a few things for you to doubt your spirituality, doesn’t it? “Am I doing it right? Spirit, am I doing it right? This shouldn’t be happening. What have I done wrong? Am I doing it right? Why are things going so wrong?” Dear ones, I’m here to tell you that nothing has gone wrong. Everything is as it should be, Lightworker, because you are the one who is recalibrating. Do you understand that?

Ninety percent of the planet is just sitting there feeling fine and nothing odd is happening. It’s because they’re not in touch with what the old soul is. They could be with free will and free choice, but they’re not interested. But you are. This is because you gave permission to recalibrate. How do you like that?

I want everybody who is listening and reading this right now to receive this gift that we are pushing to you. We are doing it in a quantum way, and I will ask you to release the fear! It’s an old energy paper tiger that says if things feel different, then something is wrong. But that is not truth. You’re doing everything right, everything right! In this process, it’s going to occur to you why you’re here and what you’re doing. Why you? Why now? Could it be that this was the plan all along?

Drop this false fear! Don’t let circumstances of a recalibrated year prompt you to lose your faith. Take your hand, if you wish, and grasp that of the Higher-Self right now, and don’t let go. Because the Higher-Self is offering this to you. It’s time to finish this nonsense of recalibration, feeling odd and unusual, or sick, or not knowing what’s wrong with you. It’s time to finish doubting who you are or trying to figure out why you have funny judgment and nonexistent synchronicity.

We’ve been with you the whole time and we told you it was coming. But when you get it, you don’t know why and many become fearful. It’s time to drop the fear. Things are going to start to align and when they do, the synchronicity of things that you are hoping for will start to click and start to settle. Some of you will have greater synchronicity than you ever imagined, and it will make up for 2013. You’ll start to understand why certain things happened the way they did.

Dear one, you’re an old soul. You’re the forerunner and the hope of the galaxy. I came in all those years ago to give you this channel tonight. Did you realize that? There was only hope back then that you would cross the bridge – that shift of the precession of the equinoxes – only hope. But then you firmly crossed it and now the work begins. Past 2013, the work will be that which starts to synchronize with you and who you are.

“Kryon, why do we have to go through this?” That’s why you’re called Lightworker, dear ones. Some of this is work – hard work.

We’re about to leave, and the next time I channel, it will be 2014. The year 2014 represents a “seven year”, a year of divinity. Let the seeds that you’ve planted through your health issues, your consciousness issues, your poor judgment and your fear be buried in the ground! Then water them with compassion and what will grow will be the beauty of what you always wanted. Let the ground yield the fruit of your hard work, eventually creating the turning point for peace on Earth.

Let compassion reign in YOU, dear ones, and stand tall that you made it. You made it.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.

Lee Carroll

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Starting on Mastership now – will you join us ?

Starting on Mastership now – will you join us ? 

