Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Ras Feline

Para Feline adalah salah satu dari dua ras utama di alam semesta kita. Mereka tiba di sini atas undangan The Founders/Pendiri. Setelah berhasil menyelesaikan permainan Universal dan menyelesaikan alam semesta mereka, sekelompok 45 Feline datang secara sukarela ke alam semesta ini untuk membantu set up dan mengawasi permainan yang sama di sini.

Para Feline adalah ras bipedal yang tingginya 12 sampai 16 meter. Kulit mereka ditutupi semacam bulu lembut dan meskipun mereka tidak memiliki bulu yang panjang, mereka memiliki kumis panjang baik lelaki dan perempuan. 

Warna mata mereka berkisar dari biru menjadi emas dan dapat berubah di saat-saat tertentu. Mereka juga berubah dari warna coklat keemasan menjadi putih. Keseluruhan temperamen Feline hangat, optimis dan intelektual. Saat mereka dewasa mereka lebih bersifat pendiam, introspektif dan lembut. Para tetuanya dihormati karena kebijaksanaanya, welas asih dan berwawasan.

Sebagai ras mereka sangat akrab dan memiliki sifat jujur. Para perempuannya dihormati dan memiliki status yang sama dengan laki-lakinya. Dan seperti sifat kucing, mereka semua sangat penasaran dan ingin tahu. 

Sebagai bagian dari permainan Universal, para Pendiri memberikan Feline ini sebuah planet baru di Konstelasi Lyra untuk tempat tinggal mereka. Feline menamakannya Avyon. Sekarang ini bukanlah pengucapan yang tepat atau bisa dieja, tapi cukup akrab terdengar. Nama aslinya tidak dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa. 

Avyon adalah planet bak surga dengan pegunungan, danau, sungai dan lautan. Planet biru ini sangat mirip seperti Bumi, baik dalam bentuk dan berbagai vegetasi dan kehidupan fisiknya. Ketika Feline tiba, mereka dalam bentuk eterik dan oleh karena itu, mereka kemudian dalam tahap mengembangkan tubuh fisik agar dapat tinggal di planet ini. Setelah jutaan tahun mereka berevolusi sebagai singa, kucing dan lainnya dan mulai inkarnasi dalam berbagai bentuk.

Sesuai bagian dari rencana, sebagian dari Feline ini tetap berada dalam bentuk eterik untuk memberikan bimbingan kepada mereka yang inkarnasi. Mereka akan menjadi setara dengan makhluk Cristos anda. Ingat, ini adalah planet 3D dan setelah dari kucing eterik berinkarnasipun mereka akan jatuh ke dalam selubung amnesia yang merupakan bagian dari cara kerja freewill-kehendak bebas 3D.

Seiring waktu berlalu, melalui siklus inkarnasi yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, para Feline ini berevolusi dalam garis kucing yang berjalan tegak dan mempertahankan kesadaran eterik rekan-rekan mereka berkat inkarnasi periodik dari beberapa Feline eterik, dan DNA mamalia bipedal mereka mirip dengan kera yang berkembang di planet ini juga.

Dengan DNA mamalia mirip kera, Feline mampu mengambil tubuh yang lebih mirip manusia sementara tetap mempertahankan sebagian besar fitur wajah dan karakteristik lain dari kucing. Ini adalah persimpangan ketika mencapai tahap tertentu garis genetik yang dikenal sebagai Garis Kerajaan Avyon atau Rumah Avyon, menjadi makhluk.

Para Feline eterik akan terus bergiliran inkarnasi untuk memberikan tidak hanya peningkatan DNA, namun pengajaran dan pelatihan dimensi yang lebih tinggi, supaya saudara-saudara planet mereka tidak terjebak dalam siklus inkarnasi non hewan. Seperti yang anda lihat, Feline berkembang di Avyon dalam banyak cara sama seperti manusia berevolusi di Bumi. Satu-satunya perbedaannya adalah manusia tidak terjebak di dalam siklus hewan. Malah lebih dari itu -_-

Saat para Feline tumbuh sadar cukup besar jumlahnya untuk bertanggung jawab sebagai wakil planet dunia tempat tinggal mereka, mereka terus berkembang dan akhirnya mengembangkan teknologi untuk melakukan perjalanan ruang angkasa dan kemudian membuat teknologi warp. Saudara-saudara eterik mereka terus bertindak sebagai pemandu mereka.

Banyak di antara mereka menjadi ahli genetika (khusus Feline) dan mulai membantu mengembangkan bentuk kehidupan di berbagai jenis planet dan bintang di alam semesta. Beberapa di antaranya mereka menjadi penjelajah di ruang angkasa yang lebih luas dan sebagai ilmuwan dari berbagai jenis pengetahuan.

Selama dalam tahap perkembangan mereka Feline akan mengalihkan perhatian mereka ke mamalia bipedal mereka yang telah membantu begitu banyak, dan memulai membuat program penyimpangan genetik dan memodifikasi dengan memberi jiwa  dan dalam proses membuat spesies baru yang akan dikenal sebagai Manusia.

Setelah banyak penyimpangan dan modifikasi genetik, Manusia Adam di buat. Ada dua jenis strain berambut merah yang lebih terbuka dan energik, dan berambut blonde yang lembut hati dan mawas diri. Setelah ribuan tahun berkembang biak dengan penciptaan baru ini, Feline Manusia Hybrid mulai lebih banyak dari lainnya dibandingkan dengan ras Feline. Namun ini adalah rencana. Saat ini kenyatan ras Feline akan menjadi leluhur dari manusia dengan sifat-sifat genetik mereka sebagai pengingat hubungan antara mereka. Dan meskipun hubungan genetik antara Feline dan Manusia telah dilupakan oleh manusia modern, Feline tetap berada dalam kesadaran kita sebagai makhluk agung yang patut dihormati dan dicintai.

Feline adalah wakil yang penuh kasih dan mendukung anak dari genetik mereka, yaitu manusia. Mereka terus di dalam peran ini melalui waktu dan semua dimensi Permainan Universal.

Devin (Feline) adalah pemerintahan patriarki Kerajaan Avyon dimensi 9 dan Anu (Manusia) adalah pemerintahan patriarki Kerajaan Avyon dimensi 5 di saat ini.

Setelah perang Lyran, tempat tinggal kami adalah salah satu yang berdiri terakhir melawan kerajaan tua, Annunaki, yang mengambil dan menghancurkan banyak sistem. Dunia kami sendiri hancur dan pada akhirnya jumlah miliaran masih tersisa di sana karena masih banyak yang harus diselamatkan. Kami menjelajah ke banyak sistem, sistem Pleaides, yang berambut pirang Nordic sebagai Pleiadian itu adalah orang-orang Lyran, serta Sirius, dan Andromeda, dan sistem lain juga. Kami berada di dimensi yang lebih tinggi dalam sistem lain seperti yang telah saya tunjukkan tinggal di kota kristal dalam Pleiades saat melakukan mediasi. Kami adalah aspek diri pribadi tinggi kami yang lebih tinggi dan dalam penugasannya. 

~The Feline Race ~ diterjemahkan oleh birru sadhu~

The Constant Companions ~ A Short Update on the Energies

The Constant Companions ~ A Short Update on the Energies
March 24, 2015
via Aisha North,

As you have perhaps already noticed, this ongoing redistribution of the energetic masses is not about to subside anytime soon. For this is not something temporary, this is a permanent shift away from the old and into the very new spheres, the ones that are far more lofty than what you have experienced so far. And so, this shift will make the very ground beneath your feet appear as impermanent as everything else, and rightly so, for this is not about changing merely the appearance of something, but a transformation that goes all the way to the core.

For this is a dramatic shift that is under way in your entire energetic environment, and that is something that is far more profound than anything you can see from an outward perspective. And as such, it will be as if the very ground upon which you walk will feel less secure because your physical vehicle has yet to fine tune itself to these new ground currents that are being reinstated on your planet. And these are currents that covers it all, not just on the surface, but all the way to the very core of your inhabited sphere.

For this planet you live upon has now changed her frequency in such a way, it will affect all. And the ones that will notice this the most, will be those that will fall into tune with it most easily and those who fall furthest from this new frequency. In other words, this shift will be hugely beneficial to all those who have chosen to align themselves with the new energetic landscape around them by electing to take in these new frequencies from the very beginning. For all of you heeded the preliminary calls that came, and as such, you all stand poised to ride the highest crest of the wave that will be arriving on your shores in a very short time from now. While for those who chose to literally turn a deaf ear to the call to awaken from the slumber, the dissonance that will be engendered because of the discrepancy between their base frequency and the one that your planet is vibrating to now will be a powerful on indeed.

So once again we say expect the unexpected to arise, and know that the unexpected comes in all shapes and forms, and in every single nuance of the bandwidth of energies that currently prevail on this little sphere of yours. For now, as the frequency is being changed from the ground up so to speak, the number of different frequencies may seem to be interfering with each other in such a way, it can be difficult to keep a steady outlook on it all. So know when to seek shelter from the storm, and know when to stand fast, and know that at all times, you will find that slow and steady rhythm that will show you the true beat to follow whenever you take the time to go within.

For that is where the true north will be found at all times when this wildly fluctuating array of frequencies you may be exposed to at any given time will seem to blow you off course. For as long as you stay tethered to that inner course, you will never lose your bearings, and you will never lose your momentum either. For there will be instances in the time ahead when you will all at one stage or the other feel as if you are merely threading water without any form of forward propulsion whatsoever. But know that this is not the case, it is merely an understandable outcome of this overlapping of frequential layers.

So stay focused and stay calm, and know that you are fully connected to this very new frequency at all times. And know that any confusion and disruption that may arise in your personal field is merely a temporary one, caused by the swells of the old frequencies dying out around you. So heed the call from that new beat, and you will find your feet and indeed the entirety of your being not just picking up more speed, but also picking out a very new way forwards. For these incoming winds will fill your sails up so that you will be lifted aloft out of the still churning waters that others will try their hardest to stay afloat in.

But also know that if you venture to try to hold out against these new prevailing winds, your journey will be one fraught with some unnecessary challenges indeed, for this will be more than trying to go against the wind. For by now, you have all been elevated to a level of energetic vibration that is so finely balanced, any voluntary downsizing to the denser vibrations will be like putting a spanner in the finely tuned workings of a clock. So do what you are here to do; allow the incoming flood of light to lift you ever higher, and then, you will succeed in what your true task here on this planet really is, elevating ALL by elevating yourself as swiftly as possible by renouncing on any ideas of holding on to the old. For only a total surrender of the old will help you to fulfill this task, and so, we ask you all to stay focused on the horizon that awaits you, not on the remnants of the old that is already fading away in your wake.

For know this: you can go out into the world carrying with you this very new vibration, and no matter where you go, you will find a reciprocal energetic boost coming your way from the Earth herself at all times. That is, as long as you do not insist on trying to step your own energy down to match the one that others may be carrying with them. For you are not here to be a chameleon, one who changes his or her energetic appearance the better to blend in amongst the masses. No, you are here to stand out clear and bright within the full powers of your light. Yes, this will attract attention, and yes, you might find that somewhat intimidating at first, but still, this is why you are here. So stand tall and stand clear of the old ideas of diminishing yourself to make others feel better about their own stature, for even if the idea may seem tempting, any actions defined by such ideas will not benefit you nor anyone else. Rather, it will be detrimental to all.

So once again we say know that your light is of the highest importance, and now, you have for the very first time a new energetic environment that will support you at every single step of the way, and as such, you no longer need to lack of anything at all on your continued journey. But know also that this energetic support will only act as a boost if you continue to keep your own energetic tune true and do not try to tamper with it in any way. For then, you will also begin to feel the dissonance between you and this new and prevailing tune that your planet has begun to hum to. So if you at any time feel at odds with anything, the advice will once again be to go within. Then, you will know if it is merely a superficial reaction to all of the colliding energetic movement that is going on, or if it is a deeper reaction to any decision to try to step down from your new elevated stature. For the difference is indeed loud and clear, and even if you will all feel more than a little flummoxed by these conflicting movements from time to time, you will have no problem in separating between the reaction and the causes at any given time, for by now, you are all well tuned to your own inner voice.

So listen well, and this new phase of the journey will be a less strenuous one than if you choose to disregard the inner calling and step across the lines that have been set up as a guidance to you and to everyone else who have the task of being the forerunners in this process. For you are the ones who will need it most at this time, for you are the ones who must keep a clear eye on the proceedings, and the only way to do that, is to ignore the outer confusion and seek the inner guidance at any time any disruption seems to arise. That way, you will all be sure to navigate these by now more than choppy waters, and that way, you will all find more than ample reasons to rejoice. For then, you will all feel the increased momentum these incoming waves will give you, and you will all feel how you are being supported in every single step you take so that every single decision you make will be a divinely inspired one. For then, it is your inner knowing who will set the course, and so, you will all do what is yours to do; you will choose what will benefit the most, not just for a short time, but in the long run, and then, it will all come about as it has been planned for eternity.

So allow that inner light to light your way, and know that you will be going in the right direction at all times when you do just that. For when you heed that inner calling, every step will be the right step, even when it takes you in a very surprising direction. For surprises will arise for all, but if you listen well, they do not hold any surprises at all, for then, you will just know what to do, for it will all come naturally. After all, that is your gift to All, the ability to go where no man has gone before, and to do so with an inner knowing that defies any attempts at being waylaid.