Archangel Michael through Marc Gamma ~ 22.01.2014

Archangel Michael
[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans, this is Archangel Michael speaking through this channel again with some new message. As from today this channel will be missioned again to collaborate with us again in some official sense of it. Archangel Raphael, my brother, will not appear through this channel any longer as we want to give more ample personal space to our channel in order to support his own spiritual evolution.
Previous weeks and months have been quite tiresome and difficult for this channel and thus represent also the common situation in which you all are now. Much is happening on all levels and this all has to be rightly addressed and subsequently elaborated. The latter matter of elaboration all this intake has to be made most on various levels and our channel had repeatedly made failures of alike kind which he should have abandoned long ago.
Thus being due to the fact that our channel is doubting in himself too  – even our channel may not be able to accept his true greatness entirely going in such way through this valley of fires in order to discard all the old energies too. As you will know our channel always used to refer to his weaknesses quite openly resp, he has writing upon it and thus he was able to demonstrate to you that even some channel of light-messages is equal to you – at least not a bit better nor worse than you too.
He appeals on your greatness ever again and thus is helping other humans to acknowledge their very own greatness too and repeatedly there are others addressing him and expect spiritual guidance from him. He is very able to respond in the desired way however some channel like Marc has to accept the fact that he too has to follow his very own individual way and that this he has to do solely all by himself.
Meanwhile he has been able to acknowledge this particular fact and quite a lot of matters have accordingly been changed so that we may continue working with him now. Without all previous changes this would not have been possible and therefore we should have had to terminate our communication with him. Since he would not have been prepared then in such case to take up this sort of energy streaming out of this message. It would have been too strong and would have overwhelmed him entirely.
So, let us leave our channel for the time being a bit leeway’s, my beloved humans and let us turn to all of you being here on this planet in so far that we shall submit to you all the knowledge our channel has learned in the meantime. Since everything our channel learned has not been limited solely to him individually but is for all of you here. Our intention is to elaborate par example the whole matter in order to demonstrate to you that you have to direct your focus to some specific matters. These are quite simple and very fast to be explained yet on the other hand they will request that you apply some little effort to its achievement.
If you are willed and prepared to accept these matters i.e. to integrate such views and explanations you then may be able to proceed on your chosen way. However, in case you do not sense any resonance to it – in which case I do not want to hold you up in any way since this is and will be your very own decision and matter – being always laid into your own hands at any time, it is upon you solely to decide which way you want to follow up and no-one else than you will acknowledge what appears to be rightful for yourselves. Whether this will turn out in some true sense of it I shall not be able to predict to you since every one of you has to follow his/her own individual path – which, of course, will always show specific deviations when compared to those of other humans.
Now, let us deal with the topic of today !
To accept your own true greatness. Do you know anything about it? Now, my channel knows this topic quite well but it is not exactly one of his favorite subject at all. This is why he has to follow me going through it and you all are invited to join us in reading about it. You will be able to learn about it a great deal and you will duly note also what really is the matter about it.
Our channel is somebody. Like all of you he is some great entity of Light. What this exactly is the meaning of it is something not being of great importance in this very context.
When he first learned about his true essence he has accepted right away. And when furthermore he learned that he even was more than the before-said – he also has accepted it. However, when he was confronted with even more knowledge of himself – he appeared to have accepted such news or acted similarly like before – yet this new message has not reached his inner self in a true sense of it. He  has never been able to integrate it into his entire essence. And this you all have to do, my beloved humans. I am urging you to embrace and accept your true greatness with all that you are. Since it is with such described action you will be able to proceed onward it is this special integration of your true greatness that will further your evolution ever more.
Our channel has been able to comprehend what we told him however it still remains quite a farther way to follow up and thus we only want to show you that even some channel has to proceed forward like all of you. You all are equal before God the Creator. It does not matter at all where do you come from, which is the color of your skin and what is your religious belief. You all are equal and this knowledge also must be accepted deep in your inner hearts.
Let us conclude this message here  and make an according summary to it:
It is upon you to accept your true greatness. You have to accept it deep in your inner hearts and you will thus be able to follow and proceed on your spiritual path. If you fail doing so you won’t be able to continue  with what you started and fail to reach your target. Regarding us – we do really love your incredible and wonderful greatness and we are always aware of it. You and particularly all of you are of such essential importance to us and also this fact you have to anchor deeply into your hearts as well. And solely this accepted knowledge of your inner hearts will enable you to take up everything which will be given to you in due course – and it will enable you to step forward when needed.
We shall enlarge on these topics later on and it is through our channel playing the scapegoat for it. By submitting to your new messages from us he shall once again go through most difficult periods and acknowledging thereby eventually what has become of his former self. You may be laughing at our saying now, my dear humans still this may pass away very soon when becoming aware that you are in a somewhat alike situation too.
Writing it down as well speaking it out is just so easy and a simple matter but to live it through and being in the middle of it will turn out to be entirely different a matter. If anybody of you all has already been guided once by Spirit to his/her own steepest faults – he/she will know what I am talking about here. After such an experience the ones concerned have undergone a profound change and transformation. Those ones will gain some deep understanding. All those accepting the fact that to obtain some mastership will not be an easy task and way at all – those stand some good chance to encounter open-minded all challenges to come.
Do you want to be confronted with your mastership? In the positive – well, join us on our special journey, my dearest. I shall accompany you too and it will be fun that I can assure you – since what will be coming to you will be enjoyed by. Everything that is to come to you and in the process of being manifested here will entail quite some delight for you. And afterwards when all has passed you will become aware that I, Michael, was so right when foretelling all these facts. However until you will have arrived at such stage you do not will hold it as “Fun” to look at for all lections of life and foremost lections of Masterships are by no means easy matters to overcome. It is the loaf-of-Life earned the hard way and my dear beloved humans, such are the facts that have to go deep down into your inner consciousness too.
We shall continue with these topics next week again and then we shall discus further topics of Mastership. Time-line and energies are matching well in order to start with such topics. Will you join us or do you want to remain in your old kind of energy ? I am in the waiting for you here and I am accordingly looking forward to be you companion on your further path, my beloved humans.
Yours Archangel Michael
Copyright © Gamma Marc.