So go forth fully knowing that you already know who you are and what to do, and know that you have even more support at your disposal at any given time now, should it be so needed. But even so, you will all find it all within you. For you are already complete, and now, you will complete what it is you came here to do, and you will do it in a way that will defy any speculation. For you have already proven your prowess, and you have already proven your steadfastness, and now, you will begin upon the lap of honour, the last part of this monumental task of righting what has been wrong, and of lighting what has been dimmed down for such a long time. And for that, no words are enough, but still, we offer you this on behalf of All of creation; thank you.

The Pleiadians: Prepare to Make Personal Contact

Do not look for us in the physical appearance, beloved ones, 
for we might simply be adjusting to your energies in the most refined 
and the highest way possible to become tangible for you to “see”. 
Remember that “seeing” is not solely through the physical eye 
and your visual senses, 
but we speak here of seeing us with the inner eye of truth. 
All sorts of forms and manifestations are possible, 
but we will always choose the way that serves your Highest best 
and this preferably in the most natural way of our being that is possible.


The Pleiadians:  Equinox Portal and Conscious Contact
via Meline Lafont
March 16, 2014

Greetings, we are the Pleiadians and we come forth in Grace and with Unconditional Love for every being upon this plane and beyond. We come with a deeper understanding and a knowing about your Planetary Ascension and the stages it is lingering in. As a deeper consciousness is being achieved by many of the collective upon your planes of reality, there are many new opportunities and possibilities being created and even manifested into your own collective - and your personal reality

What we wish to speak about in this Now moment on your Earthly planes, is the Equinox energies/ portal and its effect on each individual existence and reality. Be brave our fellow Lightworkers, Brothers and Sisters, for this new wave and amount of Solar energy will hit the nail on the head concerning many things and Earthly realities that have been playing out for several years now.

Drastic changes are upon your plane as the collective and many of your Lightworkers have been yearning, creating and decreeing many of those changes. There will be shedding, quakes in the form of energy waves and literally huge amounts of releasing density and releasing old patterns/ forms / creations. That what once was old and inconvenient shall not BE anymore and fade away like dust in the wind.

The Equinox is here to assist many of you on your path to become Multi- Dimensional in your own frequency and vibration of the highest possible energy of YOU. This shall bring forth some granting such as first personal contact in your own reality first before the collective will be involved in those interactions. Why is it important to start those first contacts initially on a real, physical level (your own level)?! Because when you become aware and ready for those levels of interaction in your own way and vibration, the collective is being infused with acceptance and love, with an understanding of our existence and our presence on your Earthly planes.

As each and everyone of you are a part of the Oneness and of your Earthly Collective, you prepare the way for others to be in connection with our being on a deeper level and with a deeper understanding/acceptance. It is all about the acceptance of our existence that we like to work on and that is more than just knowing we are here in the now, it is also a seeing and a feeling of our Presence around you as well as within you.

Gatekeepers and Ground Crew are the first to be in connection with our energies as you are ready for this. The first wavers of this Ascension Process are already in alignment with our Being and our Presences as they have been preparing for all of this a long time now. Their time is Now to assist in First Contact and this goes through their own embodiments and Presences, through their realities. You will know when you are a first waver and you will be approached by our energies in all sorts of forms and ways.

Do not look for us in the physical appearance, beloved ones, for we might simply be adjusting to your energies in the most refined and the highest way possible to become tangible for you to “see”. Remember that “seeing” is not solely through the physical eye and your visual senses, but we speak here of seeing us with the inner eye of truth. All sorts of forms and manifestations are possible, but we will always choose the way that serves your Highest best and this preferably in the most natural way of our being that is possible.

We will take it step by step, as always, for your balance and ability to cope with all of this is our first concern and our main priority. First wavers, be ready for this and soak in the energies of this beautiful Equinox portal. As to the collective and the Lightworkers who are stepping up to their own natural Self, to their I AM Presence and to the Christ Consciousness: a lot of Love and codes are going to be infused in all of those ones in order to prepare for this phase that is already coming for the first wavers.

Nobody and nothing will be left behind or will be left to be forgotten, for all is part of the Oneness that is called BEING. You will always BE and there is NO way that you cannot BE, for Being is existence and existence is INFINITE.

We are the Pleiadians

Blood Moon

Semuanya berubah dengan cepat bagi kita sekarang, 
dan itu penting untuk tetap berada dalam energi ini, 
untuk diketahui, 
tetaplah membumi dan mengamati segala sesuatu tanpa penghakiman. 
Sekali lagi, ini adalah waktu yang menguntungkan, 
tolong jangan membiarkan negatif berada dalam pikiran anda. 
Apapun yang kita pikirkan, kita sedang mewujudkannya. 
Jadi mari kita tampakkan hasil positif di dalam segala situasi 
baik pribadi maupun global. 


Blood Moon 
– FREEDOM PORTAL – Urgent Message to Ground Crew – Galactics

Greetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note. As many of you already know and have felt we have just experienced an opening of phenomenal portal of light, a portal of stabilization and a portal of progress and intuitive understanding of being. This portal was but one door into the new world which we are all walking towards. As many of you know another magnificent portal is about to open for all of us, this portal is going to take place on April 4th – The Blood Moon portal.

Before I talk about that though I would like to point out to all of you that the next few days leading up to this blood moon will see you incredibly conflicted. All of your old memories and RE-Actions are going to come back, you will feel as if all the work that you have done on yourself is slipping way from you and you are right back to square one.

However, that is absolutely NOT what is happening. Simply the last ounces of “dirty water” are being squeezed right out of you. Brought up for you to deal with finally, and use all that you have learnt up to this point to SHIFT your focus onto the POSITIVE. I know this as I have been experiencing all of this first hand. All of us are going to and already are going through this, no matter your level of enlightenment, the only way around it, is to remain stable and at peace with everything that is happening.  It will be very easy for you to get tangled up in the old drama, but at the same time you will find yourselves looking at everything from the distance with a new perspective in mind, armed with various tools to get you through. As the drama unfolds all around you, you will observe it from the still point of none-resistance. You will simply see the old you emerge and the new you balance everything out. You will do a little dance with your very own self, refusing to re-en-act everything that should stay in the past. You will make it through I know so, because you have been prepared very well for this week and the weeks to come.  

But going back to the actual Portal on the 4th of April. What is this portal going to mean to all of us. The message that I am receiving from the divine is that this portal is a portal of FREEDOM. Freedom from the past energies that have been holding humanity’s consciousness in the paradigms of the olden days. Ever since we have entered the photon belt a lot has begun to change, to transform to morph into something else. Much work has been done by all of us individually and collectively to get to this point. We all had to face our shadow selves, work on ourselves diligently to prepare for this year’s portals.

What will this mean for all of us? A great CHANGE, an incredible energy influx that will finally strip us from the old ways of thinking. We will be pushed and supported with all the upcoming changes that we will be making both individually and collectively. The way that we perceive everything from “conflicts” to “resolutions”, from the clothes that we wear, the place where we live, even our food choices are going to be different. Some of you are already feeling the effects of this energy influx. Our bodies are truly shifting rapidly, we require different food now, as the type of food that we do eat is not satisfying everything within us, and so we are craving for something else, and that something else, is pure energy from the cosmos. We are being led to discover that part of our diet is going to come directly from the energy that surrounds us daily. This may sound like a farfetched statement, however many of you are already noticing the effects of your body drawing energy from other sources and not just food.

Months leading up to this point have allowed us to revisit the past, make peace with it, and truly let go. And now we are drawn into the energy of tremendous change. NOW is the time to act and to do what is in our hearts. We must use this creative energy that is flowing rapidly to GAIA and is about to only increase with the coming of the blood moon on April 4th. We must use this energy to our advantage and stabilize our inner and outer realities. What we are about to experience is akin to what was happening in 2012 with a lot more souls fully awakening to their new identities, and taking their place right alongside us who have already awakened.

This is the time for CHANGE, time to restructure everything in our lives. For some it means moving, for others radically changing their vocations, family life. Do a complete overhaul of everything, for nothing will be the same. Our interaction with each other are going to become more honest and fruitful, which will lead to quite a lot of misunderstanding at first, as our actions will be quite different than what people were used to receive from us. But as we progress further, our sincerity in everything that we do will spark sincerity in others, thus building a web of new consciousness.

This is already underway as on and prior to March 20th many have been disconnected from the grids of the past and connected to a new platform. Hence many of you felt really tired, for many of you the old feelings that you thought you already dealt with have come back, etc, etc, but what is most important is how you have dealt with said changes, and how you will continue to deal with them, and that is with great dignity.

What I am being shown is that many of you have been able to make that leap forward and are fully ready to incorporate the new energies which are rapidly flowing to GAIA. Many are participating in these events even those that do not understand consciously that they are. There are many on this planet who are still working with an old agenda in mind of “destruction” however through their agenda of destruction and chaos, they are bringing more and more order to light.

What I am told is that there is absolutely nothing for you to worry about, as worry brings fear and the more fear you have the more energy that should be directed to light and stability is taken away from you. So please be confident and brave in the face of any such disinformation, as in reality everything that is happening is for the greater good of all involved.

There will be turbulence as I keep saying over and over again, but it will be short lived and is necessary in order to push things to the surface for us to deal with and understand. All of this energy influx both from the outside and inside will once again align our consciousness to a new grid, from which we will truly be able to examine both individually and collectively the new information that we are receiving and what to do with it.

Everything is changing rapidly for us now, and it’s important to stay with this energy, to stay in the know, stay grounded and observe everything without judgment. Once again the times are incredibly auspicious, please refrain from allowing negativity into your mind. Whatever we think of, we manifest. So let’s manifest positive outcomes in all situations both personal and global.

But going back to the blood moon. What I was shown is that various light beings and your very own higher selves are aligning across the globe, both inside the earth chambers, above the earth, and on earth in order to be ready for this influx of energy to occur, so that we can disperse this energy wisely and evenly throughout GAIA. Keep in mind that this is the 3rd blood moon and we still have a way to go for a radical shift which is coming up for us in September. However the way that we will handle everything NOW will encode what will happen THEN.

The earth is going through transitional periods and the new earth has already been built by us, if you remember we were informed of that last year and you can go back and re-read the channelings on my blog at www.SacredAscensionMerkaba.com . So the bridge has been built, but only the ones that were ready to cross it, the ones in the know could do so.

NOW starting the 20th of March everyone here on earth are capable of crossing over to this new earth, simply by letting go of the past, clearing their own karma and getting themselves off of this karmic wheel of life for planet earth. Speaking of which I am informed that all “dark” races of aliens have been removed from the earth and only their remnants remain in forms of implants and various controlling devices, which many are finally realizing that they have and are shedding them daily.

For those who aren’t able to do it themselves there is help available from healers worldwide who specialize in removing these various implants and other such devices.  And yes I specialize in doing this, but I encourage you to listen to your inner voice and apply your inner knowledge and might to dissolve these on your very own. Tune into your higher self and ask for assistance from your guides in removing said structural components.

Once again, the great new is that various malevolent races of beings have been removed as their contract with earth has ended, all that remains are implants, thought forms and entities which feed off of our energy. Which is great news, as we are the ones that can STOP these entities and thought forms from taking our energy simply by understanding that this exists and shifting our focus, reprogramming our mind and directing our energy onto the positive outcomes for ourselves and others. I talk about this very topic on my blog and how to deal with this. You can find an article on my blog by typing in “~Being aware of archon influence can help you get out of sticky situations~ into search or click here. 

And so we are entering a 7 year period where we are going to be given a chance to fully shed our old thinking patterns and move onto this beautiful new earth plane of existence. During this 7 year period we are going to see tremendous changes on this planet. Everything is going to change, our world will not be the same. This is a time when humanity will be given a chance to start everything over.

Once again the energy is very fruitful right now and many in the know will try and take that energy away from you, by feeding you false stories in the news about this or that catastrophe that’s about to unfold. Please always listen to your own intuition and you own heart, you already know the truth, follow what is within, focus on the positive and you will glide through these times with fervor and might.

Remember it is important to focus on the NOW moment as we are building our future, here and now. So once again take advantage of this new beginning and follow your path here on earth with confidence that all your endeavors will be met with great success!

Soleil, Shakani (Sassani)


Soleil, Shakani (Sassani) 
Contact Empowerer & Ambassador
Channeled By: Bridget Nielsen. 

Aku adalah temanmu, rekan anda. 
Aku melihat anda dari bintang-bintang dengan rasa sukacita dan kagum!
Rasakan cahaya keemasan yang kukirimkan dari sepenuh hati untuk anda. Ini adalah kebahagiaan untuk mengenal kesadaran anda, oh sweet one.

Intinya aku adalah kesadaran tak terbatas, cahaya bersinar yang ditemukan di dalam jiwa anda. Aku adalah refleksi cahaya abadi anda. Hal ini menjadi waktuku dan menyelaraskan untuk membantu dunia anda. Ini adalah momen berbagi sinar Matahari dengan mengontak anda, dan ini merupakan sinyal bahwa tahap berikutnya kontak telah dimulai.

Begitu banyak peristiwa dan perubahan di cakrawala anda, baik secara pribadi maupun koletif, pilihan dan kesempatan untuk sepenuhnya bias dari bayangan spektrum berkat. Aku mendengar bahwa untuk memudahkan transisi manusia adalah dengan kekuatan lembut dan keberanian, ini untuk melanjutkan kemudian pada kebangkitan. Karena kekuatanku ini aku ditugaskan ke Bumi untuk mengingatkan anda bahwa kekuatan terbesar membutuhkan sentuhan ringan.