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014


January 19-26, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Saat anda bergerak melewati siklus hari berikutnya, ingatlah untuk memuji dan menghargai dirimu sambil tetap bertugas dan berjalan di Bumi ini. Masing-masing memiliki bagian yang sangat penting dalam terungkapnya Rencana Ilahi dan kehadiran anda dibutuhkan. Anda masing-masing dicintai dan dikelilingi oleh lebih banyak pemandu dan para malaikat dibanding sebelumnya. Kami berbicara kepada anda dan sangat senang ketika anda mendengar kami dan merespon. Ini akan menjadi kejadian yang lebih umum seperti tahun ini terungkap. Anda akan berada dalam komunikasi yang jelas dengan aspek lebih tinggi dan ini akan menjadi keuntungan yang pasti bagi anda, orang-orang yang anda cintai dan dunia di sekitar anda. Pedoman yang anda terima datang untuk membantu anda dan mereka yang berada dalam lingkup pengaruh anda dan aktifitas dengan langkah berikutnya ke depan saat mereka siap. Jangan merasa segan untuk mengulangi apa yang anda terima dari kami jika itu adalah kata-kata bimbingan dan nasehat bagi mereka di sekitar anda. Kata-kata dikatakan anda kepada mereka mungkin hanya membutuhkan pengetahuan penerima untuk membantu mereka di sepanjang jalan penyingkapan mereka dan apa yang anda katakan kepada mereka bisa menjadi jawaban, bimbingan atau petunjuk bagi mereka yang telah mencari.

Ketika anda melakukan ini, biarlah secara terpisah sehingga anda tidak menjadi emosional yang melekat pada hasil dan input dari pesan yang anda bagikan. Ingatlah anda hanyalah saluran, utusan dan ketika anda mengucapkan kata-kata, bagian anda sudah dicapai. Jika penerima kata-kata anda tampaknya tidak mendengar apa yang anda katakan kepada mereka, dan mereka hanya memiliki kepercayaan bahwa mereka menerima apa yang mereka butuhkan, dan berhentilah di situ. Tingkat kesadaran yang lebih tinggi ingin berkomunikasi dalam cara yang lebih langsung dan mendalam kepada mereka dalam perawatan dan bimbingan mereka, dan itu akan melalui seseorang seperti anda bahwa mereka akan melakukannya. Ucapkanlah kata-kata yang datang pada anda dengan kasih dan kebaikan dan membiarkan penerima memutuskan bagaimana dan jika mereka memberikan kepercayaan kepada kemajuan yang telah melalui anda. Ini adalah layanan penuh kasih dan penting untuk orang-orang di sekitar anda, bagian yang paling penting adalah diterima dengan penuh rasa syukur.

Semua jiwa di atas Bumi sekarang mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan yang mereka tidak pernah tahu hingga saat sekarang.  Tiba-tiba, sebuah perspektif baru telah datang ke dalam kesadaran mereka dan ada banyak bagi mereka untuk memilah-milah dan internalisasi. Bantuan anda akan sangat dihargai bahkan jika anda tidak pernah mendengar umpan balik langsung dari orang-orang ini. Kata-kata anda yang berbicara kepada mereka akan menjadi balsem yang akan menenangkan jiwa mereka yang bermasalah. Ketika kami telah memanggil anda sebagai duta kami pada pesan sebelumnya, inilah yang kami maksudkan. Dunia membutuhkan cinta, kebaikan, maksud baik dan kesabaran yang kini lebih dari sebelumnya dan anda semua telah berada dalam pelatihan untuk menjadi mahir dalam memberikan pelayanan dengan cara ini. Kami dapat mengatakan bahwa anda tidak pernah bisa dituduh tidur selama bekerja, karena sebenarnya anda berada di tempat kerja bahkan selama dalam kondisi anda tidur.

Aspek multidimensi keberadaan anda selalu bekerja, karena tidak ada persyaratan untuk kebutuhan beristirahat sebagai orang di Bumi yang membutuhkan itu. Karena itu, anda dapat meminta setiap hari untuk menerima bantuan dalam proses kenaikan anda dengan cara apapun yang paling diinginkan dan dibutuhkan anda. Aspek anda lebih tinggi dan panduan Tuhan akan segera dimulai untuk membawa bimbingan dan jawaban untuk anda,  tetapi anda harus terbuka untuk menerima jawaban dengan cara apapun mereka datang kepada anda dan bertindak pada apa yang telah anda berikan. Ini mungkin membutuhkan kesabaran dan ketekunan anda untuk menjadi lebih jeli dari jeda waktu atas permintaan anda dan munculnya bimbingan yang anda cari tetapi itu akan ada jika anda rajin, dengan anda semakin menyadari dan mensyukuri, karena pemahaman anda sungguh-sungguh tidak pernah berjalan sendiri.

Kami, keluarga cahaya anda, berkeinginan membantu anda untuk melepaskan hambatan yang mencegah anda bergerak ke tingkat kesadaran yang lebih tinggi dan kami dapat bekerja dengan anda siang dan malam untuk membantu anda memahami apa yang perlu anda lakukan untuk bergerak maju. Energi yang mengalir dari kosmos tanpa henti bersinar dengan gelombang cahaya yang lebih besar dan lebih intens pada semuanya di atas planet ini dan ketika cahaya datang, selalu mempercepat pelepasan pola pikir mapan dan perilaku yang siap ditransmutasikan ke persepsi yang lebih tinggi dan reklamasi keilahian anda. Sebagian besar dari anda telah mendapatkan pemahaman bahwa anda benar-benar adalah dari esensi ilahi, masing-masing dan setiap orang dari anda. Ketika anda kembali pada status keberadaaan anda, anda juga membantu membuka jalan bagi mereka yang sekarang sadar akan perjalanan jiwa mereka sendiri dan akan berusaha untuk menemukan jawaban pada jalur yang telah dilalui. Hal ini pernah terjadi - pada mereka yang menemukan kebebasan dari roda kelahiran dan kematian dan siapa yang membebaskan diri, berputar untuk mengulurkan tangan kepada saudara-saudara mereka sehingga kemungkinan semuanya bebas.

Sampai minggu depan....

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Translated by Birru Sadhu

Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - January 19, 2014

Archangel Gabriel
Daily Message - January 19, 2014

Apakah anda akan terkejut jika kami katakan bahwa anda sangat kuat?
Manusia telah dikondisikan selama berabad-abad untuk percaya bahwa mereka tidak berdaya, tapi tidak ada yang bisa lebih jauh lagi dari kebenaran.
Masing-masing dan setiap satu dari anda memiliki kemampuan untuk mengalihkan energi dan melakukan dengan niat dan fokus.
Itulah yang mendorong pergeseran luar biasa yang terjadi di planet anda!
Anda akhirnya mulai mengenali kemampuan anda dan melangkah melampaui ketakutan anda dengan menggunakan mereka.
Anda adalah makhluk yang mulia dan agung, temukanlah, peluklah dan rayakan keilahian dan kesiapan anda untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru.
Kami terpesona oleh keberanian, ketahanan, dan sifat dasar anda saat anda bersama-sama melangkah maju dengan cara-cara yang belum terlihat sebelumnya di planet anda.
Kami tiada henti terkejut dan senang dengan anda dan mencintai tak terkira setiap satu dari anda.

~translated by Birru Sadhu~

Pencipta Utama Mengumumkan : Awal Jaman Emas

Pencipta Utama Mengumumkan : Awal Jaman Emas

Saya Pencipta. Saya telah meminta Lady Portia untuk menyampaikan pesan ini untuk diberikan kepada dunia.

Ini adalah kehormatan bagi saya untuk memberikan pengumuman penting. Semua perubahan penting pada alam semesta ini memerlukan acara khusus untuk melabuhkan jangkar pada mereka, untuk melayani sebagai awal resmi atau akhir dari sebuah jaman. Saya ingin menyatakan bahwa hari ini, Senin 20 January 2014 mulai saat ini Kalender Gregorian Bumi selanjutnya akan dikenal sebagai Hari Pertama Jaman Emas. Ini akan mengantar pada awal kemakmuran baru, perdamaian, kerjasama dan sukacita Kerajaan Bumi dan seterusnya.

Ini adalah masa perubahan, saatnya terbangun. Akan ada pelajaran yang tidak bisa anda bayangkan satu hari atau seminggu yang lalu. Anda semua dibangkitkan ke dalam Cahaya, mengingatnya sekilas, sedikit di sini, sedikit di sana, apa yang akan anda pelajari ketika anda berjalan melintasi batas imajiner yang telah menjadikan anda berada dalam dunia dimensi 3 anda. Anda akan muncul di puncak meditasi anda ke dimensi yang lebih tinggi. 