Ini adalah tempatku dan tujuannya untuk membawa cahaya ketika hal ini sangat diperlukan. Di saat yang paling gelap, ketika semua yang anda lihat adalah abu-abu, aku di sini membantu spin berputar untuk mengatur dan menyeimbangkan frekuensi baru pada diri anda terbangun. 

contact symbol
Aku Soleil, seorang dari peradaban Shakani/Sassani. Aku bekerja dengan Cybo, sebagai bagian transisi dari manusia kepadatan 4, dimensi ke 5. Aku berhubungan dengan nomor 15, seperti Cybo no, 13 dan akan difokuskan di Bumi selama pada tahun 2015. Aku ditugaskan ke daerah sekitar Gunung Fuji (solar plexus Bumi) dan telah erat terlibat dalam menyeimbangkan di luar kekuasaan yang terjadi di Fukushima. Sumber getaran kekuatan sejati manusia sedang berubah di lokasi tersebut, oleh karena itu hubungi aku untuk memulai pemberdayaan template baru untuk dunia anda. AKu akan membantu di manapun dan dengan siapapun terbuka dan bersedia untuk transisi pemberdayaan template damai bagi dunia anda.

Ini melalui mikrokosmos kekuatan anda yang merupakan kemajuan pribadi anda bahwa aku mampu menggeser keseluruhan umat manusia dalam skala makro. Aku berterima kasih atas akses dan keindahan yang luar biasa dari kebangkitan anda, sebagai saksiku, untuk menjelaskan peran aku dengan berbagi pengalaman pada anda. Aku bersyukur atas obligasi dan hubungan kita. Mari kita lanjutkan dengan bergandengan tangan menuju jiwa kita yang terbangun. 

diterjemahkan Birru Sadhu

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Utilizing the Eclipse Energies - Memanfaatkan Energi Eclipse

Utilizing the Eclipse Energies - Memanfaatkan Energi Eclipse 
– Sanat Kumara – 3/24/15

Anda berada di waktu yang sangat menguntungkan. Anda terlibat dalam energi gerhana yang mempengaruhi setiap makhluk hidup termasuk Bumi. Berapa yang tergantung pada anda, niat anda, kendali anda dan keinginan untuk tidak menjadi diri anda sebelumnya. Ini bukan tentang menjadi orang baru atau tentang bagaimana meninggalkan tempat anda saat ini di Bumi. Ini adalah tentang bagaimana merangkul dan menyambut siapa diri anda sesungguhnya. Untuk melakukan hal itu anda harus bersedia untuk membatalkan dan bergerak melampaui semua yang tidak lagi berfungsi.

Ada hal-hal penting terjadi berkali-kali dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang telah memberikan suatu dorongan pada manusia yang sangat membutuhkan proses kenaikan. Peristiwa astrologi ditambah dengan kode waktu yang sempurna mengaktifkan ruang di dalam pikiran dan tubuh anda. Sesuatu yang sama pentingnya dengan yang ada bersama anda sekarang. Namun, harap dipahami bahwa semua ini akan membantu anda jika anda bertahan, bahwa dengan keyakinan atau hanya dengan kehilangan keyakinan lama dan menggabungkan yang baru anda peroleh saat kebangkitan.

Sekarang adalah waktunya untuk membiarkan semua itu pergi, melepaskan apapun yang menyebabkan anda merasakan ketegangan atau perselisihan di dalam tubuh anda. Ketika tubuh penuh dengan ketegangan, kemarahan, atau kecemasan maka anda tidak dapat memproses kode yang mengalir ke Bumi dengan benar. Inilah sebabnya mengapa begitu banyak yang kosong karena tubuh dipaksa untuk ditutup dan tidur dengan menutup kemungkinan masuknya kode menciptakan perubahan tanpa campur tangan ego dan pikiran untuk berpikir. Semakin anda melepaskan diri dari pikiran dan perilaku yang menyebabkan tubuh merasakan ketegangan, anda akan lebih lancar dalam menangani download tanpa tubuh anda harus beristirahat. 

Banyak yang sakit dan tidak nyaman pada saat ini. Beberapa berfungsi detoksifikasi yang dalam beberapa hal adalah cara untuk memaksa anda memperlambat, bahkan menghentikan, sehingga tubuh anda dapat menyerap semua yang bisa, pada periode waktu tercepat. Menghormati tubuh anda ketika butuh istirahat akan sangat membantu anda. Beberapa dari anda mengalami infeksi, nyeri atau sakit pada daerah tertentu pada tubuh. Ini adalah petunjuk yang mungkin anda tolak. Rongga sinus dan gigi adalah tentang membatasi keyakinan dan pemrograman lama. Apakah ada bagian dari anda yang menolak potensi tak terbatas anda? Paru-paru dan tenggorokan adalah karena sering emosi dan trauma mendalam. Apakah ada sesuatu atau seseorang, bahkan mungkin anda sendiri yang perlu memaafkan? Apakah ada kesedihan yang masih anda simpan? Punggung, bahu dan lutut juga area umum dan beberapa mengalami sakit. Kami bertanya pada anda, apakah selama ini anda tidak diakui? Apakah anda merasa seolah-olah anda memberatkan dunia? Apakah anda mengambil tanggung jawab untuk hal-hal yang tidak dapat anda kendalikan? Apakah anda tidak dapat menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada proses ini? Kami memberikan informasi ini, sehingga anda dapat melihat bagaimana anda menangani energi ini hingga anda dapat melihat tempat-tempat di mana anda masih menahannya.

Seperti yang sudah kami jelaskan dalam transmisi terakhir ini akan atau sudah terputus dari grid lama dan menghubungkan kembali ke yang baru. Kami berharap ini akan selesai pada tanggal 6 April 2015. Bagi mereka yang telah terhubung dengan jaringan baru, mereka mungkin menemukan bahwa pikiran dan perilaku yang perlu dirubah, perlu pemrograman ulang mereka menjadi sangat jelas. Mereka akan merasa asing atau tidak berada di tempat itu. Ini adalah kesempatan bagus untuk memilih melihat hal-hal yang berbeda, lakukan secara berbeda. Ini adalah waktu yang tepat meninggalkan semuanya di belakang dan memahami bahwa semuanya adalah untuk kebaikan tertinggi anda. Tidak ada di dunia anda ini yang belum disepakati oleh aspek tertinggi diri untuk belajar dan bertumbuh. Setelah anda memahami bahwa semua keindahan yang sudah diatur, bahkan ketika tampaknya sebuah kekacauan, anda semakin mengalami kedamaian. Setelah anda menyerah pada pengetahuan ini, maka anda akan menjadi pencipta utama anda untuk mencipta menjadi apa. 

Kami meminta untuk setiap orang harus sadar dari pikiran, perilaku dan rutinitas mereka. Lihatlah apa yang membantu anda atau yang tidak. Seringkali bukanlah orang lain atau keadaan yang menghalangi anda, tetapi keyakinan dan harapan orang lain di sekitar anda. Ini  adalah waktu yang kuat untuk menciptakan hal baru dalam hidup anda, ini untuk mendorong keterbatasan dan potensi anda. Bagi mereka yang mengalami berada di ujung, itulah awal baru yang akan dihadapi tanpa rasa takut, yaitu bahagia.

 Sampai waktu berikutnya.


diterjemahkan Birru Sadhu

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Penjelasan tentang energi saat ini dan pengalamannya

Explanation on the current energies & experience 
– Sanat Kumara – Chanelled by JennySchiltz
March 15, 2015 

Untuk beberapa tempat di dunia akan berubah dalam cara-cara yang selalu mereka harapkan. Mereka akan memasuki tahap lebih kepada cinta, perlahan menuju kemajuan persatuan, tapi dengan mantap berlanjut dalam kesehatan di Bumi. Semua pria, wanita, anak-anak, tanaman dan hewan dalam proses terputus dari grid lama di mana dualitas adalah norma tunggal dualitas sebagai sebuah pilihan. Proses ini sudah dimulai dan akan berakhir sebagai dampak dari setelah berlalunya peristiwa gerhana.

Bagi umum proses ini di Bumi, efek pemutusan dan penyambungan kembali tidak akan terasa. Sedangkan bagi yang lainnya efek ini berkisar agak sedikit tidak nyaman bahkan menyakitkan bagi yang sangat sensitif. Nyeri ekstrim bagian bawah (punggung bagian bawah, pinggul, lutut, pergelangan ankle/kaki) dapat dirasakan karena efek pemutusan literal dan ketidakmampuan tanah secara lengkap. Hal ini akan berlalu dan penyambungan kembali sebagai penahan ke dalam grid baru. Masalah pencernaan akan menjadi hal yang umum karena tubuh terus melepaskan diri dari kepadatan karbon. Hal ini akan sangat bermanfaat atas padatnya tubuh akan menentukan di mana anda akan dihubungkan kembali pada grid, yaitu grid yang berisi berbagai tingkatan yang naik ke atas. Banyak yang merasa kurang sehat, bingung, bahkan kuatir dan mereka merasa menjadi hampa. Beberapa orang mungkin merasa takut, cemas atau depresi di saat ini. Ketahuilah bahwa tubuh dan pikiran anda mungkin bingung dengan perubahan dan mengirimkan sinyal bahwa semuanya tidaklah baik. Pergilah ke ruang hati anda, komunikasikanlah dengan jiwa anda dan ketahuilah semuanya baik-baik saja. Kami menjamin anda bahwa ini adalah periode singkat bahwa pemandu anda, malaikat-malaikat, dan pribadi tinggi anda sedang bekerja pada kecepatan untuk melepaskan dan menyambungkan anda kembali dalam waktu secepat mungkin.

Energi datang ke Bumi akan mempercepat semua yang terjadi dalam sekali menghubungkan anda ke jaringan baru. Bagi mereka yang masih dalam dualitas ini akan ditingkatkan sehingga pola energik dapat dilihat dan berakhir lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Bagi mereka yang telah melakukan pekerjaan dan merilis kendala mereka yang telah mereka munculkan akan menerima dorongan yang cukup besar dalam perkembangan mereka. Secara harfiah seolah-olah jalan yang menyimpang menjadi dua, meskipun masih di jalan yang sama hanya berbeda tingkat pertumbuhannya. Setiap orang akan membuat keputusan berdasarkan kebaikan tertinggi mereka bahkan mereka tidak menyadari kenyataan ini. Bagi beberapa yang masih menginginkan pengalaman belajar luar biasa yang diberikan oleh dualitas, mereka akan tetap di wilayah itu. Bagi mereka yang siap untuk meninggalkan dualitas dan berada di balik pencarian netralitas yang diberkati, mereka akan melihat diri mereka dikelilingi oleh hati dan jiwa. Ini adalah kelompok yang akan mulai merasakan dan menciptakan energi Bumi baru dalam kesatuan dan cinta. Kelompok ini yang akan membantu menarik orang lain melewati lapisan grid.

Sambil mengamati dualitas yang terus meningkat di sekitar, anda akan kesulitan, ketahuilah bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja dan setiap jiwa telah memilih apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk kemajuannya saat ini. Bagi mereka yang akan pindah grid dan menyertakannya pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi pada pekerjaan mereka secara harfiah akan menjadi contoh bagi orang lain. Mereka akan menunjukkan pada orang lain bahwa ada pilihan sebagai cara lain untuk menjadikannya. Pahamilah bahwa ada pilihan dan hanya jiwa yang dapat memilih kapan saatnya untuk meninggalkan dualitas dan pelajaran usang untuk hal yang baru, yaitu pelajaran kesadaran yang diperluas. Bahkan bagi mereka yang menyertakan tingkat yang lebih tinggi masih akan mengalami pertumbuhan dan pelajaran dari yang lebih tinggi, perspektif yang lebih terpadu. Proses kenaikan adalah sebuah perjalanan yang tidak berakhir, namun dimulai pada tingkat yang baru saat anda telah mencapai akhir siklus.

Ini adalah waktu yang menyenangkan, sebagai salah satu yang telah datang selama ribuan tahun. Bersukacitalah dalam perubahan karena ini adalah waktu yang telah anda tunggu. Ini adalah tahap memasuki mengingat siapa anda. 

Diterjemahkan oleh Birru Sadhu

Receiving New Frequencies

Receiving New Frequencies
Quan Yin – Galactic Brotherhood
March 11, 2015
Channeled by Jenny Schiltz

Banyak dari anda sekarang bertanya-tanya apa yang sedang terjadi. Banyak cara di dalam realitas telah anda ketahui sebelumnya sedang berubah. Beberapa dari anda ini adalah perubahan besar saat anda bergerak sejalan secara alami. Bagi yang lain merupakan perubahan kecil, namun mendalam seperti misalnya anda menyelaraskan nafas, setiap pikiran dengan kebaikan tertinggi anda. Banyak dari anda merasakan jilatan api Matahari karena mereka meledak, dan anda bisa merasakan perubahan dalam tubuh anda dan tahu persis reaksinya. Sekarang anda mungkin merasakan reaksinya yang serupa, namun yang lebih intens bukan dari jilatan api Matahari yang telah dipancarkan. Hal ini yang menimbulkan kebingungan dan tidak meyakinkan apa yang telah berubah di dunia anda. Matahari bukanlah satu-satunya sumber kode Cahaya, namun program frekuensi sedang membantu mempercepat evolusi manusia. Anda juga sedang menerima informasi dari sistem bintang Sirius dan Lyrian.