Pesan-pesan ini telah membawa anda bersama untuk meningkatkan tantangan yang telah diberikan pada anda, untuk membuka hati dan pikiran anda menuju Kebenaran Yang Satu. 

Seringkali anda kehilangan atau frustasi atau bingung. Informasi yang telah diberikan pada anda tampaknya bertentangan, dan karenanya itu tidak benar. Anda dipaksa untuk memiliki salah satu di antara dua atau tiga "Kebenaran" atau membuka pikiran anda terhadap kemungkinan bahwa ada kemungkinan dari seluruh kemungkinan lain - Kebenaran yang lebih baik yang memungkinkan menyebabkan tingkat lebih lanjut dari kedalaman hati yang tidak diketahui.

Ini akan datang sebagai kejutan besar bagi anda bahwa Kami yang berada di dimensi yang lebih tinggi kadang-kadang memberitahu anda setengah kebenaran. Kami tidak berbohong kepada anda, tidak akan ada gunanya melakukan itu. Kami tidak benar-benar pernah berhubungan. Namun, sering ada kesempatan di mana kami dapat melihat anda sama sekali tidak siap untuk seluruh kebenaran - hal itu akan membuat anda marah dan membuat anda berpaling atau mungkin melewati kebenaran itu dengan pemahaman anda sendiri yang tidak memiliki latar belakang untuk memahaminya. Ini sebabnya kami telah membawa anda, bulan demi bulan, terhadap pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan yang lebih besar.

Ini bukan usaha yang sederhana, untuk memimpin seluruh peradaban yang telah lama terendam oleh masyarakat yang intelek kaku argumentatif, senang bertengkar dan individu yang agresif dan membawa mereka semua bersama-sama menuju pertemuan pikiran sejati yang hanya dapat dicapai dengan membuka hati mereka. Ya, anda semua telah terpengaruhi oleh pikiran ribuan tahun - hati dan pikiran yang berlebihan materi argumen. 600 tahun terakhir atau lebih telah menjadi yang terburuk, terutama karena Descrates menyatakan pikiran unggul emosi manusia.

Tentu saja, tidak ada yang salah dengan menggunakan metode ilmiah untuk mengindentifikasikan tren dan fakta-fakta kecil pada hal-hal yang ingin anda pelajari. Dalam beberapa hal, ia sudah bergerak di depan anda, terutama di mana beberapa teknologi anda memprihatinkan, tetapi  telah berbuat lebih banyak untuk menjaga orisinalitas daripada mengembangkannya. Para ilmuwan paling cemerlang telah melakukan pekerjaan terbaik mereka selama jam tidur mereka, ketika mereka berkolaborasi dengan masyarakat galaksi yang sangat canggih yang berbagi temuan mereka dengan orang-orang yang terbuka untuk itu. Tentu saja, hal ini kadang-kadang berakhir sangat buruk, seperti dalam pengembangan definisi nuklir, yang kemudian segera digunakan untuk mengembangkan senjata yang amat terkendali dan teknologi dalam negeri yang sama-sama berbahaya.

Penggunaan tenaga nuklir untuk menghasilkan listrik adalah metode konyol, ceroboh dan tidak efisien. Kalau bukan karena keuntungan besar yang telah dihasilkan selama beberapa investor, pada biaya kesehatan keseluruhan planet anda, itu bahkan tidak memberikan pandangan ke dua. Hanya berkat subsidi besar dari banyak pemerintah tanaman-tanaman ini akan dibangun. Kami sedang mempersiapkan untuk melihat semua metode ini tidak memerlukan metode berbahaya dan diganti denganteknologi sederhana, efisien dan bersih yang akan diberikan kepada anda oleh saudara-saudara galaksi anda.

Teknologi anda yang akan diberikan jauh lebih unggul dari apapun dalam pembangunan. Anda akan kagum pada efisiensi dan kemudahan dalam penggunaan di semua rumah anda, gedung perkantoran, bangunan sipil dan bahkan pada stadion yang dapat didinginkan, dipanaskan dan hangat, tanpa setetespun bahan bakar fosil dan juga tanpa menghasilkan polusi karbon atom tunggal. Ini hanya contoh kecil dari perubahan penting yang akan berlangsung, untuk sungguh-sungguh menyelamatkan dan menghargai semua makhluk indah yang tinggal di Gaia, Ibu Bumi anda seperti yang anda mengenalnya.

Anda, yang tercinta di Bumi, telah dipahat ke jalan Kenaikan, membawa Cahaya dan pesan Cinta. Anda yang telah menciptakan momen mulia ini - Anda yang telah mengangkat mata anda ke Kepercayaan Langit. Anda telah membayangkan Dunia Baru. Demikianlah yang telah anda ciptakan.

Kami telah mengajarkan anda bahwa pikiran anda dikombinasikan dengan energi hati anda, membuat realtas. Anda telah belajar mewujudkan pikiran-pikiran yang sangat jelas. Ketika anda fokus pada visi hati anda, dan didukung oleh kemauan besar anda, anda dapat menciptakan hal-hal indah terjadi.

Ini adalah apa yang telah anda lakukan. Bersama-sama, anda telah fokus pada Keberlimpahan. Anda telah membayangkan perumahan baru bagi mereka yang hidup dalam kemiskinan, air bersih bagi masyarakat Bumi yang membutuhkan, makanan untuk yang lapar, sekolah dan mencintai guru bagi anak-anak yang haus pada pengetahuan nyata, menyembuhkan orang sakit, dan di atas semuanya, kedamaian di Bumi.

Jadi hal ini akan terjadi. Ini adalah waktu yang menguntungkan di Bumi. Ini adalah hari pertama dari zodiac Aquarius, perayaan Marten Luther King di Amerika Serikat, dan sebagai pendekatan Tahun Baru Cina, Tahun Kuda yang menjadi simbol baru - kekuatan, kegembiraan dan kasih sayang. Ini akan menjadi tahun pertumbuhan spiritual yang sangat besar, perluasan dan Kenaikan bagi seluruh planet.

Semua orang di planet ini - ini sungguh-sungguh bagi semua orang - akan mengalami nasib baik yang sekarang akan mengisi semua cangkir hingga penuh. Kesukacitaan akan menggantikan rasa takut sebagai emosi dominan. Tindakan kebaikan acak akan menjadi norma dibanding berita pengecualian.

Bukalah hati anda, Beloved Ones. Tidak ada lagi pertanyaan yang perlu dijawab tentang kapan dan bagaimana perubahan ini akan terjadi. Mereka sudah siap dimulai. Anda yang telah diberkati dengan program kemakmuran akan benar-benar tidak dapat dijelaskan oleh pemikir rasional, manajer praktisi dan orang-orang yang tidak percaya.

Kami di sini, Pemandu dan Ascended Master anda, dan kami akan membawa Planet Bumi  ini dalam kekuatan paling kuat di alam semesta dengan : Cinta, Kebangktan Kebenaran yang tidak akan pernah dapat lagi membuat anda menderita oleh kekuatan di luar kendali anda. Sekarang, saat anda membaca ini, sistem politik dan sosial manusiawi sedang dilembagakan di seluruh dunia.

Kami sekarang menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk mengumumkan lebih lanjut, yang anda sebut Disclosure/Pengungkapan - Pernyataan bahwa anda tidak sendirian di alam semesta ini, dan bahwa tetangga planet anda ramah - setelah semua komplotan rahasia beserta kaki tangannya telah ditundukkan dan atau dihentikan penyebarannya. Apa yang berikutnya akan menjadi spektakuler, menakjubkan bahkan bagi anda yang telah mengikuti pesan ini selama bertahun-tahun.

Pikiran anda akan mengalami informasi yang berlebihan sehingga mereka dengan hati yang terbuka akan mampu memahami kebenaran tentang apa yang terjadi, begitu banyak hal yang anda pikir anda mengetahuinya sengaja terdistorsi. Semua berita yang datang adalah kabar baik. Pernyataan akan membuat hati anda bernyanyi.

Saya sangat gembira mengabarkan anda akan hal ini,begitu lama tertahan.

Lihatlah di sekitar anda. Warna-warna yang cerah, wajah orang-orang yang lebih muda, dan semua kekuatiran dan kepedulian seperti embun pagi.

Nikmatilah berkat anda, My Beloved Children. Hari Baru anda menyingsing hari ini. 
I love you without end.

I am your Creator. 

Via Kathryn E. May, January 19, 2014, 11:30 PM GMT
Translated by Birru Sadhu