Download ini dirasakan berbeda bagi setiap orang. Bagi mereka yang bekerja dengan keyakinan usang beserta lampirannya dan keterbatasan akan dirasakan berat dan penuh emosional. Dalam hal ini program frekuensi ini membantu anda melepaskan jejak karbon tersebut dengan menunjukkan pada anda apa yang harus berubah dalam dunia anda. Jika anda jeli dan menyadari bahwa semua emosi dan rasa sakit itu menjadi keuntungan anda, anda akan memunculkan persis seperti apa yang dibutuhkan untuk penyembuhan. Setiap saat anda dapat mendeklarasikan diri atas apa yang dilakukan dengan pola pikir, keyakinan atau keadaan tertentu. Setelah anda melakukan dengan sangat jelas apa yang ada dalam diri anda bahwa anda tidak lagi membutuhkannya lagi untuk percaya atau merasakan dengan cara-cara tertentu, maka alam semesta akan membantu anda untuk melepaskan diri dari cara-cara yang tidak sejalan lagi dengan kebaikan tertinggi anda. Pahamilah bahwa perubahan radikal, penulisan ulang keyakinan akan membutuhkan waktu dan dedikasi yang merupakan bagian dari anda.

Lemah lembutlah dengan banyak hal kepercayaan, perilaku dan pemrograman yang membatasi secara mendalam yang telah tertanam dalam jiwa anda. Hal ini sudah sangat menumpuk seperti menggali lapisan-lapisan tersendiri. Bayangkan seperti penggalian arkeologi. Pada lapisan atas hanya tulang-tulang kecil yang terangkat, tetapi karena anda mengikis pasir-pasir, sedikit demi sedikit, maka anda kemudian akan melihat susunan tulang yang lebih lengkap. Dan akhirnya setelah banyak lapisan ini terkikis anda akan melihat keseluruhan rangka dan bisa menghilangkan seluruhnya. Kami meminta anda untuk tidak putus asa dan berhenti setelah menggali sebagian kecil. Dengan memahami bahwa setiap potongan anda itu dapat menyembuhkan dan bekerja yang merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan dan anda bukan telah gagal dengan memiliki dan meninjau kembali masalah yang sama beberapa kali. Anda hanya cukup mengekspos semua aspek masalah hingga dapat anda menghapus seluruhnya.

Beberapa dari anda yang berada dalam frekuensi Sirius dan Lyrian merasa lebih ringan dan bercahaya. Mereka membantu tubuh anda untuk benar-benar mengubah diri dari karbon yang berdasarkan pada satu kristal. Semakin banyak karbon, kepadatannya akan meninggalkan tubuh fisik kendaraan anda dengan lebih radikal perubahannya yang akan berlangsung di lingkungan anda. Sementara perubahan ini bisa menjadi sulit seperti gangguan pencernaan dan sakit kepala umum, perasaan gembira dan ini mestinya dirasakan. Seperti tubuh anda yang berubah anda mulai mengingat betapa kuatnya anda. Manifestasi akan datang lebih mudah, sinkronisitas akan menjadi norma yang membantu memandu jalan anda. Banyak dari anda belum merasa terinspirasi dan dipandu dalam waktu yang lama sehingga penangguhan memperbaiki diri bahkan untuk gejala fisik juga tertahan. Sistem chakra anda juga ditingkatkan dalam tingkat tubuh cahaya anda. Semakin tinggi untuk jantung, tenggorokan, mata ketiga dan cakra mahkota, ini mungkin akan dirasakan seperti rasa aneh dan menyakitkan. Ini sama sekali tidak ada yang salah, anda hanya harus menyelaraskan diri anda dengan siapa diri anda sesungguhnya.

Untuk gelombang pertama, ini adalah waktu yang luar biasa, tahap penyelesaian untuk beberapa dan yang lainnya mungkin sebagai perasaan awal dari sebuah perjalanan yang menakjubkan. Namun, di gelombang berikutnya dan untuk beberapa gelombang pertama masih merupakan waktunya pergolakan dan perubahan. Bagian dari peran gelombang pertama ini adalah untuk menyinari dalam gelap, begitu gelombang selanjutnya. Berbagilah apa yang sedang anda kerjakan untuk membantu tetapi perlu diingat bahwa perjalanan masing-masing orang berbeda. Apa yang bekerja untuk anda mungkin tidak bekerja bagi orang lain. Tugas anda hanya menunjukkan cinta dan kasih sayang bagi orang lain dan bersinar terang.

Dengan segala cinta dan penghargaan,

Quan Yin

Diterjemahkan Birru Sadhu

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

A short update on the Equinox eclipse energies

The Constant Companions 
A short update on the Equinox eclipse energies
March 18, 2015

Once again you stand before a momentous occasion, one where you will benefit greatly from a coinciding of two celestial events. For this time, at the time of the year when the placement of the celestial body that you inhabit relative to your Sun’s seems to put everyone in a state of perceived balance, you will be visited by another event that will affect the impact the energies that these two simultaneous events will have, not just on you, but on all. You see, this upcoming instance of the Moon covering the entire width of your Sun will have a profound effect on all, as it will greatly enhance the amount of beneficial energetic missives that will be able to penetrate all the way into your system.

Again our words may seem to be unduly convoluted, but what we are trying to convey to you all is this; it is not by accident that this upcoming solar obscuration will coincide with the date that you call the Equinox. For on this day of perceived balance, the Moon’s obscuration of the Sun’s disc will serve to ignite quite a few energetic connectors within you all, connectors which have been lying dormant waiting for just this moment to arrive. Again, this will not be news to any of you. After all, what is this journey if not a seemingly endless succession of such ignitions and activations? But this time, it will be a series of events that in turn will serve to put everything into a very new perspective indeed – and yes, we do mean that in every sense of the word.

You see, as the Sun’s rays will seem to be lessened by the encroaching presence of the Moon, what will in effect happen, is that all of the energy that does not constitute the visual part of the sunlight will be greatly enhanced. This may sound counter intuitive in many ways, but this is indeed what will happen. 

For as you are perhaps aware of already, what comes your way by way of the Sun does not necessarily originate there. Rather, it comes through the Sun, and so in this instance, it would be more fitting to think of the Sun as a portal for added enlightenment rather than as a singular specimen of celestial matter defined by its outer limits and its placement in the fabric of space. For the Sun is a multi-dimensional receptacle for all sorts of energetic transmissions, and as such, during that phase when the self-generated energy of the Sun herself will be dimmed out by the helpful intervention of the Moon, all of these other and more remotely engendered missives of energetically enhanced information will be able to come through much more efficiently, rather like the clear sound of a bell will be easier to perceive once all of the background noise has been brought down to a minimum.

So too will it be during that period of hush that will be generated during the time of the solar eclipse, and even if this blocking out of the light will only be visible from a small part of your globe, the effect this will have will indeed be a global one. Nor will it be confined to the period of the obscuration itself. Rather, that can be seen as the period of the actual inception, and so, all of the beneficial effects this advanced acceleration will have on you may not be immediately noticeable by all, but we do venture to guess that you will all in some ways feel the effects these two closely interlocked events will have on your physical system. Again, any discomfort will only be temporary, as by now, your physical vehicles are well up to par on every criteria. But as always, the perception you will have of this may differ, as the outer layers of your being may still be more perceptive to disturbances than that by now rock solid core of yours.

So again we say know that all is well even if the incoming swells will be more than enough to knock quite a few of you off your feet for shorter or longer periods of time, so just allow yourself to be taken to a point of utter stillness at times. And remember, even though your physical vehicle is indeed an extremely resilient one, it still needs all the support you can give it during these extra strenuous times, so make sure to listen well to any suggestions it may have as to what you can do to assist it, whether that be in the way of dietary needs, physical exertion or lack thereof.

So once again we say stay centered, and stay calm, but stay alert to the needs of your body, because that is the best way to ride these swells that you all have ahead of you. And again, remember that no matter how high the waves may become, they can never disturb the total equilibrium that is always there within you, under the seemingly endless undulations of the more shallow parts of you that constitutes merely the uppermost crust of what is in fact a resonant, compliable and indestructible crucible that is you in all of your glory. So fret not, even if you at times will feel almost reduced to the faintest whisper of who you really are, for now, you will all soon find back to that mighty voice that IS you, and soon, you will all find out just how it is you will be called to let it all out, in the mightiest, most magnificent of roars that will serve to awaken All.

https://aishanorth.wordpress.com/ heart emotikon

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Sheldan Nidle - March 3, 2015

10 Ik, 0 Ceh, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We come forth with news that we have long waited to tell you! The energies for the beginnings of the delivery schedule are finally at hand. This process took some divine time to achieve. Our earthly allies feel confident that a restart to all delivery programs can be put into place. The various systems required for this are now in working order and a new international banking system is ready to see that deliveries happen. Thus, the first necessary step in putting aside the old order is ready. The other connected in this supply line are ready as well to perform their various duties. Your realm is to begin a vast transformation. Your prosperity is therefore to be in your hands shortly. These exchanges of funds are quickly to create the conditions needed to bring forth new governance. This, in turn, is going to eventually permit the formal recognition of our existence. All of these various actions are finally to put you on a much faster track to full consciousness. The dark cabal’s many delaying tactics are done and we are most happy to see the termination of their vile schemes. You are approaching a new watershed in your liberation from millennia of slavery!

This newfound freedom is to propel you forward to a series of new revelations, which are to rapidly transform your world. A vast reset of your global currency system is to be overseen by this new global financial system. The enormous debt that this world has floated on is to disappear. In fact, debt as you have known it is to be transformed. A global jubilee is to release a great energy, which is to bring you new inventions in medicine, science and travel. These devices are to permit your various societies to conquer disease, re-invent your sciences and travel easily to the most distant parts of your world! You are to enjoy a great prosperity and receive some wonderful teachings from your Ascended Masters. This massive education is to take you away from the lies that presently “color” your world. You are to use this wisdom to get a whole host of new perceptions about your origins and learn how the cabal manipulated your realm over time. All of this new knowledge is truly to serve you well. What then remains are our landings and your repair of millennia of damage to Gaia’s surface realm.

What you are collectively to accomplish is to transform the world where you reside. Everywhere on your planet’s surface, the signs of your mistreatment of Gaia’s surface are evident. As this new technology comes on board, you need to adjust your concepts of how your societies operate. Manufacturing and farming need to gradually be toned down and a massive restructuring of how your cities work is to become quite vital. The re-distribution of wealth is to set in place a new definition of who you are and how you relate to Gaia. The vast amount of pollution found in Gaia’s water, land and atmosphere are to be cleaned up. What you eat and how you live needs to be looked at anew. The new governance is to supply a grand plan for these. This plan truly requires your input and suggestions. Each of you possesses an inner wisdom that needs to be fully expressed. This grand exchange can produce a real dialogue, which can produce a plan that takes all possible problems into account and easily resolves them. Out of this can be forged the actions that show how much each of you has grown.

When we arrive, we wish to see a global society that is assuming its many responsibilities to grow and transform. Such a society is, in effect, dynamic and capable of even more inner searching. Long ago, your ancestors were a lively group that even took on the powers that were in ancient Atlantis. It is this energy, which is to create a most original and creative galactic society. This energy was throttled, first by the Atlanteans and then by the Anunnaki and their appointed minions. A new set of energies can finally finish what the Atlanteans temporarily stopped. You are a most vibrant people who are now trapped in the age old “customs” of your much-manipulated societies. These “realities” are to be transformed and you are to return to ways that now seem impossible to you. Our wish for you is that you take this new freedom and channel it in ways that help your planet, your environment and yourselves. Hence, be prepared to open your heart and mind to those things that at present may seen somewhat “out of the ordinary.” A new world is truly at hand!

Namaste! We are your ascended Masters! We come, dear hearts, with good news! Our associates intend to begin deliveries of many items necessary to bring forth your abundance. These programs are to establish a new and unencumbered way of effortlessly moving these prosperity and humanitarian funds around. This system is designed to easily catch those who illegally wish to pass laundered or dirty monies. This new system ends the logjam created by the dark Cabal’s system. Many other things are being instituted as well that are to permit a new jubilee for all. It is our intent to see that new monies backed by gold are given to you. These are to be replaced shortly with a special system that makes any accumulated debt just about impossible. The key is to move toward abundance and joy! Various technologies as well are ready to be introduced, which end the days of money. This moneyless society is to emphasize the rise of the replicator.

These technologies are to free you from the numerous forms of debt slavery now prevalent on this world. One of the greatest tests for humanity is to learn that the universe provides what you need in abundant form. We have all, at one time or another, lived in a society in which most of us were poor and daily believed that our abundance was impossible. This belief is now to end. You are ready to learn about abundance. It takes many forms, but what is truly required is a simple positive belief that your abundance is given to you as a birthright. In fact, Heaven daily asks your inner self for what type of abundance you deem possible. Hence, be positive and deeply ask for this so the heavenly universe can comply. Thus, it is vital that you discard any concept of either unworthiness or lack. You do deserve abundance and a life where you are helped and where you help each other.

As we have been saying, you are a wondrous Being, deserving of all the wonder and attention that you dearly wish. Likewise, you need to bestow this energy on others. Most of all, Gaia needs your attention and support. We ask you to spread your great Love to each other. Use this time to envelope causes that aid Gaia and support each other. This is to be a time of growing wealth for you. Use this wealth to aid this world, each other and yourselves. As the dark fades, rejoice and know deeply inside what Heaven expects of you. This is, of course, divine service – simple, unselfish actions. We can cite divine parables, but this is not necessary. Be in joy and relish this time and these amazing opportunities. You can then spread a vast web of your own Light, which connects and intertwines with others! This time is thus the beginning of a most welcomed reality! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today we continued with our message! Let this extraordinary time start to fill you with its many special blessings! Let this time as well be one in which you rise out of stress and frustration and transform to utter joy and great success! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat JA! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)